MARX DONALD DUCK GYM-TOY & MICKEY MOUSE WIND-UPJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
(2) MARX TRAIN SETS with CARS, TRACKS & ACCESSJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
1930's Marx Amos 'N Andy Tin Litho Toy Car & PhotoPalmer's Auction Co4.5(50)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Amazing Roberto Burle Marx Acrylic CanvasAmazing Collectible Galleries4.6(170)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Rare Wards Pre-War Louis Marx Train Set #5029 in Original Box.Westside Traders Emporium4.5(34)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
SoldMARX POPEYE FLYERS AIRPLANE TOY154. Bertoia BASICS Online: MARX POPEYE FLYERS AIRPLANE TOY 20" h. Pilot figures are replacements, otherwise All Original Condition.See Sold Price
SoldMARX POPEYE FLYERS AIRPLANE TOY1690. MARX POPEYE FLYERS AIRPLANE TOY | 19" | Popeye pilot figure replaced, otherwise (Pristine Cond.) | $500 - $750See Sold Price
SoldMARX POPEYE FLYERS TOWER TOY173. MARX POPEYE FLYERS TOWER TOY | 19" h. | Base is incorrect for toy, airplanes are original but not proper for this tower, working condition. | $200 - $400See Sold Price
SoldMarx Tin Litho Wind-Up Popeye Flyer Toy.Includes two airplanes with lithographed figures of Popeye and Olive Oyl in them. Original celluloid propellers. Version that has litho base with Olive Oyl on it and characters around top base includeSee Sold Price
SoldTin Litho Marx Tower Aeroplane Wind-Up Toys.American. Working. Tower with nice lithography of airport scene and marked "Popeye Flyer" on top of toy. Comes with two original airplanes that have celluloid propellers. Very little wear overall. IncSee Sold Price
SoldMarx Popeye Eccentric Airplane Toy in Orig Box.Circa 1940. Tin litho. Wind-up. Made by Louis Marx Company. Working. Later version of Popeye Aeroplane in outstanding condition. Also known as Popeye the Pilot which is printed on the wings. IncludesSee Sold Price
SoldTin Marx Popeye Flyers Wind-Up Toy.Description American. Working. Sky Hawk Tower version. Marked "Popeye Express" on base. When wound, planes with Olive Oyl and Popeye spin around tower. Original celluloid propeller on Olive Oyl's planSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF 2: MARX TIN-LITHO WIND-UP POPEYE AIRPLANE TOYS.Lot includes a 1936 version and 1940 version. Both say "POPEYE THE PILOT" and are with original tailfins, pipes and propellers. Some scratching and wear but overall very good to excellent condition. DSee Sold Price
SoldLouis Marx Popeye Eccentric Airplane Wind-Up Toy.Description With box. American. King Features Syndicate 1940. Tin litho. Working. Marked "Popeye the Pilot" on wings. Beautiful lithography with only slight scratching near front of plane where PopeyeSee Sold Price
SoldTin Marx Popeye Eccentric Airplane Wind-Up Toy.American. Circa 1940. Working. Marked "Popeye the Pilot' across wing and "King Features Syndicate'. Original pipe and tail fin. Nice, bright, colorful lithography. Very little scratching and wear. IncSee Sold Price
SoldMarx Tin Litho Wind-Up Popeye Airplane Toy.1936 version. Original tail fin and propeller. Missing pipe. Minor scratching and wear. Condition (Very Good - Excellent). Size 9 -1/2' L.See Sold Price
SoldMarx Popeye and Wimpy Airplane Tin ToyMarx Popeye and Wimpy Airplane Tin Toy, 9 inches, windup not working.See Sold Price
SoldMarx Tin Litho Wind-Up Popeye Airplane Toy.Includes original box. Box is complete but does have some restoration. Toy has original pipe and tail fin. Marked "1940 King Features Syndicate". Only minor scratching and wear. Condition Toy (ExcelleSee Sold Price
SoldLOUIS MARX POPEYE THE PILOT TIN AIRPLANE TOYLOUIS MARX "POPEYE THE PILOT" TIN WIND-UP AIRPLANE TOY, C1935-40, W 8", H 6", L 9":#47 on side of fuselage, "POPEYE THE PILOT" spans both wings; "Louis Marx Co. NY, USA Made In USA"; Marx Toys logo onSee Sold Price
SoldSCARCE VERSION MARX SKY HAWK POPEYE AIRPLANE TOWER TOY.Comes in original box with black stenciling on sides, marked "Tower Aeroplane", complete with all flaps. Toy has two tin litho airplanes with celluloid props that fly around tower when wound. Tower isSee Sold Price
SoldTin Marx Popeye & Olive Oyl Flyers Wind-Up Toy.Description American. Working. Marked "Sky Hawk" on top of tower. Popeye is lithographed all around base. Figures of Olive Oyl and Popeye in planes. Original celluloid propellers. Some scratching andSee Sold Price
SoldMarx Tin Wind-up Popeye The Pilot Airplane Toy.Early version. Toy is all original including tail fin and prop. Toy does show significant play wear. Condition (Good - Very Good). Size 8" Wingspan.See Sold Price
SoldToy Marx Popeye Eccentric Airplane, litho on tinToy Marx Popeye Eccentric Airplane, litho on tin windup, features Popeye in cockpit, nickel prop, graphic on wings reads "Popeye the Pilot", clockwork driven action, Exc working cond w/VG box, 7"L w/8See Sold Price
SoldThree Tin Toys PopeyeIncludes: Marx B. O. Plenty, Marx Popeye Themed Airplane Go Round and Gravity Toy with Two Boys. 7 1/2" - 10 1/8" Tall. Currently not working. Good to Fine Condition. Airplane go round missing 3 of 4See Sold Price
SoldToy Popeye Express w/orig box, Marx litho on tin windupToy Popeye Express w/orig box, Marx litho on tin windup w/orig cdbd buildings & Popeye airplane, toy in Exc working cond w/couple soft bends in cdbd & minor wear, box is shrink-wrapped, complete & appSee Sold Price
SoldMARX POPEYE THE PILOT - VARIATION333. MARX POPEYE THE PILOT - VARIATION | Earlier version of the Popeye airplane toy. | 9" wingspan. | Tailfin is r(Excellent to Pristine Condition)laced, otherwise in (Excellent Condition) | $300 - $5See Sold Price
SoldBOXED MARX POPEYE EXPRESSTin windup toy. Missing cardboard buildings and airplane. Toy shows some surface spotting. Works fine. Original box has been relined and has replaced inner flaps. Box is Good. 9 3/8" diameterSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 2 Pc. MARX Toy LotMARX Popeye Flyer, litho tin, clock work working, missing junction tube, celluloid props intact, C7; Miniature Farm Figures & Animals Set(HO Ga.), ob C9See Sold Price
SoldMARX POPEYE FLYERLithographed tin, circular base with central tower which supports two tin airplanes, each have celluloid propellers, clockwork driven. 18 1/2" l.See Sold Price
MARX CHARLIE McCARTHY & MORTIMER SNERD PRIVATE CARMilestone Auctions4.7(1.7k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Postwar American Flyer S Gauge crane derrick track cleaningElliott Auctions4.6(128)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Marx No. 5935 Happi-Time "Cape Canaveral" PlaysetMiller & Miller Auctions Ltd.4.7(316)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Marx tin litho airport with airplane toyChupp Auctions & Real Estate, LLC4.6(244)See Sold PriceMar 23, 2024