KONVOLUT AUS VIER LANDKARTEN RUSSLAND UND CHINA Abraham Ortelius, Willem Blaeu, Johannes Blaeu,Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Duesseldorf4.5(136)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
MAP - Southeastern Europe. OrteliusSoutheastern Europe. Abraham Ortelius, Carinthiae Ducatus, et Goritiae Palatinatus, Wolf. Lazio Auctore [on sheet with] Histriae Tabula a Petro Coppo Descr. [and] Zarae, et Sebenici Descriptio, 1598 (See Sold Price
MAP, Southeastern Europe, OrteliusSoutheastern Europe. Abraham Ortelius, Carinthiae Ducatus, et Goritiae Palatinatus, Wolf. Lazio Auctore [on sheet with] Histriae Tabula a Petro Coppo Descr. [and] Zarae, et Sebenici Descriptio, 1581 (See Sold Price
MAP, Southeastern Europe, OrteliusSoutheastern Europe. Abraham Ortelius, Carinthiae Ducatus, et Goritiae Palatinatus, Wolf. Lazio Auctore [on sheet with] Histriae Tabula a Petro Coppo Descr. [and] Zarae, et Sebenici Descriptio, from TSee Sold Price
MAP - Southeastern Europe. OrteliusSoutheastern Europe. Abraham Ortelius, Ungariae Loca Praecipua Recens Emendata Atque Edita, per Ioannem Sambucum Pannonium, Imp. Ms. Historicum, 1579 (dated). Hand Color. This fine map covers much ofSee Sold Price
SoldMAP, Southeastern Europe, SalmonSoutheastern Europe. Thomas Salmon, Turkey in Europe, 1752-53 (published). Black & White. This handsome map shows Southeastern Europe from the Ionian Sea to the Black Sea. It identifies Slavonia, BosnSee Sold Price
SoldMAP - Southeastern Europe. JanvierSoutheastern Europe, Hungary. Janvier/Lattre, Le Royaume de Hongrie, Divise en Haute et Basse Hongrie Transilvanie Esclavonie et Croatie, 1771 (circa). Hand Color. This is a handsome and cleanly engraSee Sold Price
SoldMAP, Southeastern Europe, De FerSoutheastern Europe, Hungary. Nicholas de Fer, Hongrie. Ou Partie Septent. de la Turquie en Europe, 1705 (published). Hand Color. Charming small map covering Hungary, Romania and most of the Balkans.See Sold Price
MAP - Europe. OrteliusEurope. Abraham Ortelius, Europae, 1571 (published). Hand Color. This handsome map was based on Gerard Mercator's 1554 map of Europe and incorporates Magnus' information on Scandinavia and Jenkinson'sSee Sold Price
MAP, Southeastern Europe, BowenSoutheastern Europe. Thomas Bowen, Turkey in Europe from the Latest Authorities, 1791 (circa). Black & White. This handsome map covers Southeastern Europe between the Adriatic, Black, and MediterraneaSee Sold Price
SoldMAP - Southeastern Europe. SansonSoutheastern Europe. N. Sanson/Mariette, Illyricum Occidentis. Cuj. 9 Partes IV. Rhaetia, Noricum, Pannonia, et Illyris Provinciae IX..., 1700 (circa). Hand Color. This elegantly engraved map shows SwSee Sold Price
Map of Southeastern Europe, 1944Map of Southeastern Europe. Army Information Branch. Army Service Forces, Anonymous. 1944-04-03. Published on the reverse of Newsmap for the armed forces. Large political map of Jugoslavia, Bulgaria aSee Sold Price
MAP, Central Europe, OrteliusCentral Europe, Germany. Abraham Ortelius, Germaniae Veteris, Typus, 1587 (dated). Hand Color. This is Ortelius' second map of ancient Germany. The region covered takes in all of central Europe from BSee Sold Price
MAP, Eastern Europe, OrteliusEastern Europe, Poland. Abraham Ortelius, Poloniae, Lituaniaeq. Descriptio. Auctore Wenceslao Godreccio; et Correctore Andrea Pograbio Pilsnensi, from Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1609 (circa). Black & WhSee Sold Price
SoldGastaldi Map of Eastern EuropeGASTALDI, Giacomo (1500-1566).Geographia particolore d'una gran parte dell'Europa... [Map of Southeastern Europe, incluidng Italy & Greece].Engraved map.Rome: Antonio Lafreri, 1560.34 1/2" x 42 1/4" sSee Sold Price
Hungary, Rumania, & Balkan NationsPublication Date: c1955 Title: Hungary, Rumania, & Balkan Nations Height: 40 Width: 30 Russian text. Russian wall map of southeastern Europe from Vienna to Crete and southern Italy to U.S.S.R. (GeorgiSee Sold Price
MAP - Russia, Eastern Europe. OrteliusRussia, Eastern Europe & Central Asia. Abraham Ortelius, Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo..., 1581 (published). Hand Color. Fascinating map of Russia and thSee Sold Price
MAP - Russia, Eastern Europe. OrteliusRussia, Eastern Europe & Central Asia. Abraham Ortelius, Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo..., 1579 (published). Hand Color. Fascinating map of Russia and thSee Sold Price
MAP - Russia, Eastern Europe. OrteliusRussia, Eastern Europe & Central Asia. Abraham Ortelius, Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo..., 1579 (published). Hand Color. Fascinating map of Russia and thSee Sold Price
Sold(Maps and Charts, Europe), Ortelius, Abraham, (152(Maps and Charts, Europe), Ortelius, Abraham, (1527-1598), Two maps; Lutzenburgensis Ducatus veneriss descript[io], [Antwerp, 1612], and Illyricum, Vienna, 1572 or later, both double page with hand coSee Sold Price
SoldManuscript map of northern Mideast/ SE Europe.[Manuscript Map]. Middle East and southeastern Europe, emphasizing the coastlines of the eastern Mediterranean, the Black Sea, and the northernmost portion of the Red Sea. Cartouche and all labels onSee Sold Price
SoldSeutter: Map of The Balkans or Southeastern EuropeTitle/Content of Map: The Balkans or Southeastern Europe by Seutter Date Printed: c1740 Cartographer: Matthaus Seutter Material/Medium: Paper Size: 19" x 23" Original hand colored copperplate engravedSee Sold Price
SoldOrtelius: Map of Europe, 1584Title: Europae Map maker: Abraham Ortelius Place and Year: Antwerp, 1584 Dimensions: 34.2 x 46 cm (13½ x 18¼ in) Technique: Copperplate engraving Coloring: Hand colored Condition Rating: VG,Some tonSee Sold Price
SoldOrtelius map of Europe 1584Heading: Author: Ortelius, Abraham Title: Europae Place Published: Antwerp Publisher: Date Published: 1584 Description: Copper-engraved map, hand-colored. 34.2x46 cm (13½x1See Sold Price
Hand Colored Engraved Map of Europe, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon Anville 1754Global Auctions Company4.3(36)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Two (2) Antique 18th C. Copper Engraved Framed Maps - America & EuropeMagnusson Art Group4.5(50)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
De Jode, Rare, pub. 1593 - Map of Africa (Africae Vera Forma, et Situs)Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Clarke & Neele 1815 Map. Europe - Recent Political ChangesAlbion Auctions4.6(341)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024