Marklin Germany Vintage Steam Engine w/ GeneratorHeritage Gallery Auctions4.4(56)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
MARKLIN SERIES II, CLOCKWORK BATTLESHIP, USS NY.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
SoldTHREE MIXED MARKLIN TENDERS2259. THREE MIXED MARKLIN TENDERS | Sold as-is parts lot. 4" - 8.5" l. | (Very Good to Excellent Condition) | $300 - $600 | Provenance: Sam Downey Collection.See Sold Price
SoldTHREE MIXED MARKLIN TENDERS2295. THREE MIXED MARKLIN TENDERS | Two gauge O, one gauge 1. 6.5" l. | Large tender is restored, sold as-is parts lot. | $200 - $400 | Provenance: Sam Downey Collection.See Sold Price
SoldMixed lot of toy train items, mostly HOMixed lot of Marklin HO scale track, Marklin three stall round house, Marklin freight cars. Various HO scale buildings. Lionel O gauge postwar 2055 loco and tender with whistle. Marklin catalogs, BuicSee Sold Price
SoldFOUR MIXED MARKLIN TENDERS2294. FOUR MIXED MARKLIN TENDERS | Two gauge 1, two gauge O. 6.5" l. | Sold as-is parts lot, overall (Very Good Condition) | $300 - $500 | Provenance: Sam Downey Collection.See Sold Price
SoldFOUR MIXED MARKLIN TENDERS2258. FOUR MIXED MARKLIN TENDERS | Two gauge O, two gauge 1, sold as-is parts lot. 6" l. | Green tender has touch-up, others in (Very Good Condition) | $400 - $700 | Provenance: Sam Downey Collection.See Sold Price
Soldnice mixed lot of Märklin tenders, 10 pieces,nice mixed lot of Märklin tenders, 10 pieces, among them 2 tenders, green/black, for a steam locomotive with separate tender 2B, 2 tender, red, used, good condition German Description SchöneSee Sold Price
SoldSpur 0, Eigenbau, auf Märklin-Basis, 3-achsige TenderloSpur 0, Eigenbau, auf Märklin-Basis, 3-achsige Tenderlok, elektr. Ausführung, 28 cm, 2 beleuchtete Stirnlampen, techn. nicht geprüft track 0, homemade, based on Märklin, three-axled tender locomotSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 5: Train Items.Description Includes two engines and three tenders. Consists of one restored Marklin tender, one Winner train engine, two other German lithographed tenders, and one German (possibly KBN) wind-up enginSee Sold Price
SoldMÄRKLIN mixed lot H0, tow-tender-locomotive, tender locomotive, streamlined locomotive, 2MÄRKLIN mixed lot H0, tow-tender-locomotive, tender locomotive, streamlined locomotive, 2 electric locomotives, used - good German Description MÄRKLIN Konv. H0, Schlepptender-Lok, Tender-LokSee Sold Price
SoldTHREE MARKLIN HO GAUGE EUROPEAN STEAM ENGINESThree (3) Marklin HO gauge 3-rail steam engines and tenders. Some paperwork.See Sold Price
SoldGROUPING OF THREE MARKLIN 'O' GAUGE LOCOMOTIVESGermany, all 0-4-0 examples, includes grey body clockwork R900, maroon clockwork R5990, and black clockwork locomotive, all with tin tenders.See Sold Price
SoldTHREE MARKLIN LOCOMOTIVES & PASSENGER CARS388. THREE MARKLIN LOCOMOTIVES & PASSENGER CARS | O gauge, clockwork R890 Loco, electric R66 Loco, and electric RV12890 Loco. | Loco & tender 11" | Green engine has touch ups throughout, smaller blackSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot train, chime, 18896, clock mechanism ismixed lot train, chime, 18896, clock mechanism is intact,, 1 Märklin tender, old Märklin symbol, track 1, 1 clock mechanism locomotive, RS990, old Märklin symbol, roof isn't original, used, clock mSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot train, track 0, crane truck, GBN steammixed lot train, track 0, crane truck, GBN steam locomotive with separate tender, locomotive without tender, small Märklin tender, low side car, Märklin passenger coach, Bing, with 1 Bing passengerSee Sold Price
Sold11 PIECE EARLY GERMAN TOY TRAIN AND ACCESSORIESAN 11 PIECE EARLY GERMAN TOY TRAIN AND ACCESSORIES GROUP, EARLY 20TH CENTURY. Comprising a Bing Werke live steam locomotive with tender, a pair of unmarked passenger cars, three Marklin rail cars, anSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin Mini-Club 8836 & 8803 Locos 8645 CarsDESCRIPTION: Lot of three Marklin Mini-Club Z gauge items. Includes one 8836 steam engine and tender, 8803 steam engine and tender and 8645 five piece freight car set. All in original boxes. MEASUREMESee Sold Price
SoldMaerklinEnglish: Maerklin, TM 800, 5 Tender, 3 Tender Bonnets, mixed condition, mostly good Deutsch: Märklin, TM 800, 5 Tender, 3 Tenderhauben, gemischter Zustand, meist gut, (2302)See Sold Price
NETTE - Mixed European Lot, MARKLIN, KBN & HornbyHornby Loco, clock work working w/reverse; 3435 Tender; Marjorie Coach; Aurelia Coach, Cute Set, C8; Marklin R890 Loco, clock work working, no tender; Marklin 17230 Coach; KBN Brown coach, roof hingesSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 Pc. Mixed European HO LotLiliput 4-6-0 Steam loco, foam insert gone; Erie & PRR Derricks; TRIX 4472 Tender; Marklin 4677 Beer Car, obs C8+See Sold Price
SoldAssociated G gauge train cars(lot of 16) Associated G gauge train cars including a locomotive, three tenders, two caboose, four Marklin freight cars, and four straight track segmentsSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin three-piece tin wind-up train set, to incMarklin three-piece tin wind-up train set, to include a 0 Engine, a Tender, and a Speisewagen Dining car.See Sold Price
SoldMÄRKLIN mixed lot hobbyist box, 3 locomotives, 1MÄRKLIN mixed lot hobbyist box, 3 locomotives, 1 tow-tender-locomotive, partially restored, partially altered, used condition, track 0, 20 - 28.5 cm, partially reconstructed engines German DescriptioSee Sold Price
SoldMÄRKLIN mixed lot of H0, 2 items, 2MÄRKLIN mixed lot of H0, 2 items, 2 tow-tender-locomotives, 1x tow-tender-locomotive, 1E, 44690, in original box, condition: as good as new , 1 tow-tender-locomotive, 1C1, 23014, condition: as good aSee Sold Price
SoldMÄRKLIN track 0, mixed lot tow-tender-locomotive, B,MÄRKLIN track 0, mixed lot tow-tender-locomotive, B, clock mechanism is intact, without tender, 1 opened freight waggon, green, 1 tiltable tipper lorry, used German Description MÄRKLIN Spur 0, Konv.See Sold Price
Three Mixed Tubular Lanterns-Buhl/Hermance/BergerJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Three Mixed Tubular Lanterns-Veritas/Perkins/BritishJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Patrick Hughes b1939 3D Reverspective Litho SIGNEDHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Gorham Copper Silver Mixed Metals Loving Cup 6" x 8" 26.3 oztMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Carlisle & Finch Prewar 2 inch Gauge #34 Steam Loco and Tender with Three (3) Passenger Car Set circHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Gustavo Herrera Glass Wall Sculpture My TricolorRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
MARKLIN AMERICAN STYLE LOCOMOTIVE, TENDER AND CARS.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
BING BRASS LOCOMOTIVE, TENDER, AND THREE CARS.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
MARKLIN BRASS STEAM LOCOMOTIVE, TENDER AND CAR.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
MARKLIN CLOCKWORK LOCOMOTIVE, TENDER, AND ONE CAR.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
BING STEAM LOCOMOTIVE, TENDER, AND THREE CARS.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
MARKLIN RO LOCOMOTIVE WITH TENDER AND CATTLE CAR.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
MARKLIN LOCOMOTIVE, TENDER, AND THREE COACHES.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024