SoldTOOTSIETOY 5210 COMMERCIAL SETcontains 4634 Supply Truck, 2 #1019 Jumbo Pick Ups, 1040 Ladder Truck, 1042, Insurance Patrol, 1041 Pumper, restored, 120 Pick Up, 123 Delivery, 1009 Shell, 722 Airplane, 1006 Standard, orig box & insSee Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 5210 COMMERCIAL SETcontains 1009 Shell Tanker, 722 United DC-4, 1007 Sinclair Tanker, 123 Delivery, 121 Pick Up, 1042 Insurance Patrol, 1019 Jumbo Pick Up, 1042 Insurance Patrol, 1040 Hook & Ladder, 1027 Jumbo Wrecker,See Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 5210 COMMERCIAL SETcontains 1041 Hose Car, 1027 Jumbo Wrecker, yellow & brown, 1040 Hook & Ladder, 1042 Insurance Patrol, 1019 Jumbo Pick Up, 2 tires flat, 1042 Insurance Patrol, 2nd type, 121 Ford Pick Up, 123 DeliverySee Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY NO. 5210 COMMERCIAL SETBoxed set includes eleven assorted commercial vehicles, from fire ladder and oil trucks to a Super Main Liner airplane, vibrant paint colors, original $1.00 price handwritten on corner of lid. 10'' xSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Boxed TOOTSIETOY Set 5210 Commercial SetSet includes 2 Fire Ladder Trucks, 1 gold ladder broken, missing 1 ladder; 2 Large Pick-up; Small Pick-up; Delivery Van; United 4-prop plane; 2 Standard Oil Trucks; Fire Water Cannon, restoration; MilSee Sold Price
SoldTootsietoy Commercial Set #5210an 11 pc. set in exceptional condition: toys, box and insert (slight edge wear to lid, 4 minor tears to insert). Ex The Donald Kaufman Collection box 15" x 10"See Sold Price
Sold4 Empty Tootsietoy Set Boxes, Plus5210 Commercial Set; 650 Army Set; 5031; 7500 Planes; Plus an unusual Tootsietoy Shipping Box. No inserts. This lot contains NO vehicles. Examine photos for conditionSee Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 5210 TRUCKS SETcontains 805, 1019, 801, 1045, 1027, 123, 804, w/4 wheels, 121, 191, orig box & insert minor wear, C6-9.See Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 5210 TRUCK SET802 Domaco, 121 Pick Up, 1019 Jumbo Pick Up, 191 Contractor 4-piece set, 123 Delivery, 801 Express, 810 4-wheel Coal, 1045 Greyhound bus, 1027 Jumbo Wrecker, orig box minor wear, w/repro insert, C5-7.See Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 5210 TRUCKS SET804 4-wheel Coal, 801 Express, 191 Contractor 4-piece set, 1019 Jumbo Pick Up, 802 Domaco, 810 Wrigley’s, w/long slots in back, 806 Wrecker, w/badge, orig box worn, w/2 inserts, C5-8.See Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 5210 TRUCKS SETcontains Jumbos 1019, 1027, 1045, 1019 & 191 Contractor's Set, all 3 tipple wagons have die cast pops, 801, 123, 1042, 121, orig box & insert, top worn, C5-8.See Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 5210 TRUCKS SETincludes 1045 Greyhound Bus, 1027 Wrecker, 2 #1019 Pickup Trucks, 123 Special Delivery Van, 1 has a die cast pop on fender, 191 Mack Contractors Truck w/3 Dump Cars, 1 dump car has 3 internal die castSee Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 5210 TRUCK SETcontains 802 Mack Domaco Tanker, 1019 Jumbo Pick Up, 801 Mack Stake Truck, 804 Mack Coal Truck, 4-wheel version, 806 Graham Wrecker, 810 Mack Wrigley's Truck, w/slots in rear for gum, 191 Mack ContracSee Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 5210 TRUCKS SETcontains 2 #1019 Jumbo Pick Ups, 2 tires worn, 801 Mack Stake Truck, back warped, tires flat, 1027 Jumbo Wrecker, 1045 Greyhound Bus, 1 tires flat, 121 Box Truck, 191 Mack Contractors Wagon w/3 Dumps,See Sold Price
SoldLarge Boxed Tootsietoy Truck Set 5210Deluxe set including Jumbo size Pick-up; Mack Utility truck; Domaco Fuel truck; Wrigley's Gum truck, 1 flat tire; Construction train set; Fuel truck; Wrecker (C6+) & Tootsietoy Motor Club Badge. All sSee Sold Price
SoldTootsietoy Truck Set #5210a 12 pc set including Contractors Trailer Set, 3 larger scale pickup trucks, etc. in box with original insert (lid a bit dirty with edge wear, insert stained with some breaks). Ex The Donald Kaufman CSee Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 5210 TRUCKScontains 804 City Fuel, chassis & bumper repaired, 806 Graham Wrecker, 806 Wrigley's Truck, bumper tip broken, 191 Mack Contractor's Set w/3 different colored trailers, 804 Mack Express, Badge, 1019 JSee Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY TRUCKS NO. 5210Boxed set includes top and bottom insert, extensive grouping of trucks and vehicles. Box 10" x 15".See Sold Price
Scarce Tootsietoy De Luxe Motors Auto Set.Early pre-war set with beautiful, scarce, and colorful original box. Box includes insert and ten pre-war Tootsietoy vehicles. Vehicle include ambulance, tow truck, commercial Tire & Supply truck, andSee Sold Price
Sold4 TOOTSIETOY ORIG SET BOXESall are empty, 5220 Army, 5210 Trucks w/1 insert, 2 #650 Army, each has an insert, C4-6.See Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 5360 BILD-A-CAR SETcontains 5 Grahams, 2 Coupes, 2 Sedans, Commercial Tire Van, unassembled, all grilles are tarnished, orig box minor wear, some tape on 1 corner, C8.See Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 5360 BILD-A-CAR SET1933, contains 2 Graham Sedans, 2 Graham Coupes, Commercial Tire Van, all unassembled, all grilles tarnished, orig box & insert minor wear, C8-9.See Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 5360 BILD-A-CAR SET1933, contains 2 Graham Sedans, 2 Graham Coupes, Commercial Tire Van, all unassembled, all grilles tarnished, missing insert box for tires & axles, orig box & insert minor wear, C8.See Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 5300 DELUXE MOTORS SETcontains Commercial Tire Van, 809 Ambulance, missing 1 tire, 513 Sedan, 616 Town Car, 515 Convertible Sedan, 806 Wrecker, 512 Coupe, 511 Roadster, 712 LaSalle Coupe, 713 LaSalle Sedan, all have some pSee Sold Price
TOOTSIETOY MIDGETS 0510 SETS PLANES, TRUCKS ORIGINAL BOX 1930SJ Auctioneers4.5(166)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Clint Eastwood 'Dirty Harry' Film Cell Framed DisplayShakespeare Auctions4.3(1)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Vintage TootsieToy NY Central Train Set w/Cracker Jack & Texaco - New In BoxWestside Traders Emporium4.5(34)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Tootsietoy Pan American Airways No. 4310 Die-Cast SetMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024