SoldTony Evans Raku Pottery Centerpiece Bowl SIGNED20th century hand crafted Raku pottery vessel by noted California postwar contemporary ceramic artist Anthony "Tony" Evans ( American, 1942 - 2009 ). This organic inspired form features a glazed and aSee Sold Price
SoldTony Evans Art Pottery Raku Bowl on Wooden Stand:Tony Evans Art Pottery Raku Bowl on Wooden Stand: Signed Evans 7 on Bottom Edge. Large Cupped Bowl is Mounted on Lucite Base. Multicolor Gloss and Matt Glazes. 11"T, 18"D. Stand is Made Up of EntwinedSee Sold Price
SoldTony Evans ceramic bowl w/ raku glaze, signedContemporary ceramic vessel with raku glaze by the Tony Evans Design Group, the body in a turquoise and peach palette, artist signed and dated 'Evans '12' to underside, 10"h x 17"dia.See Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN SANTA CLARA PUEBLO BLACKWARE POTTERY BOWLNATIVE AMERICAN SANTA CLARA PUEBLO BLACKWARE POTTERY BOWL, having carved design to shoulder. Unsigned. Mid 20th century. 3 3/8" HOA, 3 1/8" D rim opening.Provenance: From the Bill and Nancy Wick ColleSee Sold Price
SoldSANTA CLARA POTTERY BOWL1980's sgraffito buffalo design with buffalo lid signed Tony and Patti Padilla,5.5'' x 4'' Shipping charge are for the continental United States only There will be additional shipping fees on shipmentSee Sold Price
SoldCasas Grandes Pottery BowlPrehistoric 4-1/2" x 7-1/2" Rare, old, polychrome pottery bowl with traditional curvilinear design. Good condition, glued repairs (#388 in the Evans collection, but not in the Baca book.)See Sold Price
SoldSIGNED LUCY LEWIS ACOMA NATIVE AMERICAN POTTERY BOWLSIGNED LUCY LEWIS ACOMA NATIVE AMERICAN POTTERY BOWL, black on white geometric design, signed to the underside "Lucy M. Lewis / Acoma, N.M." Lucy Martin Lewis (American, b.c. 1890, d. 1992). Third quaSee Sold Price
SoldSIGNED NATIVE AMERICAN SANTA CLARA PUEBLO BLACKWARESIGNED NATIVE AMERICAN SANTA CLARA PUEBLO BLACKWARE POTTERY BOWL, globular form with carved design, signed in pencil "Margaret G[?] / Santa Clara Pu / N. Mex." Together with two small circular basketsSee Sold Price
SoldROOKWOOD CONANT ART POTTERY BOWLROOKWOOD CONANT ART POTTERY BOWL, having wide base, raised trimmed foot, dark gray/blue base and rim with band of polychrome floral painted design over cream ground. Artist signature for Patti ConantSee Sold Price
SoldMimbres Pottery Bowl - Evans CollectionPrehistoric 3-1/4" x 8-1/2" Small, killed, black-on-white bowl with rather crude interior design that is uniquely asymmetric. Good condition, one clued crack, otherwise unrestored. (This is from the fSee Sold Price
SoldSIGNED SAN ILDEFONSO NATIVE AMERICAN POTTERY BOWLSIGNED SAN ILDEFONSO NATIVE AMERICAN POTTERY BOWL, blackware, petit form, with simple scalloped design to shoulder, signed "Blue Corn / San Ildefonso Pueblo". Blue Corn, a.k.a. Crucita Calabaza (c. 19See Sold Price
SoldASIAN CELADON POTTERY BOWLASIAN CELADON POTTERY BOWL, (UPDATED 4/21/15) of five-lobed form, with incised foliate and cloud design to well walls, surrounding a band of partial Greek key or key-fret design, and centered stylizedSee Sold Price
Sold371. 6 5/8" Pottery Bowl. MX. Piece glued. Exc371. 6 5/8" Pottery Bowl. MX. Piece glued. Excellent paint. Very colorful designSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN ART POTTERY BOWLS, LOT OF TWOAMERICAN ART POTTERY BOWLS, LOT OF TWO, comprising a Newcomb example having blue over brown glaze, with "NEWCOMB / GUILD / Design Not / Duplicated" label, and an unidentified example featuring steel bSee Sold Price
SoldSIGNED HARRISON BEGAY JR. (B. 1961) SANTA CLARA PUEBLOSIGNED HARRISON BEGAY JR. (B. 1961) SANTA CLARA PUEBLO BLACKWARE POTTERY BOWL, bulbous form, having three bands of carved geometric designs encircling the body. Incised pot mark with "Harrison / 02" tSee Sold Price
SoldSIGNED MARIA POVEKA MARTINEZ (1884-1980) NATIVESIGNED MARIA POVEKA MARTINEZ (1884-1980) NATIVE AMERICAN SAN ILDEFONSO PUEBLO BLACKWARE POTTERY BOWL, squat form, featuring a band of matte painted feather-like designs encircling the body. Incised "MSee Sold Price
SoldSIGNED NATIVE AMERICAN SANTA CLARA PUEBLO BLACKWARESIGNED NATIVE AMERICAN SANTA CLARA PUEBLO BLACKWARE POTTERY BOWLS, LOT OF FOUR, each featuring carved decorations, including three having geometric designs, and one spherical example featuring raisedSee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN ZUNI POTTERY LARGE BOWLNATIVE AMERICAN ZUNI POTTERY LARGE BOWL, polychrome on white, exterior with geometric decoration, interior with remnants of floral design. Circa 1880-1900. 6 1/4" H, 14 3/4" D. Provenance: CollectionSee Sold Price
SoldBUFFALO POTTERY CERAMIC BOWLBUFFALO POTTERY CERAMIC BOWL, with flared rim having "Ye Village Street" design and artist signature. Black printed mark on base with Buffalo over sign reading "MADE AT / ye / BUFFALO / POTTERY / DELDSee Sold Price
SoldCHINESE SONG DYNASTY POTTERY CELADON BOWL, AND ANOTHER,CHINESE SONG DYNASTY POTTERY CELADON BOWL, AND ANOTHER, LATER BOWL, LOT OF TWO, both bowls with incised decoration on the green glaze, the first with incised foliate designs and lotus petals to interiSee Sold Price
SoldMCCOY LOY-NEL-ART ART POTTERY VASES AND BOWL, LOT OFMCCOY LOY-NEL-ART ART POTTERY VASES AND BOWL, LOT OF THREE, each having a cylindrical form with two small handles near the rim and polychrome decoration, comprising one vase with tulip design, one vasSee Sold Price
SoldBUFFALO POTTERY DELDARE FALLOWFIELD BOWL AND PLATTER /BUFFALO POTTERY DELDARE FALLOWFIELD BOWL AND PLATTER / PLAQUE, both having in polychrome "The Fallowfield Hunt" designs, the bowl with "The Death" on the interior, artist signed by "E. Ditmars"; and tSee Sold Price
SoldROBINSON RANSBOTTOM ART POTTERY GRADUATED NESTINGROBINSON RANSBOTTOM ART POTTERY GRADUATED NESTING MIXING BOWLS, LOT OF FIVE, in five different colors, having a molded scalloped design on exterior sides in the "Swirl" design. Impressed "R.R.B. CO. /See Sold Price
Native American Red Clay Pottery Bowl Signed CPI Garcia, San Juan PuebloCain Modern Auctions4.4(44)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
8" Pottery Bowl with four tabs. Hickman Co, KY. Ex Steve DowellTony Putty Artifacts4.7(404)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Asian Inspired Cups and Small Bowls, Tiny Vases, Snuff Bottle and NecklacesApple Tree Auction Center4.6(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024