CHINESE HAND CARVED HETIAN JADE FIGURINE OF HORSEAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Superb Old Chinese Shoushan Stone Tianhuang Stone Pine Tree & Figure StatueQuan Rong Gallery4.3(332)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
19th C. Chinese Gilded Figure (for Shrine / Altar NicheArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
SoldVery Finely Cast Gilt Bronze Buddha On AltarVery Finely Cast Gilt Bronze Buddha On Altar Exquisitely cast gilt-bronze figure of Buddha seated on a double lotus base set upon a raised multi-tiered alter surrounded by attendants worshippers and fSee Sold Price
Very Finely Cast Gilt Bronze Buddha On AltarVERY FINELY CAST GILT BRONZE BUDDHA ON ALTAR Exquisitely cast gilt-bronze figure of Buddha seated on a double lotus base set upon a raised multi-tiered alter surrounded by attendants worshippers and fSee Sold Price
SoldFINELY CAST GILT BRONZE BUDDHA銅鎏金雕佛坐像 FINELY CAST CHINESE GILT BRONZE BUDDHABrightly gilt and finely cast, Chinese bronze seated figure of Buddha; seated in lotus position, with a fSee Sold Price
SoldQING GILT & STONES INLAID MULTI ARMS BUDDHAA Large Finely Cast Gilt Bronze Buddha of standing multi-arms bodhisattvas figure. As the nature of all Buddha, with resplendent, smiling, peaceful face and radiant. Adorned with many attractive silksSee Sold Price
SoldVERY FINE QING GILT & STONES INLAID MULTI ARMS BUDDHAA Large Finely Cast Gilt Bronze Buddha of standing multi-arms bodhisattvas figure. As the nature of all Buddha, with resplendent, smiling, peaceful face and radiant. Adorned with many attractive silksSee Sold Price
SoldThree Finely Cast Gilt Bronze Trikala Buddhas StatueH.45 cm. L.32 cm. W.22 cm. Weight.9390 gram.Three gilt bronze Heng Sanshi Buddha status, the left status depicted a Buddha hands on the groin in dhyana mudra , wearing a uttarasangha with incised bordSee Sold Price
SoldFINELY CAST CHINESE GILT BRONZE BUDDHAFINELY CAST CHINESE GILT BRONZE BUDDHABrightly gilt and finely cast, Chinese bronze seated figure of Buddha; seated in lotus position, with a filled bowl in one hand, with typical elongated earlobes aSee Sold Price
SoldFinely Cast Gilt Bronze Sakyamuni BuddhaThree exquisitely detailed cast Sakyamuni Buddha Each seated with arms in different positions, set upon Separately cast base with surrounding dragon and mark Separate cast umbrella designed roof withSee Sold Price
SoldFINELY CAST CHINESE GILT BRONZE BUDDHAFINELY CAST CHINESE GILT BRONZE BUDDHABrightly gilt and finely cast, Chinese bronze seated figure of Buddha; seated in lotus position, with a filled bowl in one hand, with typical elongated earlobes aSee Sold Price
SoldFINELY CAST CHINESE GILT BRONZE BUDDHAFINELY CAST CHINESE GILT BRONZE BUDDHABrightly gilt and finely cast, Chinese bronze seated figure of Buddha; seated in lotus position, with a filled bowl in one hand, with typical elongated earlobes aSee Sold Price
A FINELY CAST GILT-BRONZE OF BUDDHA MAITREYAA FINELY CAST GILT-BRONZE OF BUDDHA MAITREYA,Size:38.5cm high, 24cm long,15.5cm width,Most of delivery will be guranteed to do in two to three weeks after payment cleared.See Sold Price
SoldA FINELY CAST GILT-BRONZE OF BUDDHA MAITREYAA FINELY CAST GILT-BRONZE OF BUDDHA MAITREYA,Size:14.5cm highMost of delivery will be guranteed to do in two to three weeks after payment cleared.See Sold Price
SoldThree Finely Cast Gilt Bronze Trikala Buddhas Statues91.5*18.2*13.3 cm. Total Weight 6490 gram.See Sold Price
SoldIMPORTANT QING GILT BRONZE BUDDHA OF GUANYU FIGUREIMPORTANT AND RARE QING DYNASTY PERIOD, Finely Cast Chinese Gilt Bronze Buddha of GuanYu Figurine, seated on a throne in military dress, with hands in "no fear" (abhaya) mudra. Seated in ornSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE CHINESE GILT BRONZE BUDDHAAntique Chinese Qing Gilt Bronze Buddha. Finely Cast Gilt Bronze of Buddha figure, wearing robe open to right chest, elongated ears with floral earrings. Hands in Bhumiparsa-Dhyana Mudra gesture of meSee Sold Price
SoldIMPORTANT QING GILT BRONZE BUDDHA OF GUANYU FIGUREIMPORTANT AND RARE QING DYNASTY PERIOD, Finely Cast Chinese Gilt Bronze Buddha of GuanYu Figurine, seated on a throne in military dress, with hands in "no fear" (abhaya) mudra. Seated in ornatSee Sold Price
SoldQING GILT BRONZE BUDDHA OF GUANYU FIGUREFinely Cast Chinese Gilt Bronze Buddha of GuanYu Figurine, seated on a throne in military dress, with hands in "no fear" (abhaya) mudra. Seated in ornate armor and brocade robes. Seated in ornate armoSee Sold Price
SoldGILT BRONZE BUDDHA FIGURE OF AVALOKITHESVARAFinely cast Chinese gilt bronze Buddha, in form of bodhisattva figure of Avalokiteshvara, with serene face and elaborate floral-decorated robe and jewelry, seated cross-legged in full Lotus position.See Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE CHINESE GILT BRONZE BUDDHAAntique Chinese Qing Gilt Bronze Buddha. Finely Cast Gilt Bronze of Buddha figure, wearing robe open to right chest, elongated ears with floral earrings. Hands in Bhumiparsa-Dhyana Mudra gesture of meSee Sold Price
SoldLARGE GILT BRONZE BUDDHA UPON FOO-DOGFinely Cast Chinese Gilt Bronze Buddha Figurine riding a tiger, seated in full lotus position upon a lotus throne, with hands in "no fear" (abhaya) mudra. Seated in ornate and brocade robes. The guardSee Sold Price
SoldCHINESE GILT BRONZE BUDDHAChinese Gilt Bronze Buddha: Finely cast Chinese gilt bronze Buddha, in the form of bodhisattva figure of Avalokiteshvara, with serene face and elaborate floral-decorated robe and jewelry, seated in tSee Sold Price
Large Very Finely Cast Gilt-Bronze Figure of BuddhaLarge Very Finely Cast Gilt-Bronze Figure of Seated Buddha Exquisite casting of a seated Buddha with long flowing robe set upon a raised double lotus base The Buddha is seated in in a double lotus posSee Sold Price
SoldFinely Cast Gilt Bronze Figure Of BuddhaFinely Cast Gilt Bronze Figure Of Buddha Dimension: 23cm H.See Sold Price
19thC Antique Gilt Bronze Dakini, Stands 5-1/8" TallThe Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024