SoldEgyptian steatite scarab, cartouche of Thutmose IIIA large Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose III, New Kingdom, c. 1476 – 1075 BC, the body of nice form, well carved with well-defined head and legs, on base, the god Bes stands facinSee Sold Price
Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouches, Thutmose IIIAn Egyptian steatite scarab with amuletic cartouches for Thutmose III, 25th - 26th Dynasty, c. 745 - 525 BC, the body, head and legs nicely carved; on base, a pair of amuletic cartouches of Thutmose ISee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose IIIA large Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose III, New Kingdom, c. 1479 - 1075 BC, the body of nice form, well carved with well-defined head and legs, on base, the god Bes stands facingSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose IIIAn Egyptian steatite scarab with amuletic cartouche of Thutmose III, Ramesside, c. 1200 1075 BC, the body and legs well-carved with good detail. On base, 'Hetep Her Maat' beside the amuletic cartoucheSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose IIIAn Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose III, Late New Kingdom, c. 1200 - 1075 BC, the cartouche amuletic in nature and supported by a Kheper flanked by two erect cobras; stylized wingedSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose IIIAn Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose III, Late Period, c. 664 - 332 BC, the body well carved, on base the god Ra stands before an amuletic cartouche of the New Kingdom pharaoh ThutmoSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose IIIAn Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose III, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, c. 1479 - 1292 BC, the head nicely carved and legs in the form of parallel grooves. On the base, winged deity withSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose IIIA nice Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose III, Late Period, c. 664 - 332 BC, the praenomen of the New Kingdom pharaoh, 'Men-Kheper-Ra' used in an amuletic fashion surrounded by concenSee Sold Price
Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose IIIAn Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose III, Late Period, c. 664 - 332 BC, the body well carved, on base the god Ra stands before an amuletic cartouche of the New Kingdom pharaoh ThutmoSee Sold Price
Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose IIIA large Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose III, New Kingdom, c. 1476 - 1075 BC, the body of nice form, well carved with well-defined head and legs, on base, the god Bes stands facingSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose IIIA large Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose III, New Kingdom, c. 1479 - 1292 BC, with nicely carved body and wide legs, on base, a cartouche containing the Praenomen of Thutmose III, 'See Sold Price
Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose IIIAn Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose III, Late Period, c. 664 - 332 BC, the body well carved, on base the god Ra stands before an amuletic cartouche of the New Kingdom pharaoh ThutmoSee Sold Price
Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose IIIAn Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose III, Late New Kingdom, c. 1200 - 1075 BC, the cartouche amuletic in nature and supported by a Kheper flanked by two erect cobras; stylized wingedSee Sold Price
Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose IIIAn Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose III, Late New Kingdom, c. 1200 – 1075 BC, the cartouche amuletic in nature and supported by a Kheper flanked by two erect cobras; stylized wingSee Sold Price
Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose IIIA large Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose III, New Kingdom, c. 1479 - 1075 BC, the body of nice form, well carved with well-defined head and legs, on base, the god Bes stands facingSee Sold Price
Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose IIIAn Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose III, Late New Kingdom, c. 1200 - 1075 BC, the cartouche amuletic in nature and supported by a Kheper flanked by two erect cobras; stylized wingedSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian steatite scarab with Thutmose III cartoucheA Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose III, New Kingdom, c. 1570 - 1075 BC, the in low profile with double grooves for legs and trapezoidal head. On base, an amuletic cartouche of ThutmSee Sold Price
Egyptian steatite scarab with Thutmose III cartoucheAn Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche of Thutmose III, Late Period, c. 664 - 332 BC, the body well carved, on base the god Ra stands before an amuletic cartouche of the New Kingdom pharaoh ThutmoSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian scarab with amuletic cartouches, Thutmose IIIAn Egyptian steatite scarab with amuletic cartouches for Thutmose III, 25th - 26th Dynasty, c. 745 - 525 BC, the body, head and legs nicely carved; on base, a pair of amuletic cartouches of Thutmose ISee Sold Price
SoldA pair of Egyptian steatite scarabsA pair of Egyptian steatite scarabs, the first is a later New Kingdom scarab, c. 1200 - 1075 BC, with amuletic cartouche of Thutmose III with Djed pillar and crowns, 19 x 13 mm, the second is a weatheSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian steatite scarab with name of Thutmose IIIAn Egyptian steatite scarab with name of Thutmose III, 3rd Intermediate Period, c. 1075 - 664 BC, with nicely carved body and grooved legs. On base an amuletic cartouche of Thutmose III 'Men-Kheper-RaSee Sold Price
SoldA large Egyptian steatite scarab, Thutmose IIIA large Egyptian steatite scarab with cartouche, Later New Kingdom, c. 1200 - 1075 BC, the body and legs well-carved, on base an amuletic cartouche of 18th Dynasty pharaoh Thutmose III flanked by erecSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian steatite scarab, New Kingdom, Ramesside PeriodAn Egyptian steatite scarab, New Kingdom, Ramesside Period, c. 1279 - 1075 BC, the body beautifully carved and the legs deeply undercut, one base a central commemorative cartouche of Thutmose III flanSee Sold Price
An Egyptian steatite scarab, New KingdomAn Egyptian steatite scarab, New Kingdom, Ramesside Period, c. 1279 - 1075 BC, the body beautifully carved and the legs deeply undercut, one base a central commemorative cartouche of Thutmose III flanSee Sold Price
Large Egyptian Heart Scarab with Hieroglyphic InscriptionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Egypto-Phoenician Lapis Lazuli Scarab with Cartouche for Thutmose IIITimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Original Framed Photographs of Egyptian MonumentsTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Large Egyptian Stone Hieroglyphic Scarab for Amenhotep IIITimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
An Egyptian Carved Steatite Scarab, Second Intermediate PeriodThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
An Egyptian Steatite Ushabti with Winged scarab CarvingThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
An Egyptian Post-Pharaonic Steatite Scarab Seal with Hieroglyphic InscriptionsThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
An Egyptian Glazed Steatite Winged Scarab, New KingdomThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
An Egyptian Carved Steatite Scarab, Second Intermediate PeriodThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A Vintage Egyptian Scarab Carving of Protective DeityThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
An Egyptian Steatite Ushabti with Winged Scarab MotifThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
An Egyptian Glazed Steatite Scarab Amulet with Hieroglyphic InscriptionsThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
An Egyptian Scarab Seal, Possibly Old Kingdom to Middle KingdomThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024