Chaim Soutine (Belarusian/French, 1893-1943) - La Petite Fille dans la VerdureFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Elisabeth Frink (British, 1930-1993) - Harbinger Bird IFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AMERICAN SEASCAPE PAINTING BY ROSS EMBROSE MOFFETTAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
CHARLES HENRY GIFFORD (Massachusetts, 1839-1904), Luminist view of three sailboats in a quietEldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Estate Fresh Civil War Cavalry C. Roby 1863 With ScabbardRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ABSTRACT ARAB LEBANESE OIL PAINTING BY ETEL ADNANAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Antique Civil War Era Bullet MoldThis fine piece is Stamped with 200 on one side of the mold and measures 5" long. The diameter of the bullet cavity measures 1/2" or .50 Caliber and show\\'s a nicely aged patina from authentic wear aSee Sold Price
Antique Civil War Era Bullet MoldThis fine piece is Stamped with 200 on one side of the mold and measures 5" long. The diameter of the bullet cavity measures 1/2" or .50 Caliber and show\'s a nicely aged patina from authentic wear anSee Sold Price
Antique Civil War Era Bullet MoldThis fine piece is Stamped with 200 on one side of the mold and measures 5" long. The diameter of the bullet cavity measures 1/2" or .50 Caliber and show\\\'s a nicely aged patina from authentic wearSee Sold Price
Sold3Pcs Antique 19th Century COLT PATENT .36 CALIBERDetails: 3Pcs. Antique Civil War Era Colt Patent .36 Caliber Bullet Molds. This lot comprises three antique handheld Colt Patent bullet molds. Makes .36 caliber ball or conical bullet. Iron, hinged dSee Sold Price
Sold2Pcs Antique 19th Century COLT PATENT .31 CALIBERDetails: 2Pcs. Antique Civil War Era Colt Patent .31 Caliber Bullet Molds. This lot comprises two antique handheld Colt Patent bullet molds. Makes .31 caliber ball or conical bullet. Iron, hinged desSee Sold Price
Sold5Pcs Antique 1900s CIVIL WAR ERA GUN ACCESSORIES MonroeDetails: 5 Pcs, This lot comprises antique smelting ladles, small powder flask, bullet mold, and a pistol case.The pistol case has several compartments, lined with purple velvet. It contains an antiqSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE MILITARY COLLECTIBLES LOT BUGLE MOLD & MORIncludes Indian Wars bugle in copper, unmarked with some dents, WWI Trench art floral engraved British shell, WWI military telescope with good optics, unmarked, two Civil War Era shot bullet molds, twSee Sold Price
SoldBox of Antique Collectiblesincluding Civil War era tooth extraction pliers, bullet mold, corn shellers, butter mold, Honer harmonica Tru Tone pitch pipe, straight razors, etcSee Sold Price
Sold7 pcs. Authentic Civil War HAVERSACK ITEMS Field BulletDetails: This lot consists of authentic Civil War era Haversack items, including an antique bullet mold, a field mirror and tin shaving cup, a tin handled cup, two tin collapsible cups and a functionSee Sold Price
SoldAN ANTIQUE HAND HELD TWO CHAMBER BULLET MOLD, NUMBERED AN ANTIQUE HAND HELD TWO CHAMBER BULLET MOLD, NUMBERED 150, POSSIBLY CIVIL WAR ERA, CIRCA 1860, of cast and forged iron with a barrel form mold centering a pouring hole above an interior spherical chaSee Sold Price
AN ANTIQUE HAND HELD TWO CHAMBER BULLET MOLD, NUMBEREDAN ANTIQUE HAND HELD TWO CHAMBER BULLET MOLD, NUMBERED 150, POSSIBLY CIVIL WAR ERA, CIRCA 1860, of cast and forged iron with a barrel form mold centering a pouring hole above an interior spherical chaSee Sold Price
GROUP OF FOUR CIVIL WAR ERA, POSSIBLY CONFEDERATEUSED BULLET MOLDS. Four unique iron molds, one .58 cal. smooth sided “sugarloaf”, engraved “25” for bore corresponding to .58 cal. The 3 other molds are .45, .50 & .52 calibers, the .50 a pickSee Sold Price
Early Percussion Knife PistolA Civil War era percussion knife pistol in .28 cal. Still retaining it's orignal bullet mold and tweezers. These tools and barrel are made of German silver. The scales are horn with some filled worm dSee Sold Price
SoldCIVIL WAR ERA BULLET MOLD LOT OF 5 2 BRASSIncludes 2 shot only 1 shot and Minnie with 2 bullets molded. and the brass molds are shot and one ring Minnie ball each.See Sold Price
Sold2 CIVIL WAR ERA BULLET MOLD LOT PLUS 1 LATER MOLDOne is a FIE Italy more recent brass mold, the other two are unmarked Civil War era.See Sold Price
SoldCIVIL WAR ERA BULLET MOLD COLT PATENT .31 CALIBERIron bullet mold for field casting of the Colt pocket revolver. These mold were usually issued in a connection with private purchase of the Colt revolver.See Sold Price
SoldCIVIL WAR ERA BULLET MOLDVery unusual mold. Almost certainly Confederate. Missing plug for end. Some age and use wear. Size: 9-1/4" longSee Sold Price
SoldCIVIL WAR ERA BULLET MOLDDimensions: H 2" x W 16.25" x D 1.25" Condition: Patina and tarnish.See Sold Price
SoldTHREE CIVIL WAR ERA BULLETS MOLDSIncludes unusual mold hand carved from wood. Size: VariesSee Sold Price
Three Civil War Era Bullet MoldsTitle:Three Civil War Era Bullet Molds Medium:assorted Dimensions:assortedSee Sold Price
SoldAntique CIVIL WAR ERA AMMUNITION Firearms CartridgesDetails: Antique Civil War Era Bullets and Cartridges in a small tin. Ten assorted antique bullets, musket balls, bullet cartridges, and paper cartridges from Civil War Era. Tin measures 4 1/2" by 3"See Sold Price
SoldCIVIL WAR BULLET MOLD COLLECTIONCIVIL WAR BULLET MOLD COLLECTION 7 Civil War era bullet molds of various calibers and construction. Very good condition.See Sold Price
Sold4Pcs Antique 19th Century CIVIL WAR BULLET CARTRIDGESDetails: 4Pcs. Antique Civil War Era Bullets in Small Display Box.Windowed box holding 4 antique bullets. Three featuring paper cartridges, and one featuring a copper cartridge. Unknown caliber/make.See Sold Price
SoldCivil War Ammu nition Mold Powder CupSimilar to Civil War era bullet-molds, this may have the age. A .32 cal mold, cast iron. 32 stamped on one handle, no other marks. 5"l along with very old turned wood handle (worm holes) marked 1 oz mSee Sold Price
Two US 2 Cent Coins and 1854 Large One CentPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Antique John R Bunnell 189th New York Infantry Carved Civil War Era Powder HornHoller and Hammer4.5(57)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
1864 LIFE & LETTERS of WASHINGTON IRVINGS 4 VOLUMES SET antique CIVIL WAR ERAJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
2 Pair Civil War Era Amber Sharpshooter SpectaclesTom Hall Auctions Inc.4.4(113)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Antique Civil War Era Alphabet Block Set with Two Color Letter and Number BlocksJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024