SoldJohann W. Weinnmann, (6) Botanical EngravingsJohann W. Weinnmann, (6) Botanical Engravings, Johann Wilhelm Weinnmann (German, 1683-1741), Phytanthoza Iconographia (1737-45), including: Plate 982, Plate 983, Plate 984, Plate 986, Plate 987, and PSee Sold Price
SoldJohann W. Weinnmann, (6) Botanical EngravingsJohann W. Weinnmann, (6) Botanical Engravings, Johann Wilhelm Weinnmann (German, 1683-1741), Phytanthoza Iconographia (1737-45), including: Plate 207; Plate 208, Plate 228, Plate 342, Plate 355, and PSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of 6 Colored Botanical Engravings W. CurtisDESCRIPTION: Group of six colored botanical engravings by W. Curtis. On laid paper. Each with plate number at upper right. Three marked underneath engraving with "Pub. by W. Curtis St. Geo. Crescent JSee Sold Price
SoldA Collection of Five Hand-Colored Botanical EngravA Collection of Five Hand-Colored Botanical Engravings, 20th Century, Some after S. Holden. Image dimensions: h: 8.75 x w: 6 in. Framed dimensions: h: 17.75 x w: 14.5 in.See Sold Price
SoldElizabeth Blackwell (1710-1774), "Napus Silvestris,"Elizabeth Blackwell (1710-1774), "Napus Silvestris," and "Pipere Jamaicense," 18th c., two black and white copper botanical engravings, presented in ebonized frames, H.- 12 in., W.- 6 5/8 in.See Sold Price
Sold6 W. Curtis EngravingsA Group of Six 18th and 19th Century Botanical Engravings. Including two works engraved by J. Swan of Glasgow, one of which clearly bears the watermark of J. Whatman (1831), and some from "The BotanicSee Sold Price
Sold7 Hand-colored botanical engravings7 Hand-colored botanical engravings- 1.) to 5.) 5 engravings published by J. Ridgway, 1824-25; 6.) Johann Wilhelm Weinmann (German 1683-1741)- ''Acacia Rotundifolia Spinosissima''; and 7.) William HooSee Sold Price
Sold(5) HAND COLORED BOTANICAL ENGRAVINGS(5) prints. Possibly 17th century. Fresh paper and color. Hand colored. Dimensions: (Frame) H 12.25" x W 11", (Sight) H 6" x W 5" Condition: No issues to note.See Sold Price
SoldSet of 6 Botanical Prints(lot of 6) 19th century botanical engravings and lithographs with hand-coloring, overall (each/framed): 12.5"h x 9.75"wSee Sold Price
Sold6 framed Johann Cramer engravings... 1766.[Botanical] 6 botanical prints. Cramer, Johann Andreas. (1) “Tab. XVII. Elzeberre.” (2) “Tab. XXV. Wisstanne.” (3) “Tab. XXIX. Weisseper.” (4) “Tab. VII. LeinSee Sold Price
SoldSet of 6 19th C hand colored botanical engravingsSet of 6 19th C hand colored botanical engravings, matted and framed, 15 1/2" x 12 1/2"wSee Sold Price
SoldAntique hand-colored botanical engravingsAntique hand-colored botanical engravings, 19th c., (6) floral plates, center two hand-colored engravings dated 1809 and 1813, matted and framed, largest: 8.75"h x 11"w (sight), smallest: 8.25"h x 5.2See Sold Price
SoldAFTER JOHANN WILHELM WEINMANN BOTANICAL ENGRAVINGSAFTER JOHANN WILHELM WEINMANN HAND COLORED BOTANICAL ENGRAVINGS, FOUR, H 13", W 8 1/2" :Four framed botanical etchings after Johann Wilhelm Weinmann from "Phytanthoza Iconographia". Monograms in lowerSee Sold Price
SoldBOTANICAL HAND COLORED ENGRAVINGS, 3, ANTIQUE,BOTANICAL HAND COLORED ENGRAVINGS, THREE, ANTIQUE, C. 9" X 6":Two after W. Fitch by Bishop; "Plants Used as Food", "Plants Used in Clothing & Cordage" and "Vegetable Poisons"; all matted.See Sold Price
SoldGroup (55) chromolithograhs & engravingsGroup (55) chromolithograhs & engravings, Group of 55 chromolithographs and engravings, mostly from books: 51 botanical plates, c. 1900, chromolithographed, 6.625"w x 10"h; 1 engraved leaf from a musiSee Sold Price
SoldFRAMED HAND COLORED BOTANICAL ENGRAVINGS, FOURFRAMED HAND COLORED BOTANICAL ENGRAVINGS, FOUR, H 12", W 8" :Four framed hand colored botanical engravings. Likely after Johann Weinmann. Hudson's labels on verso. Framed size H 20", W 16".See Sold Price
SoldENGRAVING, "HOLY ROAD PALACE"Together with an engraving titled "The Castle of Edinburgh," a print of figures on a beach, and a botanical engraving. 4 pieces Sight size: 6-1/2"h x 9"w to 12-3/4"h x 9-1/2"wSee Sold Price
Engraving, "Holy Road Palace"Together with an engraving titled "The Castle of Edinburgh," a print of figures on a beach, and a botanical engraving. 4 pieces Sight size: 6-1/2"h x 9"w to 12-3/4"h x 9-1/2"wSee Sold Price
SoldJohann Christoph Volckamer, (6) EngravingsJohann Christoph Volckamer, (6) Engravings, Johann Christoph Volckamer (German, 1644-1720), Six plates from "Nurenberg Hesperides", c. 1708-14, hand-colored engravings on paper, 12" h x 8" w, framed aSee Sold Price
SoldTwenty-Four European Hand Colored Botanical EngravingsTwenty-Four European Hand Colored Botanical Engravings, after Emanuel Sweert 21-1/4 h x 16 w x 1 d inches (54.0 x 40.6 x 2.5 cm) (each, framed)See Sold Price
SoldJohann Weinmann (1683-1741), "Narcissus," "MolyJohann Weinmann (1683-1741), "Narcissus," "Moly Indicum," and "Narcissus Indicus," group of three hand-colored botanical engravings, presented in gilt frames with beaded liners, H.- 14 in., W.- 9 in.See Sold Price
SoldJohann Weinmann (1683-1741), "Narcissus," "MolyJohann Weinmann (1683-1741), "Narcissus," "Moly Indicum," and "Narcissus Indicus," group of three hand-colored botanical engravings, presented in gilt frames with beaded liners, H.- 14 in., W.- 9 in.See Sold Price
SoldGiovanni Battista Ferrari Botanical EngravingGiovanni Baptista Ferrari (Italian, 1584-1655). Tulipa Serotina, plate 8 from Florilegium Renovatum et Auctum by Matthaus Merian and Johann Theodor de Bry. Plate 10 1/2" x 6 3/4".See Sold Price
Sold18th Century Botanical Prints(lot of 6) Botanical Prints, including (3) 18th century hand-colored engravings published by W. Curtis, and (3) 20th century hand-colored engravings, overall (largest with frame): 29"h x 16.75"wSee Sold Price
Kpm German Hand Painted Porcelain Plaque, C. 1900World of Antiques, Inc.3.9(74)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Japanese Sterling Silver Grape Shears AS w/ Bamboo Engraving 3.2oz. 6 3/8"Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Curtis, William 1790's Lot of 6 Hand Col Botanical PrintsAlbion Auctions4.6(341)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Vintage Set of 4 Piece Gorham Chantilly Sterling Silver FlatwareEric's Estate & Jewelry4.6(508)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Tommie Rush (American, B. 1954) Art Glass "Amber Red Botanical Vase", H 19" W 6.5" L 8.5"DuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Vintage Set of 4 Piece Gorham Chantilly Sterling Silver FlatwareEric's Estate & Jewelry4.6(508)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024