CHINESE VARIOUS WOOD AND BAMBOO SOFA/BENCHThe shaped back inset with elm wood panels carved with figures in landscapes and antique objects, the bamboo slat seat flanked by bamboo mounted rolling arms, on straight legs, joined by stretchers. HSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Chinese Brushpots: Bamboo & WoodTwo Chinese Brushpots: Bamboo & WoodTwo various Chinese brushpots: cylindrical bamboo with carved and stained ivory/bone appliqué scholar and precious vessels, signed in seal mark, wood rim and base;See Sold Price
SoldChinese Overlay Hanging PlaqueChinese overlaid lacquered hanging panel, featuring scholar's items comprised of overlay in different materials, including jade, various colored stones, wood, bamboo and etc, on a yellow lacquered groSee Sold Price
Sold11 Early 20th c. Chinese School carved scenes11 Early 20th c. Chinese School carved scenes- scenes including Family repast; Women weaving mat; River boat; Man carrying boxes; Rickshaw; Sedan chair- various material including wood, bamboo, etc.;See Sold Price
SoldVarious Chinese Carved Ivory ItemsVarious Chinese Carved Ivory ItemsVarious Chinese carved ivory items: openwork mountainous landscape with dwelling, pine and bamboo (repair); antique wood box, rectangular with raised oval ivory plaquSee Sold Price
Antique Chinese Zitan Wood Carved Canopy BedAntique Chinese Zitan Wood Carved Canopy Bed with bamboo shape bed bone and various Chinese traditional carvings on the bed panels , 19th century , 280 CM in height , excellent conditionSee Sold Price
Sold9 Chinese carved wood toys, ca. 19009 Chinese carved wood toys, ca. 1900- painted wood, various animals; and 1 Japanese bamboo snake.See Sold Price
SoldEarly 20th c. Chinese 8 carved wood scenesEarly 20th c. Chinese 8 carved wood of various working scenes- including Man Pounding Rice; Weaving a Bamboo Curtain; Rickshaw; Man with Plow; Woman at a Table; etc, various sizes.See Sold Price
SoldCONTEMPORARY CHINESE CARVED WOOD NESTING TABLES.CONTEMPORARY CHINESE CARVED WOOD NESTING TABLES. Comprised of four various sized tables (Tallest H: 26'' Shortest H: 13''). Together with two painted wood bamboo form side tables (Taller H: 19'' DiameSee Sold Price
SoldA group of five netsuke, various materials.19th century. The first, a wood bamboo shoot. Signed on the side of the root end, Yoshishige. 2 1/8in (5.6cm). The second, an ivory Mokugyo with each side being the face of a man, one Chinese, one JapSee Sold Price
SoldA Chinese black-lacquered wood inscribed 'bamboo andThe heavy wood panel is carved in the style of the paintings and calligraphy of Zheng Banqiao (Zheng Xie), with tall, leafy bamboo stalks beside angular rocks, accompanied by various inscriptions andSee Sold Price
Sold(28) Chinese Wood Carvings Inc. RosewoodCarved of wood, rosewood, bamboo, and hardwood to depict various figures, some with character marks, several carved character marks, most Chinese with six Korean carvings and one Japanese carving, 33.See Sold Price
SoldGroup of Three Various VesselsGroup of Three Various VesselsSmall Chinese plique a jour enamel beaker vase with bird and floral motifs; Islamic wood bottle vase with silver wire inlays; and Chinese carved bamboo brushpot with inscSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of 7 Chinese & Japanese ItemsGroup of 7 Chinese & Japanese ItemsGroup of seven various items, including: pair of carved wood netsuke of a standing man and chicken; Chinese carved bamboo imitating a book with scene of courtly ladiSee Sold Price
SoldCARVED CHENXIANG WOOD BRUSH POT OF SAGES IN BAMBOOCarved ChenXiang (Aloeswood) Chinese brush pot having cylindrical body, wider to the opening, with unsymmetrical flori-form rim. The exterior deftly carved with various levels of relief with continuouSee Sold Price
Chinese Boudoir Handmirror Exotic Wood JadeCHINESE BOUDOIR HANDMIRROR - Round Carved Exotic Wood Handle less Mirror with reticulated bamboo leaf edging, inset jade ring with incised luck symbols, six various inset half-round stones, one bone aSee Sold Price
SoldChinese circular bamboo birdcagewith cloisonne and porcelain food and water cups, various hardstone, metal, bone, and carved wood decorations, 44 in. H., 20 in. Diam.See Sold Price
SoldFour Shelves of Chinese Items(lot of approx 50) Four shelves of Chinese decorative items, including a bamboo brush pot, two brushes, wood and porcelain figures, closionne vessels, soapstone seals, and various porcelains, largest:See Sold Price
(17) Pcs Chinese Articles Inc. AntiqueTo include an antique carved bamboo junk, a five piece yixing tea set, three decorated glass spheres on wood display stands, and eight various wooden decorative arts, largest measures 21"L, circa 20thSee Sold Price
SoldBamboo Carved Boat with a Well Carved Wood BaseA Chinese Bamboo Carved Boat with a Well Carved Wood Base, Late 19th Century This bamboo is exquisitely carved depicting life on a boat. People are aboard, in various poses. Two people are talking, onSee Sold Price
SoldBAMBOO BRUSH POT WITH SAGES IN THE FOREST CARVINGIMPORTANT, VERY FINE antique Carved Chinese Bamboo Brush Pot, of straight cylindrical body, elaborately deep carved in detail depicted continuous scene of group of sages in various pursuit within wateSee Sold Price
SoldZITAN BRUSH POT W/ PINE AND BAMBOO FOREST PATTERN19th C. Carved Chinese Zitan Wood Brush Pot. Of cylindrical shaped body, slightly waisted, raised on a flat base. The exterior is expertly carved in detail scenery depicted group of sages in various pSee Sold Price
Group of Chinese Antique Snuff BottlesGroup of six snuff bottles from various stones, displayed on a large size two-layer wood stand; two crystal snuff bottle in translucent body carved in similar subject of bamboo trees and figure, 2.74See Sold Price
SoldChinese bamboo scholars brush potChinese bamboo scholars brush pot, Qing Dynasty (c. 18th/19th c.), cylindrical wood pot elaborately carved in two high relief panels, one depicting five people in various pursuits in a mountain villagSee Sold Price
Openwork Chinese Boxwood Wood Carved Bamboo Incense BurnerQuan Rong Gallery4.3(332)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Early 20th Century Chinese Watercolors (4)Premier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Chinese Ebonized Carved Camphor Wood ChestEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Chinese 19C. Fish & Insect Pith Paintings 8pc LOTHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Asian Decorative Arts Incl. Chinese & Japanese Porcelain Vases, Etc.Hoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Collection of Chinese and Japanese Seals.Turner Auctions + Appraisals4.3(313)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
PR 18TH C. CHINESE CARVED JADE & HARD STONE PANELS.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
CHINESE MIXED STONE INLAID ROUND WOOD PANELA.H. Wilkens Auctions & Appraisals4.7(392)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Chinese Watercolors on Paper Ca. 1910-1920, H 6" W 5" 8 pcsDuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Mask Collection from All Over the World - 31 in TotalKing's Auctions Inc4.1(121)See Sold PriceDec 29, 2024