SoldMatchbox NoK20 Ford Artic. & 3 x No39 TractorNo.K20 Ford Articulated Truck with 3 x No.39 Ford Tractor - red, yellow, blue - overall condition is generally Good Plus inner pictorial stand is Excellent including blue and yellow outer window box.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Ford Artic. with 3 x No.39 TractorFord Articulated Truck and Trailer with 3 x No.39 Ford Tractor - pink cab, yellow back - overall condition is Excellent Plus - unboxed.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox No.K20 Ford D800 Tractor TransporterMatchbox Kingsize No.K20 Ford D800 Articulated Tractor Transporter - red including plastic hubs, clear plastic suspension clip, 3 x No.39 Ford Tractor - blue, yellow plastic hubs with black tyres - ovSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Kingsize K20 Ford Articulated TruckMatchbox Kingsize - a group of unboxed Vehicles - No.K20 Ford Articulated Truck and Flat Trailer with 3 x No.39 Blue Ford Tractor Load - Excellent Plus (tractors are Good Plus to Near Mint). No.K17 FoSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox BM-2 Mechanised Tractor and TransporterMatchbox BM-2 Mechanised Tractor Plant and Winch Transporter - blue cab, silver trailer, 3 x No.39 Ford Tractor, blue, yellow hubs, Good Plus to Excellent with Excellent Plus to Near Mint tractor planSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Superkings Big MX Ford D800Matchbox Superkings Big MX Ford D800 Articulated Truck and Flat Trailer - generally Excellent and complete with 3 x Regular Wheels No.39 Ford Tractors - all orange - Good to Good Plus.See Sold Price
Sold2679: Matchbox Big MX No.BM2 Tractor Plant & WinchMatchbox Big MX No.BM2 mechanised Tractor Plant & Winch Transporter containing Superkings Ford D800 Articulated Truck and Flat Trailer, 3 x Regular Wheel No.39 Ford Tractor - all orange and plastic FaSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox 2 x No.39 Ford Tractor & No.40 TrailerMB-Reg. Wheels. (2) No. 39-3 blue Ford Tractor w/yellow hubs/bpt 1(all blue) (chips) & 1(yellow hood) (box sticker) & No. 40- 3 blue Hay Trailer w/yellow hubs/bpt (box sticker). (3) Lot Condition- C,ASee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Empty BoxesMatchbox Regular Wheels a group of late 1950's issue empty boxes for various Cars and Commercial Vehicles including No.65 Jaguar 3.8 Saloon, No.64 MG 1100, 2 x No.39 Ford Tractor, 2 x No.69 Hatra TracSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Regular Wheels - 6 x Farm EquipmentMatchbox Regular Wheels - group of Farm Equipment. (1) No.39 Ford Tractor - mid-blue, yellow bonnet and plastic hubs, (2) No.40 Hay Trailer, (3) No.40 Hay Trailer, (4) No.50 John Deere Tractor - blackSee Sold Price
SoldNo.BM2 - Big MX Mech. Tractor + TransporterNo.BM2 - Big MX Mechanised Tractor and Winch Transporter - overall condition is generally Mint comes complete with also 3 x No.39 Ford Tractor - all are finished in orange with yellow plastic hubs andSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox No.39c Ford Tractor x 3Matchbox Regular Wheels No.39c Ford Tractor - a group of 3 all different variations including boxes and No.40c Hay Trailer - blue, yellow including plastic hubs - conditions are generally Mint includiSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Superkings "Big MX" No.BM2Matchbox Superkings "Big MX" No.BM2 Mechanised Tractor Plant and Winch Transporter, comes with 3 x No.39 Tractor finished in orange with yellow plastic hubs - condition generally Excellent to Mint inSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Superkings - A Group of 8Matchbox Superkings - mixed group which includes No.K20 Ford Lowloader with 3 x Tractors, No.17 Lowloader with Case Bulldozer, No.K16 Dodge Dumper Truck with trailer, plus others - conditions are geneSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Regular Wheel CommercialsMatchbox Regular Wheels group of mainly Commercial Vehicles including No.12 Land Rover Safari, No.16 Case Tractor, 2 x No.39 Ford Tractor, No.73 Mercury Commuter plus many others - conditions are geneSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Kingsize and Regular Wheel VehiclesMatchbox a mixed group of Kingsize and Regular Wheel Vehicles. To include Kingsize Ford Tractor and Flatbed Trailer with 3 x Ford Tractors, Kingsize No.1 Foden 8-wheel Tipper Truck "Hoveringham", KingSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox - A Group of Commercial VehiclesMatchbox Regular Wheels - a group of Commercial Vehicles. No.11 Mercedes Scaffolding Truck, No.26 GMC Tipper, No.17 Foden Hoveringham Tipper - no silver grille, no suspension, 2 x No.39 Ford Tractor (See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Kingsize K17 Ford "Laing" Low LoaderMatchbox Kingsize No.K17 Ford "Laing" Low Loader with Case Bulldozer - green, red, yellow, 2 x No.K20 Ford Truck and Trailer - red including plastic hubs, 3 x Ford Tractors finished in blue, yellow plSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Kingsize - A Group of UnboxedMatchbox Kingsize group of unboxed to include No.K10 Pipe Truck, Ford Articulated Truck with 3 x Tractors, plus many others - see photo - conditions are generally Good Plus to Near Mint although someSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox 1-75, Kingsize and Other ModelsMatchbox 1-75, Kingsize and other models. 1-75 to include Routemaster, Leyland Pipe Truck, 3 x Ford Tractors, 8-wheeled Crane Truck, VW Camper, Mercedes Ambulance and many others including Kingsize DoSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Kingsize - A Group of UnboxedMatchbox Kingsize a group of unboxed to include, Ford Low Loader with 3 x Tractors, Leyland Tipping Truck, Refuse Truck, plus many others - conditions vary from Good to Excellent, plus 2 x Accessory PSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox No.BM2 Mechanised Ford LowloaderNo.BM2 Mechanised Ford Lowloader with 3 x orange Tractors - complete with building - overall condition is generally Excellent to Mint (although tractors do have small chips in places) in Good Plus picSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox - group of Kingsize modelsMatchbox - group of Kingsize models. K17 Ford Articulated Low Loader with Case Bulldozer load, No.K20 Ford Articulated Truck and Trailer with 3 x blue Ford Tractor load (lacks yellow platform clips),See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Regular Wheels Fred Bronner JigsawsMatchbox Regular Wheels group of Fred Bronner US Issue Jigsaws featuring the following models (1) No.29 Fire Pumper, (2) No.31 Lincoln Continental, (3) No.39/40 Ford Tractor & Farm Hay Trailer, (4) NoSee Sold Price
FORD ANTI-CARBON AUTO OIL HALF GALLON CAN W/ EAGLE GRAPHIC.Dan Morphy Auctions4.2(1.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Corgi, Hot Wheels, Matchbox Toy Cars, 5The Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
General Motors Tray Ford Tin Tray & CupMid-Hudson Auction Galleries4.4(470)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Vintage Arcade Mfg. Co. Cast Iron TractorMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Group of 9 Vintage Auburn Rubber Toy VehiclesMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
View-Master With 7 Vintage ReelsRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Revell Messerschmitt Ford Coupe & Roadster Die Cast CarsRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Vintage DINKY TOYS 3 Piece Set FIELD ARTILLERY TRACTOR 686-7-8Gaia Auctions4.4(65)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
2 Sets Of Diamond Matches Tin BoxesRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Ford Lincoln Greyhound Radiator Mascot Hood OrnamentCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Limited Edition 7-11 1948 Ford Panel Truck Coin BankRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024