BOX of FRENCHAL "UNBREAKABLE" TOY SOLDIERSJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Egyptian Pharaoh, Queen, Musicians and AttendantsOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
BRITAINS, IMPERIAL and TRADITION TOY SOLDIERSJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Britains RARE #1317 Salvation Army BandOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Tradition British Infantry at Waterloo SetsOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
RARE Britains Paris Office Coldstream GuardsOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Antique Toy Soldiers & Figurines Incl. Johillco Medieval Soldiers, Cold Painted Animals, GermanHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Britains #2025 The Queen's Own Cameron HighlandersOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Sold10 Pc, Mignot "French Infantry" Toy SoldiersC.B.G. Mignot (French, 20th century). A group often French Infantry toy soldiers. Marked "C.B.G"to underside. Approx: h. 2.5". Provenance: From the Estate of Charles Michael Cawley of Beverly, MassachSee Sold Price
Sold6 Pc, Mignot French Infantry Toy SoldiersC.B.G. Mignot (French, 20th century). A six piecegrouping of French infantry toy soldiers. Marked"Made in France" to underside. Approx: h. 2". Provenance: From the Estate of Charles Michael Cawley ofSee Sold Price
Sold10 Pc, Mignot French Mounted Calvary Toy SoldiersC.B.G. Mignot (French, 20th century). A ten pieceFrench mounted calvary rider toy soldiers withflag leader. Marked to several "Made In France"some marked "C.B.G". Approx: (measures horse withseated riSee Sold Price
Sold26 Pc, Early Britains or Mignot "French Infantry"20th century. An early grouping of twenty sixBritains or Mignot French Infantry toy soldiers.Apparently unmarked. Approx: h. 2.5". Provenance: From the Estate of Charles Michael Cawley of Beverly, MasSee Sold Price
Sold10 Pc, Mignot Late 19th Century French BandC.B.G. Mignot (French, 20th century). A ten piecegrouping of late 19th century dressed French Bandmember toy soldiers. Marked "C.B.G" to underside.Approx: h. 2.75". Provenance: From the Estate of CharSee Sold Price
Sold12 Pc, Mignot "German Infantry" Toy SoldiersC.B.G. Mignot (French, 20th century). A group oftwelve German Infantry toy soldiers. Marked"C.B.G" to underside. Approx: h. 2.5". Provenance: From the Estate of Charles Michael Cawley of Beverly, MassSee Sold Price
Sold7 Pc, Mignot "Greek Infantry" Toy SoldiersC.B.G. Mignot (French, 20th century). A Group ofseven Greek Infantry toy soldiers. Marked "C.B.G"to underside. Approx: h. 2.25". Provenance: From the Estate of Charles Michael Cawley of Beverly, MassaSee Sold Price
Sold24 Pc, Mignot "French Marching Army" Toy SoldiersC.B.G. Mignot (French, 20th century). A group oftwenty four French Marching Army toy soldiersincluding infantry, drummers, prone units and flagcarriers. Marked "C.B.G" to underside. Approx: h.3.25". PSee Sold Price
SoldMignot French Napoleonic InfantryPost War. G.De La Garde, Tied in Original Box. 10 Pieces. Condition Excellent, Box Excellent (2 corners of box lid split).See Sold Price
SoldMignot French Line Infantry 1914Post War. Tied in Original Box. 10 Pieces. Condition Excellent, Box Poor (one end of lid missing, split at 2 corners and box split at 4 corners).See Sold Price
SoldMignot French Barracks DioramaFrench Infantry of the Line Barracks diorama. 10 pieces. Good to fair condition (shelf, pictured in front and several other pieces have come loose). Box fair, missing top.See Sold Price
Sold14 Pc, Mignot French Toy Soldier Band MembersC.B.G Mignot (French, 20th century). A fourteenpiece grouping of late 19th century French bandsoldier members. Marked "C.B.G France" tounderside. Approx: h. 2.25". Provenance: From the Estate of CharlSee Sold Price
Sold11 Pc, Mignot "French Napoleonic" Toy SoldiersC.B.G. Mignot (French, 20th century). A group ofeleven French Napoleonic toy soldiers includingdrummers and a flag carrier. Marked "C.B.G" tounderside. Approx: h. 2.5". Provenance: From the Estate ofSee Sold Price
Sold12 Pc, Mignot "French Napoleonic" Toy SoldiersC.B.G. Mignot (French, 20th century). A group oftwelve French Napoleonic Toy soldiers. Marked"C.B.G" to underside. Approx: h. 2.75". Provenance: From the Estate of Charles Michael Cawley of Beverly, MSee Sold Price
Sold12 Pc, Mignot French Calvary Rider Toy SoldiersC.B.G. Mignot (French, 20th century). A twelvepiece grouping of French 1st Regiment CalvaryRider toy soldiers. Marked "C.B.G. Made in France"to underside. Approx: h. 2.25", w. 2.75". Provenance: FromSee Sold Price
Sold18 Pc, Mignot "French Standing Guard" Toy SoldiersC.B.G. Mignot (French, 20th century). A group ofeighteen French Standing Guard toy soldiers.Marked "C.B.G" to underside. Approx: h. 2.25". Provenance: From the Estate of Charles Michael Cawley of BeveSee Sold Price
Sold12 Pc, Mignot French Foreign Legion Toy SoldiersMignot (French, 20th century). A twelve piececomplete set of French Foreign Legion Band. Marked"C.B.G. Made in France" to bottom. Approx:(measures tallest) h. 3.75" Provenance: From the Estate of CharSee Sold Price
Sold24 Pc, French 19th Century Infantry Toy Soldiers20th century. A group of twenty four 19th centuryFrench infantry toy soldiers. Marked "PZ", "PS"and "PE" to various bottoms with some unmarked.Approx: h. 2". Provenance: From the Estate of Charles MicSee Sold Price
Sold5 Pc, C.B.G. Mignot "WWI French" Toy SoldiersC.B.G. Mignot (French, 20th century). A five piecedressed WWI French toy soldier grouping in Mignotbox. Marked "C.B.G, Made in France" to underside.Approx: h. 2". Provenance: From the Estate of CharleSee Sold Price
Sold10 Pc, French Pre War Toy Soldier GroupingFrench, 20th century. A group of ten pre-war toysoldiers. Marked "Made in France" to underside.Approx: h. 2.25". Provenance: From the Estate of Charles Michael Cawley of Beverly, Massachusetts, foundeSee Sold Price
Sold10 Pc, Tradition "French Napoleonic" Toy SoldiersTradition (English, 20th century). A group of tenFrench Napoleonic toy soldiers. Marked "Tradition"to underside. Approx: h. 2.5". Provenance: From the Estate of Charles Michael Cawley of Beverly, MassSee Sold Price
Sold10 Pc, Britains "Scottish Infantry" Toy SoldiersBritains (English, 20th century). A group of tenScottish Infantry toy soldiers. Marked "Britains"to underside. Approx: h. 2.25". Provenance: From the Estate of Charles Michael Cawley of Beverly, MassaSee Sold Price
Sold12 Pc, Mignot French WW1 Marching Band Toy SoldierC.B.G. Mignot (French, 20th century). A twelvepiece group of French World War 1 lead marchingband toy soldiers. Marked "C.B.G France" tounderside. Approx: h. 2". Provenance: From the Estate of CharlesSee Sold Price
Britains 2nd Grade Russian Infantry ChargingOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Tradition #16a French Infantry of 1916Old Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Britains #1711 The French Foreign LegionOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
10pc Racing Champions Toy Cars, Nascar Legends & Outdoor LifeLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
13thc French Crossbowman, Del Prado Metal Toy SoldierConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
French Imperial Polish Lancer Metal Toy SoldierConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024