19th C. Wedgwood Black Basalt Bust of MercuryEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(210)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
WEDGWOOD Cobalt Blue Jasperware JardinierePremier Auction Galleries4.4(331)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
A set of twelve Wedgwood porcelain dinner platesAndrew Jones Auctions4.7(208)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Twenty four Wedgwood glazed earthenware platesAndrew Jones Auctions4.7(208)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
(3 Pc) Wedgwood Black Basalt Jasperware Porcelain Grouping SetAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF 19WEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF 19, each having sprig molded designs including figural, classical, and foliate decorations, including one black basalt vase having Egyptian motif featuringSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF 19WEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF 19, each having sprig molded designs including figural, classical, and foliate images, including a 7 7/8" D bowl, two commemorative plates including one feSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF FOURWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF FOUR, each having white sprig molded classical and figural designs, comprising two bolted urn and vase examples having detailed Bacchus masks to either sidSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF SIXWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF SIX, each having sprig molded figural and classical designs, comprising three low-bellied vases with blue ground, a cylindrical vase with green ground, a fSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVEWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, all with dark blue ground and white sprig molded figural and classical designs; pitcher, candle holder, and rectangular tray marked "WEDGWOOD" and "ESee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF FOURWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF FOUR, each having blue ground with white classical figures and foliate motifs, comprising one syrup jug, one covered dish, one muffineer/sugar shaker, andSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVEWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, comprising a teapot, two creamers/small pitchers, and a silver-plated salad fork and spoons serving set with sterling bolsters and ceramic handles. TSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF 16WEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF 16, each having white sprig molded classical and figural designs, comprising a three-piece jewelry set with sterling silver settings including screw-back eSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF SIXWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF SIX, comprising one pitcher/creamer, one covered sugar dish, and two open sugar bowls, all with dark blue ground; and one pitcher/creamer and one open sugaSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF FOURWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF FOUR, each having blue ground with white classical figures and foliate motifs, comprising one cylindrical vase, two vases with narrow necks, and one covereSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVEWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, comprising two low, bellied pitchers/creamers, one covered sugar dish, and two cameos in frames; all with light blue ground and white sprig molded fiSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF TENWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF TEN, each having blue ground with white sprig molded classical and figural designs, including two candlesticks, two pitchers, four covered cylindrical jarsSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF EIGHTWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF EIGHT, each having a solid ground with classical figures, comprising a pair of small green jardinieres, a green covered jar/container, a green 4 3/8" D plaSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF THREEWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, comprising one conical pitcher with molded twist handle and one straight-sided tankard with flared foot, both with dark blue ground, and one toothpiSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF THREEWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, each having white sprig molded classical and figural designs, comprising a circular glass paper weight featuring cameo of Charles Dickens on light bSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF THREEWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, each having deep blue ground with white classical figures and foliate motifs, comprising one oblong match safe/case with striker on underside of lidSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF FOURWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF FOUR, each having blue ground with white classical figures and foliate motifs, comprising two dishes/boxes, one egg-shaped box, and one canister/jar. EachSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF FOURWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF FOUR, each having light blue ground with white classical figures, comprising one teacup and saucer set, one plate, and one oval plaque with grapevine bordeSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC TEA ARTICLES, LOT OF 21WEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC TEA ARTICLES, LOT OF 21, each having sprig molded figural and classical designs, comprising a teapot, a covered sugar, three creamers, five cup and saucer sets, five handleSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC TEA ARTICLES, LOT OF SEVENWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC TEA ARTICLES, LOT OF SEVEN, each having dark blue ground with white sprig molded classical and figural designs, comprising a covered cylindrical form teapot, five cup and sSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF 18WEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF 18, each having white sprig molded figural and classical designs, including three pitchers, six creamers, two covered sugars, and one beaker cup, eacSee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC TEA ARTICLES, LOT OF TENWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC TEA ARTICLES, LOT OF TEN, each having blue ground with white sprig molded classical and figural designs, comprising a matching teapot and covered sugar, each having silver-See Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC TEA ARTICLES, LOT OF FOURWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC TEA ARTICLES, LOT OF FOUR, each having deep blue ground with white classical figures and foliate motifs, comprising one teapot, two covered sugars, and one creamer. Each wiSee Sold Price
SoldENGLISH WEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC CHILDREN'S TOY TEAENGLISH WEDGWOOD JASPERWARE CERAMIC CHILDREN'S TOY TEA ARTICLES, LOT OF 13, comprising two miniature pink and blue tea sets with pieces including covered teapots, covered sugars, creamers, and oval trSee Sold Price
Wedgwood Jasperware Set of 5 Vintage Pieces - Heart , Square Trinket BoxsAlice Callahan Auction House4.5(58)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Wedgwood Jasperware Set of 3 Vintage Pieces - Heart , Round Trinket BoxsAlice Callahan Auction House4.5(58)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Wedgwood Jasperware Large Round Egyptian Themed Trinket BoxAlice Callahan Auction House4.5(58)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Ceramic Wedgwood Jasperware Club Shaped AshtrayLakeland Antique Bazaar4.7(859)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A Ceramic Wedgwood Jasperware Club Shaped AshtrayLakeland Antique Bazaar4.7(859)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A Ceramic Wedgwood Jasperware Club Shaped AshtrayLakeland Antique Bazaar4.7(859)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A Ceramic Wedgwood Jasperware Club Shaped AshtrayLakeland Antique Bazaar4.7(859)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A Ceramic Wedgwood Jasperware Club Shaped AshtrayLakeland Antique Bazaar4.7(859)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A Ceramic Wedgwood Jasperware Club Shaped AshtrayLakeland Antique Bazaar4.7(859)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Lg. Lot of Wedgwood Green Jasperware Porcelain.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(337)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Lot of Wedgwood Green Jasperware Serving Items.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(337)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Lot of Assorted Wedgwood Jasperware- Lighters, etcDirect Auction Galleries 4.7(337)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Wedgwood Green Jasper-Ware Shamrock Ashtray Or Candy DishRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024