Sold[English Lit]. 2 Titles (4 Vols) by Wright, Anon[English Literature]. 2 Titles (4 Vols). 8vo. Very Good. ++ Wright, Thomas. The Vision And The Creed Of Piers Ploughman Newly Imprinted. 2 Vols. Lon: William Pickering, 1892. Half red morocco by WorsfSee Sold Price
Sold2 Books (4 Vols): SIRGIRI GRAFFITI + THE HAN TOMB[Asia/China/India/Archeology]. 2 Titles (4 Vols). ++ THE HAN TOMB NO. 1 AT MAWANGTUI, CHANGSHA. 2 Vols (Chinese Text Volume & Photo-Plate Volume), plus English-language abstract. Peking: Wenwu Press,See Sold Price
Sold4 Vols, 1 signed & inscr by William Cullen Bryant.[Bryant/Homer/ Greek Epics]. 2 Titles (4 Vols), 1 signed. ++THE ILIAD OF HOMER Translated into English Blank Verse. 2 Vols. Bos: Fields, Osgood, & Co., 1870. Thick 8vo. Orig green cloth. Frayed at spiSee Sold Price
Sold4 Vols incl: Allibone. A CRITICAL DICTIONARY...[Literary Reference/Sacraments]. 2 Titles (4 Vols). ++ S. Austin Allibone. A CRITICAL DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE AND BRITISH AND AMERICAN AUTHORS Living and Deceased… 3 Vols. Phila: J. B. LippSee Sold Price
Sold[ENGLISH LITERATURE]. 2 Titles (5 Vols). ++ T[ENGLISH LITERATURE]. 2 Titles (5 Vols). ++ The Poetical Works Of Robert Browning. 4 Vols. Lon: Smith, Elder & Co., 1902. 12mo. Full green levant morocco, ribbed spines, aeg. Spine faded to tan. ++ FrSee Sold Price
SoldBible, - English. The Holy Bible Contyaining the OldEnglish. The Holy Bible Contyaining the Old and New Testaments; with Original Notes, and Observations, by the Rev. Thomas Scott, 4 vol., 2 titles, illustrated, first gathering vol. 3. loose and creaseSee Sold Price
SoldBible, English, - The Holy Bible Conyaining the Old andRev. Thomas Scott, 4 vol., 2 Titles, illustrated, first gathering vol. 3. loose and creased, some contents pulled, contemporary morocco, rubbed, Bellamy and Robarts, 1788/1791, plus 1 other vol., 4toSee Sold Price
Sold9 Vols: Goldsmith (2 Vols), Arndts, other author[Natural History/Miscellany]. 9 Vols. 2 titles (3 vols) in English, other 6 vols in German. ++ Oliver Goldsmith. A History Of The Earth, And Animated Nature. 4 Vols in 2. Phila: Grigg & Elliot, 1846.See Sold Price
Sold5 Vols incl: A TREATISE ON HERALDRY. 2 Vols. 1892.[British History/Heraldry/Rosettis]. 4 Titles (5 Vols). ++ John Woodward and George Burnett. A TREATISE ON HERALDRY BRITISH AND FOREIGN: With English and French Glossaries. 2 Vols. Edin/Lon: W. & A. KSee Sold Price
SoldCatalogues Raisonne: Rouault, Gris, Pascin, OrazcoCatalogues Raisonne: Rouault, Gris, Pascin, Orazco, 4 titles in (5) vols: 1) Rouault Oeuvre Grave/Graphic Work, Sauret, 1978, 2 vols., text in English, French, German; 2) Juan Gris dessinateur de presSee Sold Price
*Vauxhall D Type, 4.2 lit., 1920English Title: *Vauxhall D Type, 4.2 lit., 1920 German Title: *Vauxhall 30 98D, 4.2 Liter, 1920 Description English: *Vauxhall 30 98D, 4.2 lit., 1920. The engine is overhauled, in very good condition.See Sold Price
Dictionary.- Johnson (Samuel) - A Dictionary of the4 vol., ninth edition, half-titles, portrait frontispiece, bookplates, modern cloth, 8vo, Longman, .,1805 § Ash (John) The New and Complete Dictionary of the English Language, 2 vol. in 1, upperSee Sold Price
Sold4 Vols: Rollin (2 vols), Cicero, Homer.[Antiquities].3 Titles (4 Vols). William Duncan. CICERO’S SELECT ORATIONS, Trans. into English… Lon: G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1792. 8vo. Contemp leather with later leather strip over spine and joSee Sold Price
SoldWright, China, in a series of views...Wright (Rev. George Newenham) China, in a series of views, displaying the Scenery, Architecture, and Social Habits, of that ancient empire,4 vol. in 2, 4 additional titles with engraved vignetSee Sold Price
SoldWright, China, in a series of views...Wright (Rev. George Newenham) China, in a series of views, displaying the Scenery, Architecture, and Social Habits, of that ancient empire,4 vol. in 2, 4 additional titles with engraved vignetSee Sold Price
SoldWright, China, in a series of views...Wright (Rev. George Newenham) China, in a series of views, displaying the Scenery, Architecture, and Social Habits, of that ancient empire,4 vol. in 2, 4 additional titles with engraved vignetSee Sold Price
SoldChina.- Wright (G.N.) - China in a Series of Views,4 vol. in 2, 4 engraved titles and 124 engraved plates after Thomas Allom, tissue-guards, very light scattered foxing (rarely affecting plates), contemporary ink inkscription to front free endpaper ofSee Sold Price
SoldLimited Editions Club: 3 books, 1931-1936, 1/1500[English Literature]. 3 Titles (4 Vols). NY: vd. 8vo/4to. ++ Laurence Sterne. The Life & Opinions Of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. 2 Vols. Intro by Christopher Morley, illus by T. M. Cleland. 1935. BlueSee Sold Price
Sold4 Vols incl: PHARMACOPOEIA UNIVERSALIS, 1752.[Medicine]. 3 Titles (4 Vols). ++ R. [Robert] James. PHARMACOPOEIA UNIVERSALIS: Or, a New Universal English Dispensatory… London: Printed for J. Hodges… 1752. Second Edition. Thick 8vo. Text in 2See Sold Price
SoldWright (G N) China,Wright (G.N.) China, in a Series of Views, Displaying the Scenery, Architecture, and Social Habits,4 vol. in 2, engraved additional titles, plates, by Thomas Allom, tissue guards, contemporarySee Sold Price
SoldWright (George Newenham) France IllustratedWright (George Newenham) France Illustrated,4 vol. in 2, 4 additional engraved titles, 122 engraved plates by Allom, occasional minor marking, contemporary half morocco, lacking upper cover toSee Sold Price
SoldWright (George Newenham) France IllustratedWright (George Newenham) France Illustrated, 4 vol. in 2, 4 additional engraved titles, 122 engraved plates by Allom only (of 128), occasional minor marking and marginal staining, contemporarySee Sold Price
SoldWright (Rev. George Newenham) China, iWright (Rev. George Newenham) China, in a Series of Views, Displaying the Scenery, Architecture, and Social Habits, of that Ancient Empire,4 vol. in 2, 4 additional engraved titles with vignetSee Sold Price
SoldWright (Rev. G. N.) France IllustratedWright (Rev. George Newenham) France Illustrated,4 vol. in 2, 4 engraved vignette titles and 128 plates after Thomas Allom, a few plates heavily spotted, otherwise occasional spotting, mostlySee Sold Price
MARTINET / DE VRIES Catechism of Nature 4 Vol. Set c1788 Engravings Rare!Luis Porretta Fine Arts4.3(10)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Ray Harm "Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep" Signed Litho LEMichael's Gallery4.6(90)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
1807 LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON by JAMES BOSWELL 3 VOLUMES SET antique BOSTONJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1897 DARWIN AND AFTER DARWIN by GEORGE JOHN ROMANES antique Vol. IIJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1779 TERENCE COMEDIES POETRY 2 vols antique Publius Terentius Afer Comoediae SexJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1865 HISTORY OF NEW ENGLAND by J. PALFREY Vol. III antiqueJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1791 Antiquitate Culinariae antique Curious Culinary affairs of Old EnglishJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1798 BIBLE FIRST HOT PRESS EDITION LARGE FOLIO antique AMERICANA 18th cent. RAREJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Foulis.- English Literature & History.- Steele (Sir Richard) and Joseph Addison. [The Tatler] TheForum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Economics.- von Mises (Ludwig) Human Action. A Treatise on Economics, first English edition, 1949;Forum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Hawkins (Laetitia Matilda) The Countess and Gertrude; or, Modes of Discipline, 4 vol., secondForum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Johnson (Samuel) A Dictionary of the English Language, 2 vol., Longman Facsimile Edition, [1990];Forum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A group of mostly leather bound books in EnglishAndrew Jones Auctions4.7(206)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
5 Books - Polymetis & Galerie de Florence, Vols 1-4Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Ray Harm "Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep" Signed Litho LEMichael's Gallery4.6(90)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024