SoldJacob Ferdinand Voet (Anversa 1639 - Parigi 1700olio su tela, cm 73x61 , Questo bel ritratto, in cornice coeva in legno scolpito e dorato a losanghe intrecciate e in eccezionale stato di conservazione, raffigura Ortensia Mancini (1646–1699),See Sold Price
SoldJacob Ferdinand Voet (Anversa 1639 - Parigi 1700olio su tela, cm 73x59, in cornice dorataSee Sold Price
SoldJACOB FERDINAND VOET (attr. a)(Anversa, 1639 - Parigi, 1700) Ritratto di Antonio Trotti (1627 - 1681) Iscritto sul retro della tela: Anto.o Trotti Conte di Robbio Castelnuovo ordine del Toson D'oro Re della Spagna Olio su tela, cmSee Sold Price
JACOB FERDINAND VOET (attr. a)(Anversa, 1639 - Parigi, 1700) Ritratto di Antonio Trotti (1627 - 1681) Iscritto sul retro della tela: Anto.o Trotti Conte di Robbio Castelnuovo ordine del Toson D'oro Re della Spagna Olio su tela, cmSee Sold Price
SoldFERDINAND VOET (attr. a)(Anversa, 1639 - Parigi, 1689) Ritratto di gentiluomo Olio su tela, cm 75X63 Il dipinto trova evidenti spunti di confronto con le opere di Jacob Ferdinand Voet (Anversa, 1639 - Parigi, 1689). Il pittoSee Sold Price
SoldJACOB FERDINAND VOET (attr. a)(Anversa, 1639 - Parigi, 1689) Ritratto di giovane donna con fiori tra i capelli Olio su tela, cm 73X59 Il fiammingo Jacob Ferdinand Voet svolse la sua carriera a Roma, dove giunse nel 1663 probabilmeSee Sold Price
SoldJACOB FERDINAND VOET (cerchia di)(Anversa, 1639 - Parigi, 1689) Dama con perle e nastro Olio su tela, cm 79X58,5 Il fiammingo Jacob Ferdinand Voet svolse la sua carriera a Roma, dove giunse nel 1663 probabilmente dopo aver soggiornatSee Sold Price
SoldJACOB FERDINAND VOET (attr. a)(Anversa, 1639 - Parigi, 1689) Ritratto di gentiluomo con armatura Olio su tela applicata su tavola, cm 73,5X60,5 Il fiammingo Jacob Ferdinand Voet svolse la sua carriera a Roma, dove giunse nel 1663See Sold Price
SoldFERDINAND VOET (attr. a)(Anversa, 1639 - Parigi, 1689) Ritratto di gentiluomo Olio su tela, cm 68X51 Già riferito a Carlo Maratti, il dipinto trova maggiori spunti di confronto con le opere di Jacob Ferdinand Voet (AnversSee Sold Price
Cerchia di Ferdinand Voet (Anversa 1639 – Parigi 1689)Ritratto di dama in abiti eleganti, a mezzo busto olio su tela originale, cm 75 x 60, senza cornice 1See Sold Price
Cerchia di Ferdinand Voet (Anversa 1639 – Parigi 1689)Ritratto di dama in abiti eleganti, a mezzo busto olio su tela originale, cm 75 x 60, senza cornice 1See Sold Price
STUDIO OF JACOB FERDINAND VOET (1639-1700) A bust-lengtSTUDIO OF JACOB FERDINAND VOET (1639-1700) A bust-length portrait of Hortense Mancini, the sitter turned slightly to the right and with her hair up, wearing a red dress with a central brooch below a fSee Sold Price
SoldAttribuito a Jacob Ferdinand Voet (Antwerp circa 1639 –olio su tela, cm 74 x 59,5ATTRIBUTED TO JACOB FERDINAND VOET (ANTWERP AROUND 1639 - 1689/1700), PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN RED DRESS, OIL ON CANVAS, 74 X 59.5 CMSee Sold Price
SoldJacob Ferdinand Voet (1639 - 1689) Attrib. O/COil on Canvas. S: 28 1/4 x 21 1/2 in. O: 38 1/2 x 32 in. Ferdinand Voet was the principal portrait painter in Rome during the third quarter of the 17th century and he was greatly sought after by RomanSee Sold Price
SoldJacob Ferdinand Voet (1639 - 1689)Jacob Ferdinand Voet (1639 - 1689) Ritratto di dama con turbante Olio su tela cm 58x72 Il dipinto è accompagnato da una ampia scheda della Dott. Arabella Cifani.See Sold Price
SoldJacob Ferdinand Voet (1639-1689)- attributedJacob Ferdinand Voet (1639-1689)- attributed, portrait of a field Marshall in armour, oil on canvas, framed.See Sold Price
Ferdinand Voet (1639-1700)-attrib. "Italian(?) Prince",Ferdinand Voet (1639-1700)-attrib. "Italian(?) Prince", Very Important Oil Miniature!, 1670's Portrait of an aristocrat (presumably a royalty) at the age of 28. It is painted with oils on vellum and iSee Sold Price
SoldRitrattista del XVII secoloRitrattista del XVII secolo, seguace di Jacob Ferdinand Voet (1639–1689) Ritratto di gentiluomo Olio su tela Vecchi restauri cm 80x64See Sold Price
AMBIT OF JACOB FERDINAND VOET (Antwerp 1639 - Paris,AMBIT OF JACOB FERDINAND VOET (Antwerp 1639 - Paris, 1689) Couple of portraits of ladies Oil on canvas, cm.74x61. FramedSee Sold Price
JACOB FERDINAND VOET (Antwerp, 1639 - Paris, 1689)JACOB FERDINAND VOET (Antwerp, 1639 - Paris, 1689) Portrait of abbot Oil on canvas, cm. 51x40. Framed The painting was recognized as an artwork by J. F. Voet by Prof. Francesco Petrucci.See Sold Price
JACOB FERDINAND VOET (Antwerp, 1639 - Paris, 1689), ATTRIBUTED TOPortrait of bella Oil on panel, cm. 73,5x60,5. Framed..See Sold Price
Ferdinand De Braekeleer Jr (NY,Belgium,1828-1857) oil painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
ABRAHAM JACOB BOGDANOVE (ME/NY/RUSSIA, 1887-1946)Thomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Jacob Steinheimer and Estate Papers, Photographs, and other Effects Civil War Jewish ReconstructorHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Jacob Pfeiffer 36x48 Native American Horse Winter Landscape Oil Painting 1988Hess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
11 Old Master prints. 16th-18th centuries. To include: Jacob Matham "Prudence", Pieter van derTremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
De Passe. Portraits of explorers. To include: 2 examples each of Rene de Laudonniere, AmerigoTremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Walter Tittle. 17 etchings and lithographs. Portraits of notables. To include: Sir Hall Cane, MmeTremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
BRUNO LUCCHESI (B.1926) BRONZE BAS-RELIEF SCULPTURE JACOB & THE ANGELAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Ferdinand Minor (German,1814-1883) oil painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMay 05, 2024
Antique Hand Colored Print "America" by Jacob van MeursCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Oil on canvas signed lower left OJEDA, after WAGNER FERDINANDBasel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
JACOB JASKOVIAK (ROGER) KNIGHT (Massachusetts/New York, 1938-1994), "Kerouac Wore No Helmet"., OilEldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Jacob Arkush "226 E. 29 St." Oil on Canvas, 1949Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025