SoldLovely Chimu Pottery Jar w/ DogPre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chimu, ca. 1100 to 1470 CE. A fine mold-formed pottery vessel with a stable ovoid base, a gourd-shaped body decorated with raised stippling, and a funnel spout withSee Sold Price
Chimu Pottery Jar w/ Jaguar MotifsPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Chimu culture, ca. 1100 to 1470 CE. A pottery vessel with an inverted piriform body upon a flat base and walls that rise up to pointed shoulders, a flared neck, and wiSee Sold Price
SoldChimu Pottery JarRare terracotta blackware vessel with monkey(?) figure. Condition: very good. Circa: 1100 - 1400 A.D. Size: 7" x 5"See Sold Price
SoldChimu Pottery Jar w/ Caziques & JaguarsPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Chimu, ca. 1000 to 1400 CE. A fine blackware pottery vessel of an ovoid bottle form with a pair of high relief anthropomorphic figures, perhaps caziques given their heSee Sold Price
Rio Grande and Chimu Pottery JarsA group of two pottery jars, including one Rio Grande polychrome double marriage jar (A.D. 1200-1450), and one Chimu jar (Peru, A.D. 11th-14th century); double marriage jar ht. 5.5, wd. 11, dp. 5 in.�See Sold Price
SoldChimu Pottery Stirrup Jar with FelinePre-Columbian, Peru, Chimu, ca. 1100 to 1470 CE. A blackware stirrup vessel in the form of a wild feline, probably a jaguar with a wide-eyed, whiskered, perky eared visage and a petite monkey seated aSee Sold Price
SoldChimu Blackware Pottery Jar - Birds & FishPre-Columbian, Peru, Chimu, ca. 1100 to 1470 CE. A blackware stirrup jar with one half of the stirrup in the form of a perched bird. Around the upper shoulder is a repeated register of different kindsSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Chimu Blackware Pottery JarsPre-Columbian, Northern Peru, Ca 1000 to 1400 CE. Each with single strap handle, rounded bas and straight spout with flattened rim. The strap handle on each jar represents an animal with head emergingSee Sold Price
Choice Chimu Pottery Stirrup Jar - JaguarPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Chimu, ca. 1100 to 1450 CE. A mold-made blackware stirrup vessel with a fierce jaguar perched upon a rectangular prism base - the stirrup joined to the back of the wilSee Sold Price
SoldChimu Pottery Blackware Stirrup Jar - Ex ArnovickPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Chimu, ca. 1000 to 1400 CE. A handsome burnished blackware mold-made stirrup vessel adorned with a human beggar holding a kero that he is either drinking from or beggiSee Sold Price
SoldChimu Blackware Pottery Stirrup JarPre-Columbian, northern Peru, Chimu culture, ca. 1100 to 1400 CE. Black ware stirrup vessel of simple form; undecorated save small zoomorph at junction of chimney and stirrup spout. Size: 7 3/4" H (19See Sold Price
Very Fine Chimu Blackware Pottery Stirrup JarPre-Columbian, Chimu culture, Peru, ca. 1250 to 1450 CE. This is a very fine brownware pottery stirrup vessel in the Inca transitional style. It has a two-part molded body with the same design in lowSee Sold Price
Chimu Sican Whistling Pottery Jar - Guardian HeadPre-Columbian, Northern Peru, late Sican (Lambayeque) to early Chimu, ca. 900 to 1100 CE. A fabulous transitional Lambayeque/Chimu double bottle whistling vessel, comprised of two mold-pressed bottlesSee Sold Price
SoldChimu Inca Pottery Strap Handled Jar - MonkeyPre-Columbian, Peru, Chimu, ca. 1100 to 1470 CE. This is a finely carved black ware strap handled jar in the shape of a monkey's head. Fine lines around the face give the impression of a wizened old aSee Sold Price
SoldChimu Inca Pottery Strap Handled Jar - MonkeyPre-Columbian, Peru, Chimu, ca. 1100 to 1470 CE. This is a finely carved black ware strap handled jar in the shape of a monkey's head. Fine lines around the face give the impression of a wizened old aSee Sold Price
Chimu Inca Blackware Pottery Stirrup JarPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Chimu-Inca ca. 1200 to 1450 CE. An attractive blackware stirrup vessel, the round body with two decorated registers, the lower depicting a repeated textile-inspired stSee Sold Price
SoldChimu Inca Pottery Standing Jaguar Stirrup JarPre-Columbian, Peru, Chimu/Inca, ca. 1200 to 1500 CE. A spirited blackware pottery effigy stirrup vessel in the form of a jaguar standing squarely on all four paws with a curled tail. The wild cat's eSee Sold Price
SoldCHIMU EARTHENWARE VESSELCHIMU EARTHENWARE VESSELPeru, carved decorated pottery jar. 6" heightSee Sold Price
SoldPeruvian Pottery, Handled JarIn the style of Chimu, Peruvian stirrup pottery vessel, handled jar with figural face 9 x 6 x 8"; "‹"‹"‹"‹"‹"‹"‹Provenance: A San Antonio, TX Estate We happily provide seamless shippiSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Peruvian pottery jar w human face, ChimuPre-Columbian Peruvian pottery jar with human face, Chimu 900-1470 AD Height: 4.6" inches = 11.5 cm; Width: 3.25" x 3.75" = 8 cm x 9 cm; Age: 900-1470; Origin: Peru; Condition: very gooSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Peruvian pottery jar w human face, ChimuPre-Columbian Peruvian pottery jar with human face, Chimu 900-1470 AD Height: 4.6" inches = 11.5 cm; Width: 3.25" x 3.75" = 8 cm x 9 cm; Age: 900-1470; Origin: Peru; Condition: very good; no chips, crSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Peruvian pottery jar w human face, ChimuPre-Columbian Peruvian pottery jar with human face, Chimu 900-1470 AD Height: 4.6" inches = 11.5 cm; Width: 3.25" x 3.75" = 8 cm x 9 cm; Age: 900-1470; Origin: Peru; Condition: very good; no chips, crSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Peruvian pottery jar w human face, ChimuPre-Columbian Peruvian pottery jar with human face, Chimu 900-1470 AD Height: 4.6" inches = 11.5 cm; Width: 3.25" x 3.75" = 8 cm x 9 cm; Age: 900-1470; Origin: Peru; Condition: very good; no chips, crSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Peruvian pottery jar w human face, ChimuPre-Columbian Peruvian pottery jar with human face, Chimu 900-1470 AD Height: 4.6" inches = 11.5 cm; Width: 3.25" x 3.75" = 8 cm x 9 cm; Age: 900-1470; Origin: Peru; Condition: very gooSee Sold Price
E&V Tsosu Handmade Navajo Pottery JarThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Mata Ortiz Black on Black Pottery Jar by Eduardo Ortiz Native AmericanArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Large Black on Red San Ildefonso Pottery Jar (Carmelita Dunlap)Ziebarth's Gallery4.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Large Kewa (Santo Domingo) Pictorial Pottery Jars (Robert Tenorio)Ziebarth's Gallery4.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Dedmond Southern Folk Pottery JarBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Chimu Pottery Vessel w/ Supernatural Jaguar DeityArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Historic Anazasi Pottery Jar Circa 1030-1500 C.E.World Auction Gallery LLC4.7(264)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
John F. Aragon (b. 1962, Acoma Pueblo), A black and white pottery jar, 1991John Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
Lois Medina (1959-2003, Zia Pueblo), A large polychrome pottery jar, late 20th centuryJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
Three Hopi-Tewa yellowware pottery jarsJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024