Carved and painted carousel rounding board
CARVED SHIP'S STERN BOARD BY LUCIEN GREEN (1917-2005) OF ROCKLAND, MEFeb 24, 2024EARLY CARVED CAROUSEL FLYING HORSEFeb 25, 2024CARVED & PAINTED WOODEN PERCHING COCKATOOFeb 25, 20241930s CARVED & PAINTED WOOD SCOTTIE DOG PEN RESTFeb 25, 2024(19th/20th c) CARVED & PAINTED WOODEN BOAT HULLFeb 25, 2024Two (19th/20thc) CARVED & PAINTED WOOD BILLY GOATSFeb 25, 2024(Early 19th c) CARVED & PAINTED FOLK ART SPOONFeb 25, 2024LANDSCAPE WITH PLOUGHMAN', EX JOHN LE CARRE COLLECTIONMar 01, 2024Oldrich Farsky (Czech American 1860 - 1930) Oil painting Portrait of a SeamanMar 03, 2024Two Mexican Retablos of Our Lady of Refuge.Feb 24, 2024Carved and Painted Yoruba Divination Bowl with 4 HeadsFeb 24, 2024A pair of relief-carved grotesque fairground carousel panels by C J Spooner,Mar 07, 2024A large and well-carved curving fairground carousel dome panel by C J Spooner,Mar 07, 2024An illuminated fairground carousel galloper rounding board carving, attributed to F Savage & Co.,Mar 07, 2024A carved and illuminated fairground carousel tariff board,Mar 07, 2024Jack Bookbinder Mexican Shawl Oil PaintingFeb 29, 2024POSSIBLY MABEL MAY WOODWARD (1877-1945) "BEACH SCENE".Mar 07, 2024CARVED & PAINTED FOLK ART SCULPTURE OF A RED HEADED FEMALE 20" TALLMar 03, 2024Antique Mounted Carousel HorseMar 05, 2024Alvah Hamilton (NC, 1888-1960), Published WilletFeb 29, 2024Blanton Saunders (NC, 1910-1928), WidgeonFeb 29, 2024(3) Aboriginal carved and painted boardsMar 08, 2024BUFFLEHEAD DRAKE, L. JOHNSONMar 10, 2024Antique Hand Carved & Hand Painted Wood Carousel HorseFeb 25, 2024