SoldFIGURAL SHOE FINGER LAMPFIGURAL SHOE FINGER LAMP, amber, underside embossed with an illegible patent date, No. 1 fine line collar, period slip burner, non-period chimney. Atterbury & Co. 3" h to top of collar, 2" x 4 1/2" baSee Sold Price
SoldATTERBURY FIGURAL SHOE FINGER LAMPATTERBURY FIGURAL SHOE FINGER LAMP, honey amber, underside of base slightly illegibly embossed "PAD JUNE 30TH 1868", No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar. Fitted with a Holmes, Booth & Haydens Twilight slip burnSee Sold Price
SoldATTERBURY FIGURAL SHOE FINGER LAMPATTERBURY FIGURAL SHOE FINGER LAMP, green amber, underside of base embossed "PAD JUNE 30TH 1868", No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar with patent information. Fitted with a Plume & Atwood slip burner, colorlessSee Sold Price
SoldFIGURAL SHOE FINGER LAMPFIGURAL SHOE FINGER LAMP, colorless, underside lightly embossed "PATD JUNE 30 / 1868", No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar. Atterbury & Co. 3" h to top of collar, 2" x 4 1/2" base.Literature: Parallels Smith I,See Sold Price
SoldFIGURAL SHOE FINGER LAMPFIGURAL SHOE FINGER LAMP, colorless, underside lightly embossed "PATD JUNE 30TH / JUNE 30" , No. 1 fine line collar, period slip burner, non-period chimney. Atterbury & Co. 3" h to top of collar, 2" xSee Sold Price
SoldATTERBURY FIGURAL SHOE FINGER LAMPATTERBURY FIGURAL SHOE FINGER LAMP, honey amber, underside of base embossed "PAD JUNE 30TH 1868", No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar. Fitted with a Crown slip burner. Non-period colorless slip chimney. AtterbuSee Sold Price
SoldATTERBURY FIGURAL SHOE FINGER LAMPATTERBURY FIGURAL SHOE FINGER LAMP, colorless, underside of base embossed faintly embossed "PAD JUNE 30TH 1868", No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar. Fitted with a Benedict & Burnham Weeden No. 0 lip burner, coSee Sold Price
SoldATTERBURY FIGURAL SHOE KEROSENE FINGER LAMPATTERBURY FIGURAL SHOE KEROSENE FINGER LAMP, colorless, underside of base faintly embossed "PAD JUNE 30TH 1868", No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar. Fitted with a No. 0 "SCOVILLE/QUEEN ANNE" slip burner and coSee Sold Price
SoldATTERBURY FIGURAL SHOE KEROSENE FINGER LAMPATTERBURY FIGURAL SHOE KEROSENE FINGER LAMP, blue, underside of base embossed "PAD JUNE 30TH / JUNE / 1868", No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar. Fitted with a period No 1 lip burner and period pressed petal-toSee Sold Price
SoldATTERBURY FIGURAL SHOE KEROSENE FINGER LAMPATTERBURY FIGURAL SHOE KEROSENE FINGER LAMP, honey amber, underside of base faintly embossed "PAD JUNE 30TH 1868", No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar. Fitted with a No. 1 slip burner. Atterbury & Co. Circa 186See Sold Price
SoldATTERBURY FIGURAL SHOE MINIATURE FINGER LAMPATTERBURY FIGURAL SHOE MINIATURE FINGER LAMP, colorless, underside of base embossed "PAD JUNE 30TH 1868", No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar. Fitted with an E. Miller No. 0 hinged lip burner, period colorlessSee Sold Price
SoldATTERBURY SHOE FIGURAL FINGER LAMPATTERBURY SHOE FIGURAL FINGER LAMP, honey amber, underside of base embossed "PAD JUNE 30TH 1868", No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar. Fitted with a Sterling slip burner, colorless slip chimney with scalloped rSee Sold Price
SoldSHOE FIGURAL FINGER LAMP - SMALLSHOE FIGURAL FINGER LAMP - SMALL, amber, underside of base slightly illegibly embossed "PAD JUNE 30TH 1868". Fitted with a No. 0 Holmes, Booth & Haydens lip burner, thumbwheel marked "HOLMES BOOTH & HSee Sold Price
SoldSHOE FIGURAL FINGER LAMPSHOE FIGURAL FINGER LAMP, amber, partially legible patent date under base. Period burner. Atterbury & Co. Fourth quarter 19th/early 20th century. 8 1/8" H top of chimney, 3 1/8" to top of collar, 5 7/See Sold Price
SoldATTERBURY SHOE FIGURAL MINIATURE FINGER LAMPS, LOT OFATTERBURY SHOE FIGURAL MINIATURE FINGER LAMPS, LOT OF TWO, blue and colorless, underside of base embossed "PAD JUNE 30TH 1868", molded handles, No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar with patent information. FitteSee Sold Price
SoldLOG CABIN / SCHOOL HOUSE FIGURAL FINGER LAMP - SMALLLOG CABIN / SCHOOL HOUSE FIGURAL FINGER LAMP - SMALL, blue alabaster, No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar. Fitted with an E. Miller & Co. No. 0 lip burner, thumbwheel marked "PAT. JUL. 21 63. / OCT. 14. 62. / DSee Sold Price
SoldLOG CABIN / SCHOOL HOUSE FIGURAL FINGER LAMP - SMALLLOG CABIN / SCHOOL HOUSE FIGURAL FINGER LAMP - SMALL, amber, embossed "PATD SEPT 30 / 1868" under base, No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar. Fitted with an E. Miller & Co. No. 0 lip burner, thumbwheel marked "PSee Sold Price
SoldMiniature Log Cabin Figural Finger Lamp NRMiniature Log Cabin figural finger lamp: blue glass log cabin with finger loop handle; base marked in relief "Sept. 30, 1868." This is an original period piece. The collar is original; burner & chimneSee Sold Price
SoldEAPG Miniature Shoe Finger Lamp NREAPG miniature shoe finger lamp; Pat. 1868. (no damage) 3" T to collar top; 6"W.See Sold Price
SoldWILLIAM PENN / HEAD FIGURAL FINGER LAMPWILLIAM PENN / HEAD FIGURAL FINGER LAMP, colorless, pressed font with molded handle, underside embossed "PATD JUNE 30TH 1868", No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar. Atterbury & Co. Circa 1880-1900. 4" H to top oSee Sold Price
SoldATTERBURY LOG CABIN / SCHOOL HOUSE - SMALL FIGURALATTERBURY LOG CABIN / SCHOOL HOUSE - SMALL FIGURAL FINGER LAMP, starch blue, molded handle, No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar. Fitted with a period No. 1 Sterling slip burner, colorless chimney. Atterbury & CSee Sold Price
SoldAtterbury Log Cabin Figural Finger Oil LampAmerican. 1860s. Glass. Features Collins-type burner and chimney setup. Stamped, "Pat'd Sep 30, 1868" underside. Burner thumbwheel stamped, "Holmes, Booth & Haydens Pat Sep 19, 1865" 9.5" (h).See Sold Price
SoldMATCH-HOLDER FIGURAL MINIATURE FINGER LAMPMATCH-HOLDER FIGURAL MINIATURE FINGER LAMP, amber, ribbed cylinder-form font adjacent to a molded basket-weave pattern match holder with handle, No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar. Fitted with a period slip buSee Sold Price
SoldWILLIAM PENN / HEAD FIGURAL KEROSENE FINGER LAMPWILLIAM PENN / HEAD FIGURAL KEROSENE FINGER LAMP, colorless, pressed font with molded handle, underside embossed "PATD JUNE 30TH 1868", No. 1 fine-line collar. Fitted with a period No. 1 slip burner.See Sold Price
Contemporary Art Studio, Articulated Figural LampConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Figural Lamp After Auguste Moreau (French 1834 - 1917)Nadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(405)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A French art deco and period figural lamp bronze groupOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A Large Chinese Antique Rose Quartz Carved Guanyin Figural LampNeo FineArts Inc4.4(13)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Art Nouveau Figural Lamp Diana the HuntressEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Pair of Porcelain Figural Lamps, 20th c., of a courting couple and cupid, on pierced stepped brassCrescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A PAIR OF ITALIAN PAINTED AND GILDED BLACKAMOOR FIGURAL LAMPS each dressed in Venetian garb,Adam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Antique Lomax Oil Guard Finger Lamp 1870 & E. Miller Burner - Excellent.Westside Traders Emporium4.5(34)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AN ART NOUVEAU TWIN HANDLED PEWTER DISH together with a figural lamp. Largest 28 cm high. (2)Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A large figural lamp stand together with a vase and paper mache figures 65cm (4)Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Opalescent Finger Lamp w/ Applied HandleM.J. Stasak Jr. Auction and Appraisal Service4.8(2.1k)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024