A Fine and Rare Small George III Rosewood and Satinwood Pembroke TableNeue Auctions4.6(356)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
HEPPLEWHITE STYLE MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Baker Historical Charleston Pembroke table, mahogany, inlay, drop leafSouth Jersey Auction by Babington Auction Inc4.6(123)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Henkel Harris solid cherry drop leaf Pembroke tableSouth Jersey Auction by Babington Auction Inc4.6(123)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Mid-Century Hans Wegner Teak Sewing Table for Andreas TuckA1 Consignment and Auction Gallery Inc4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Very Fine American Federal Fan and Bellflower Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke TableBrunk Auctions4.6(467)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
ETHAN ALLEN DROP LEAF PEMBROKE TABLELewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
19th CENTURY ENGLISH MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLELewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Late 19th C. English Mahogany Pembroke Drop Leaf TableNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
19th CENTURY ENGLISH MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLELewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
SoldPennsylvania mahogany Pembroke table, late 18th cPennsylvania mahogany Pembroke table, late 18th c., 28'' h., 19'' w., 29 1/2'' d.See Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania Pembroke TablePennsylvania mahogany Pembroke table, late 18th c. 28"h x 21.5"w x 28.5"dSee Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania Chippendale mahogany Pembroke table,Pennsylvania Chippendale mahogany Pembroke table, late 18th c., 28 1/2'' h., 21 1/2'' w., 30'' d.See Sold Price
SoldGeorge III mahogany Pembroke table, late 18th c.George III mahogany Pembroke table, late 18th c., with a single drawer supported by square tapering legs with banded edges, 29'' h., 20'' w., 32'' d.See Sold Price
SoldGeorge III mahogany pembroke table, late 18th c.George III mahogany pembroke table, late 18th c., with a single drawer and square tapering legs with lily of the valley inlaid capitals, 29'' h., 19 1/2'' w., 35 3/4'' d.See Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Mahogany Pembroke Table, late 18th c., theGeorge III Mahogany Pembroke Table, late 18th c., the rectangular top with two like-shaped drop leaves, above a frieze fitted with a single drawer, raised on chamfered square legs, H.- 27 in., W.- 25See Sold Price
SoldA George III Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke TableA George III Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke Table, late 18th c., drop-leaf top, frieze drawer, square tapered legs, cuff casters, height 28 1/2 in., width 20 in., depth 31 inSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Rosewood Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke TableGeorge III Rosewood Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke Table, late 18th c., oval drop-leaf top, frieze drawer, square tapered legs, cuff casters, h. 29 in., w. 23 in., d. 30 inSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III inlaid mahogany Pembroke table, lateGeorge III inlaid mahogany Pembroke table, late 18th c., the top with half-round ends flanked by half-round short drop leaves, above a skirt with one working and one mock drawer on square tapering legSee Sold Price
SoldA George III Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke TableA George III Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke Table, late 18th c., molded top with drop leaves, frieze drawer, square tapered cuffed legs, height 28 in., closed width 37 in., open diameter 37 inSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke TableGeorge III Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke Table , late 18th c., shaped drop-leaf top, single drawer, tapered legs, brass cuffs, casters, h. 28 in., w. 33 in., d. (closed) 21 in., d. (open) 40 1/2 inSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke TableA Small George III Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke Table , late 18th c., demilune drop leaves having rosewood banding, the top with central shell roundel, a fitted drawer, square tapering legs, brass castersSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke TableA George III Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke Table, late 18th c., the banded top with elliptical drop leaves, the skirt with one deep drawer and one faux drawer, flanked by inlaid paterae, tapering molded leSee Sold Price
SoldA Large George III Mahogany Pembroke TA Large George III Mahogany Pembroke Table , late 18th c., with demilune drop leaves, a frieze drawer, and square tapering legs in brass cup casters, height 28 in., width 22 in., length 41 1/2 in. extSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Mahogany Pembroke TableA George III Mahogany Pembroke Table, late 18th c., with drop leaves, frieze drawer, square tapered fluted legs ending in Spanish feet, casters, height 28 5/8 in., closed width 21 1/2 in., depth 28 1/See Sold Price
SoldDelaware Valley Chippendale mahogany Pembroke taDelaware Valley Chippendale mahogany Pembroke table, late 18th c. with single drawer and cross stretcher base, 28'' h., 19 1/4'' w., 31 3/4'' l.See Sold Price
SoldPhiladelphia Federal mahogany pembroke table, laPhiladelphia Federal mahogany pembroke table, late 18th c., with a single drawer and square tapering legs, 28 1/2'' h., 20 1/4'' w., 32'' d. Provenance: Chester County Historical Society.See Sold Price
SoldEnglish inlaid mahogany Pembroke table, late 18thEnglish inlaid mahogany Pembroke table, late 18th c., 29'' h., 19 1/4'' w., 36'' d.See Sold Price
SoldEnglish Hepplewhite Pembroke TableBanded and inliad mahogany English Hepplewhite Pembroke table, late 18th c. with tapering square molded legs and spade feet 28.75"h x 36.5"w x 31"d / 8.5" leafSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Mahogany&Inlaid Pembroke TableA George III Mahogany and Inlaid Pembroke Table , late 18th c., the cross-banded top with demilune drop leaves, frieze drawer flanked by patera inlay, raised on square tapering string-inlaid legs, heiSee Sold Price
SoldSatinwood Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke TableGeorge III Satinwood Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke Table, late 18th/ early 19th c., drop-leaf top, frieze drawer, tapered legs, h. 28 in., w. 27 in., d. 20 in. Provenance: Estate of Gordon and Vera Noakes,See Sold Price
SoldLancaster or York County, Pennsylvania ChippendaLancaster or York County, Pennsylvania Chippendale mahogany tea table, late 18th c., the circular pie crust top above a birdcage and urn turned standard supported by foliate carved cabriole legs termiSee Sold Price
SoldAmercan Federal Mahogany Pembroke TableAn American Federal Mahogany Pembroke Table , late 18th/early 19th c., with shaped drop leaves, frieze drawer and opposing faux drawer with string inlay, retaining original "clambroth" pressed glass pSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Satinwood Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke TableGeorge III Satinwood Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke Table, late 18th/ early 19th c., drop-leaf top, frieze drawer, tapered legs, h. 28 in., w. 27 in., d. 20 in. Provenance: Estate of Gordon and Vera Noakes,See Sold Price
Late 19th C. English Mahogany Pembroke Drop Leaf TableNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Thomas Spence - Dysart - A late 18thC / early 19thC Scottish mahogany cased 8-day longcase clockClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A late 18thC mahogany Pembroke table with a single drawer to one end and raised on four taperingClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A mid / late 18thC mahogany tilt top table with an unusual moulded surround, re-entrant corners andClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A late 18thC / early 19thC mahogany bow fronted chest of drawers comprising three long drawersClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A late 18thC mahogany drop leaf table, opening to form an oval dining table and raised on fourClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A late 18thC / early 19thC mahogany Pembroke table with two shaped leaves to either side and fittedClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A late 18thC / early 19thC mahogany chest of drawers comprising a rectangular moulded top aboveClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A mid / late 19thC mahogany Pembroke table with drop flaps to either side, a single small friezeClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A 18thC mahogany tripod table with a circular table top above a fluted pedestal and three cabrioleClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Unusual Irish or English Hepplewhite Inlaid Satinwood Demilune Table, late 18th c., H.- 31 in., W.-Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024