(CIVIL WAR, VIRGINIA) Military Operations in Jeffe
1864 CIVIL WAR 1st/1st General Ulysses Grant Campaigns Larke Military AmericanaMar 10, 20241866 Women of the Civil War 1ed Americana Gettysburg Military Robert E Lee MooreMar 10, 20241885 General US GRANT 1st ed President Military Biography CIVIL WAR IllustratedMar 10, 2024[Tintype] Officer w/ Virginia Belt PlateMar 16, 2024[REES, Charles] Enlistedman w/ Bowie KnifeMar 16, 202419thc Civil War Engraving, Cavalry Raid, Libby Prison, Richmond VirginiaMar 02, 2024Civil War Bundle, Bullets, Pins, Belt BuckleMar 21, 2024Civil War Button Bundle, WaterburyMar 21, 2024Civil War Brass BuckleMar 21, 2024Civil War Era Confederate Navy Button, "CN"Mar 21, 20241888 Civil War 1st ed General Sheridan Personal Memoirs Union Native AmericansMar 31, 20241900 Civil War Secret Service Lincoln Assassination National Detective PoliceMar 31, 2024ANTIQUE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR LITHO BY THURE DE THULSTRUPFeb 24, 2024ANTIQUE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR LITHO BY THURE DE THULSTRUPFeb 24, 2024[BUFFALO SOLDIERS]. A large collection of photographs and documents related to 19th-20th centuryFeb 27, 2024CIVIL WAR MAGAZINES, 15 VOLUMESMar 07, 2024CIVIL WAR BOOK SET, 19 VOLUMESMar 07, 2024Military Civil War CSA Brass Belt BuckleFeb 27, 2024Worried abolitionists on the eve of Civil WarMar 07, 2024CIVIL WAR ERA MILITARY BELT WITH 1940 ERA HOLSTERFeb 26, 2024Civil war era ephemeraMar 02, 2024Framed 4 Civil War WW1 WWII Military MedalsFeb 29, 2024The Commander's Strategy: General Robert E. Lee's Handwritten Military LetterFeb 29, 2024Antique Rail Road Tickets and Passes of the Peoria, Pekin and Jacksonville R.R.-Cairo and VincennesMar 07, 2024