SoldLOT OF BRITISH MILITARY BAND AND PARADE EQUIPMENT.Lot consists of (A) Drum Major baldric for the Irish Guards with Royal cypher, Irish guards insignia, and battle honors from Festubert through Anzio. Comes with two drumsticks with brass decorations.See Sold Price
LOT OF BRITISH MILITARY BAND AND PARADE EQUIPMENT.Lot consists of (A) Drum Major baldric for the Irish Guards with Royal cypher, Irish guards insignia, and battle honors from Festubert through Anzio. Comes with two drumsticks with brass decorations.See Sold Price
LOT OF BRITISH MILITARY BAND AND PARADE EQUIPMENT.Lot consists of (A) Drum Major baldric for the Irish Guards with Royal cypher, Irish guards insignia, and battle honors from Festubert through Anzio. Comes with two drumsticks with brass decorations.See Sold Price
SoldWORLD MILITARY AVIATOR'S LIFE PRESERVER & GEAR LOTWORLD MILITARY AVIATOR'S LIFE PRESERVER & GEAR LOT World Military Equipment & Gear Lot. Includes: British Aviator's Life Preserver by P. Frankenstein & Sons as marked on tag. British Mark 4 service liSee Sold Price
SoldBritish Army, WWI Era and More Terrific lot showing various British military units in uniform, at war, and at parade. Great cards, lots of photos.See Sold Price
SoldBritains, Bamnd of the Line military band(lot of 23) Britans lead figures, British Band of the Line military marching bandSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of Britains and Miignot lead soldiers(Lot 163) Collection of Britains and Miignot lead soldiers; (23) British Band of the Line military marching band.; (6) Britains, lead soldiers, Napoleonic French Artillery, each figure carrying a fireSee Sold Price
SoldMILITARY CANVAS AND EQUIPMENT LOTMILITARY CANVAS AND EQUIPMENT LOT Lot includes American, Australian and British items. An Australian military cover, size 7 1/8, dated 1969, marked Dept of Supply on intact interior plastic liner. AnSee Sold Price
SoldLot Of 8: 20th Century Military Style Caps.Includes a green visor cap with silver and gold cockade. Black visor and sweat band. Cockade is reproduction. Cap has a few small holes; a red British military cap with black, patent leather visor, liSee Sold Price
SoldMULT CONFLICT LOT OF MILITARY UTILITY EQUIPMENTLot includes three extra magazine carrying holsters, red cross arm band, a satchel with strap, and WW1 era German canteen, and a red cross arm band. Very good condition, but the canteen's fabric is deSee Sold Price
Lot of 2 Scottish WWII cap British beretE-197 Lot of 2: (1) Scottish WWII cap. Red/white/black checkered band, black silk bow and ribbons. Silk lining. (2) British black military beret. Two grommets to accommodate a badge. Padded lining witSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 11: Military Belts, Sashes & Equipment.Comprising: 1) Bullion and yellow barrel sash. 2) British white-painted giberne strap with VR plate. 3) Green wool lanyard with fringe and waffle drops. 4) Bullion and blue sash with bullion fringed dSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 11: Military Belts, Sashes & Equipment.Comprised of: 1) British bullion belt with VR scroll belt plate. 2) British bullion giberne strap with engraved silver-plated furniture. 3) Brown leather giberne cover with 16 smooth pewter-finished bSee Sold Price
SoldWORLD MILITARY ITEMS MIXED BONANZA LOTWORLD MILITARY ITEMS MIXED BONANZA LOT American parade flags, WWII civil defense helmets and Warden Post plaque, MP Armband, medals, insignia, dogtags, British police batons and stick, photos, post caSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Lot of Assorted Military Collectibles.Comprised of: 1) Three pairs of British parade gauntlets [new]. 2) Gold bullion tape giberne strap with silver furniture. Strap marked: Geo. A. Lawrence. 3) Leather sling for a Danish Snider rifle. 4)See Sold Price
SoldLarge Lot of Assorted Military Collectibles.Comprised of: 1) Three pairs of British parade gauntlets [new]. 2) Gold bullion tape giberne strap with silver furniture. Strap marked: Geo. A. Lawrence. 3) Leather sling for a Danish Snider rifle. 4)See Sold Price
Sold(C) Lot of 2: Ross Military Bolt Action Rifles.Serial # 132B & NSN 28" barrel in .303 British caliber with no serial number. The first gun is a Model 1905 military Ross with a correct military rear sight, front sight, and two barrel bands. MissingSee Sold Price
SoldMilitary MiniaturesLot of 55 metal figures gloss painted representing British Colonial and Gurkha bands. Condition: From the Col. Ron Anderson Collection, due to the fragileness of the lots there may be some minor flawsSee Sold Price
SoldBritains Set #1287 British Military BandBritish Military Band With peaked caps tied in original Fred Whisstock box. Pre War. With mustaches. 21 Pieces. Condition: Near Mint.See Sold Price
SoldBritains Set #1287 Full British Military BandPre War. Tied in Original Whisstock Box. With mustaches. 21 Pieces. Condition Figures Near Mint. Condition Box Excellent; Missing some edging.See Sold Price
SoldBritains Set #1287 British Military Band21 pieces in khaki uniforms and peaked caps. Pre- War. Unboxed. Condition excellent.See Sold Price
SoldBritains #1287 VERY RARE British Military Band21 pieces. RARE set featuring British Line Infantry Band in Service Dress, Khaki uniforms with Peaked Caps. Excellent condition (some paint loss on bases, bass drum player's uniform is slightly darkerSee Sold Price
SoldBritish Military Parade Belt with insignia/SC5depicting all theaters that the soldier had served in including South Africa, Canada, Egypt, Tank Corps etc.See Sold Price
SoldStadden British Military Band FiguresStand 110mm tall on bases. 2 figures. Excellent condition. Unboxed.See Sold Price
Roman Openwork Silver Military Baldric PhaleraTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Britains Set #1287 British Military BandOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
WWII AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS AND YANK MAGAZINE ISSUESAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Iron Maiden Steve Harris Signed The Number Of The Beast CDShakespeare Auctions4.3(1)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Group Lot of Heavy Equipment Shop Tool MiniaturesBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
19th century, Three military lithographs depicting The Queen's Hussars to include one titledClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Mixed lot of military garrison and officer visor capsEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Nine boxed 1:72 scale limited edition die-cast models of military jet aircraft by Corgi Aviation...Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Five boxed 1:72 scale limited edition die-cast models of military jet aircraft by Corgi Aviation...Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lot of 19 Military Prints - Swedish & British Arme Uniform - Schwerin leading battle - JuliusProverde Auctions4.3(3)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024