Maitland-Smith (British) Painted White Metal Sculptural Clock, H 32" W 10" Depth 12"DuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
SoldGeorgian Tall Case ClockA Georgian tall case clock with broken-arch pediment bonnet over a long case with arched door, flanked by reeded quarter columns, with a lower raised panel, raised on bracket feet. The steel and brassSee Sold Price
SoldGeorgian Tall Case ClockGeorgian tall case clock with 8-day works, signed Richard Newman Lynn, 93"h. W.A.I. does not guarantee clocks or watches to be complete or in working condition.See Sold Price
SoldMahogany Georgian tall case clock with painted dialMahogany Georgian tall case clock with painted dial, arched 8 day movement, case with spiral turned columns flanking the door, raised on a bracket base, 85" hSee Sold Price
SoldGeorgian Tall Case ClockA Georgian tall case clock with a painted steel dial decorated with a bird and floral motif, and a case with shaped door, over a raised-panel base on bracket feet. 92in tall x 19-1/2in wide x 9-1/2inSee Sold Price
SoldGeorgian Tall Case ClockA Georgian tall case clock by Thomas Walker, Strathaven, with a mahogany case and brass dial. 82 in tall x 22 in wide at bonnet x 14 in wide at the waist x 9-1/2 in deep.See Sold Price
Sold18th Century Scottish Georgian Tall Case Clock by John18th Century Scottish Georgian Tall Case Clock by John Lan. Broken scroll and foliate arch pediment; brass finials; brass face and dial; the case inlaid with 'I.Y. - I.B. / 1776'; with four weights anSee Sold Price
SoldBenjamin Peers Georgian Tall Case Clock.Late 18th century. Chester, England. The inlaid mahogany and oak bonnet with swan's neck pediment termination in rosettes centering a baluster turned finial above the arched door, flanked by square reSee Sold Price
SoldGeorgian Tall Case ClockGeorgian Tall Case Clockearly 19th century, mahogany and mahogany veneers, the hood, incorporating swan's neck pediment and frieze with decorative light wood inlay, is supported by fully turned flutedSee Sold Price
SoldMahogany Georgian tall case clock, rounded bonnet topMahogany Georgian tall case clock, rounded bonnet top with brass finials, 8 day brass movement with painted steel dial, inset fluted quarter columns, c 1790-1810, 90 1/2" tall, 18-1/2" w, 9-1/2" dSee Sold Price
Georgian tall case clock, painted faceGeorgian tall case clock, painted face, 88"h x 19"wSee Sold Price
SoldGeorgian tall case clockGeorgian tall case clock, the highly figured case executed in tiger maple, the finial capped pediment top with rosette carved accents housing the brass movement marked Birmingham fronted with a paintSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGIAN TALL CASE CLOCKEnglish, late 18th century. Hood with foliate swan neck pediment, covering the painted metal dial with Roman numerals and a second subsidiary dial, above the long crossbanded door at the waist, on ogeSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGIAN TALL CASE CLOCKMahogany with inlay, silver dial eight day time and strike movement, England, ca. 1800; 87"See Sold Price
SoldA Georgian Tall Case Clockhaving a Chinoiserie decorated case, a shaped crest and turned finials, a silvered chapter ring mounted on a brass ground with scrolled spandrels, and also containing a second dial and day of the montSee Sold Price
SoldA Georgian Tall Case Clockthe case having Chinoiserie decoration, the hood having a shaped top with acorn finials, the face having a silvered chapter ring with hours in Roman numerals and a minute ring, a dial for seconds andSee Sold Price
Sold18th century Georgian tall case clock,engraved brass dial, signed "John Stanclif", hood with stepped pediment and turned columns, case door with side lock, original feet, with weights and period pendulum, 86-1/2 x 21 x 11 in. Lacking finiSee Sold Price
SoldScottish Georgian tall case clock,painted arched dial inscribed "Ja. Rodger, Aberdeen", oak, mahogany and ash case with broken arch pediment and inlaid rosettes, with period weight and pendulum, 19th century, 77-1/2 x 19-3/4 x 10 in.See Sold Price
SoldGeorgian Tall Case ClockGeorgian tall case clock, brass dial with movement by Ben Peers, Chester, case featuring fluted columns, 103 inches.See Sold Price
Fine Georgian tall case clockA fine Liverpool or Northern English tall clock, about 93" in overall height, with stringing and cross banding inlay as well as inlay medallions. The dial of high quality with painted figures depictinSee Sold Price
SoldA English Georgian Tall Case Clock,mahogany and mahogany veneer with inlays, having a molded broken scroll pediment with brass rosettes, over faux reeded corner columns mounted in brass, an astragal top glass door over a painted face mSee Sold Price
SoldMahogany Georgian tall case clock, 8 day painted dialMahogany Georgian tall case clock, 8 day painted dial movement, signed E Brown, Beverly, 78" tallSee Sold Price
SoldGeorgian tall case clock, signed "Thos. Eastland,Georgian tall case clock, signed "Thos. Eastland, London", with painted japanned case and eight-day works. 93"h.x19.5"w.x9.5"d.See Sold Price
SoldGeorgian Tall Case ClockGeorgian Tall Case Clock English, late 18th - early 19th century, unmarked, brass time and strike movement, phase dial hand-painted with British warship, a farmstead, two solar images; hand-painted faSee Sold Price
19th C. English George III Mahogany Tall Case ClockPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
19THC. NEW ENGLAND TALL CASE CLOCK, WORKING ORIGINAL PAINTED DIAL 87" TALL X 19 1/2" WIDE X 11 1/2"Carlsen Gallery, Inc.4.6(163)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
English Carved Mahogany Tall Case Clock, 19th c., H.- 81 in., W.- 19 in., D.- 10 1/2 in.Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
18TH C. GEORGE II THOMAS OGDEN TALL CASE CLOCK.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Nicolis Roper Queen Ann English tall case clockTom Hall Auctions Inc.4.4(113)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Ithaca Clock Co, New York 8 day tall case clockTom Hall Auctions Inc.4.4(113)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
19th C Fr Baially A St Andre-De-Cubzac Tall Case Clock 7'5"H X 21"W X 9 1/2"DGeorge Cole Auctions4.5(391)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Charles Linntanner of Hollywell Mahogany & Oak Tall Case Clock with Satinwood Inlay, 18Th C.DuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Abraham Edwards (Ashby, Massachusetts) Cherry Tall Case Clock C 1800 H 89” W 17 D 10”DuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
19th C SCOTTISH MOON-PHASE TALL CASE CLOCKA.H. Wilkens Auctions & Appraisals4.7(392)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024