SoldGroup of English Royal Commemorative Table ArticleIncluding a bottle, creamers, mugs, a dish, etc. Various sizes. Notice to bidders: Due to the nature of this particular online sale, the lots offered may not be available for detailed condition reportSee Sold Price
Group of English Royal Commemorative Table ArticleDetails coming soon Notice to bidders: Due to the nature of this particular online sale, the lots offered may not be available for detailed condition reports or additional photography. The absence ofSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of English Royal Family Commemorative Transfer Printed Porcelain ArticlesEstate / Collection: Property from The Estate of Donald D. MacDermid Sold to Benefit TASIS The American School In Switzerland By various makers, including Aynsley, Hammersley, Johnson Brothers, J.&See Sold Price
SoldA Group of English Porcelain Table Articles,A Group of English Porcelain Table Articles, including a Royal Crown Derby vase; approximately ten pieces.Height of vase 7 1/2 inches.See Sold Price
SoldA Group of Four English Porcelain Table Articles, HeighA Group of Four English Porcelain Table Articles, comprising a Royal Crown Derby basket and miniature tankard and a Coalport vase and box. Height of tallest 3 1/8 inches.See Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF ENGLISH PORCELAIN.GROUP OF ENGLISH PORCELAIN. Comprised of plates, vases, teapots, and table articles by Wedgwood jasperware, Royal Doulton plates, transferware, Spode, and othersSee Sold Price
SoldGroup English Porcelain Table Articles19th century and later, including 15 Royal Crown Derby Imari pattern various cups or saucers; 25 Copeland Spode Retailed by Tiffany & Co., New York cups or saucers in Spode's "Goblein" pattern; and otSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of Four English Pottery Table Articles, DA Group of Four English Pottery Table Articles, comprising a Wedgwood majolica footed compote, a brown glazed toby jug, a Royal Doulton Bacchus toby jug, and a Royal Doulton Granny toby jug. DiameterSee Sold Price
GROUP OF THREE ASSORTED PORCELAIN TABLE ARTICLESComprising: Italian shell shaped dish by Laveno, length 9 1/2"; Royal Copenhagen vase, height 5 1/8"; and an English cup and saucer by Royal Stafford. (100/150)See Sold Price
SoldA Group of Porcelain and Ceramic Table Articles, DA Group of Porcelain and Ceramic Table Articles, comprising a Royal Copenhagen bud vase, a small commemorative saucer, a molded milk jug, a pair of leaf form 19th century Coalport dishes, a small JaspSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Assorted Porcelain Table ArticlesIncluding, a miniature Wedgwood compote, a Royal Crown Derby chalice, a Royal Worcester small dish, Queen Elizabeth Golden Jubilee commemorative dish, a Wedgwood teacup and saucer, and a Quimper dish.See Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF FIVE VARIOUS PORCELAIN TABLE ARTICLESComprising: English 19th Century sauce tureen, Wedgwood jar and cover, Royal Crown Derby lighter base, frog box and a miniature creamer. (50/80)See Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF PORCELAIN DECORATIVE TABLE ARTICLES.GROUP OF PORCELAIN DECORATIVE TABLE ARTICLES. Comprised of a Limoges covered jar, a unsigned vase, two Limoges small dishes, an assortment of English dishes and plates, a Dresden plate, two Royal CrowSee Sold Price
SoldMiscellaneous Group of Decorative Table ArticlesIncluding an English ironstone dinner service, an English porcelain dessert service, French porcelain coffee pot, Italian pottery teapot, cut glass center bowl, boxed set of Royal Worcester porcelainSee Sold Price
Group of Assorted Porcelain Table ArticlesIncluding, a miniature Wedgwood compote, a Royal Crown Derby chalice, a Royal Worcester small dish, Queen Elizabeth Golden Jubilee commemorative dish, a Wedgwood teacup and saucer, and a Quimper dish.See Sold Price
SoldA Group of Five English Ceramic ArticlesA Group of Five English Ceramic Articles 19th Century comprising aWedgwood jasperware pitcher, twoChelsea bird-form table ornaments, a lustrewear creamer and a Royal Doulton creamer, together with a CSee Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF SIX ROYAL CROWN DERBY PORCELAIN ARTICLESEnglish. Comprising: table clock, lighter, small dish, coffee can and stand, and butter pad. (150/200)See Sold Price
Miscellaneous Group English Royal Family CommemorativeHuge lot of 13 Miscellaneous Group of English Royal Family CommemorativePrincess Diana and more.Local shipping cost is $75NO LOCAL PICK UP OPTION FOR THIS LOTSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of English Table Articles, Height of teapoA Group of English Table Articles, comprising a Spode milk jug, two Derby bud vases, an unmarked teapot, an unmarked bowl, and three reticulated baskets; eight pieces. Height of teapot 6 1/2 inches. PSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of English Table Articles, Height of pitcA Group of English Table Articles, comprising a lustre covered sugar, a lustre pitcher, a small lustre creamer, a small coalport covered ginger jar, and teacups and saucers of various makers and decorSee Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF ENGLISH SILVER TABLE ARTICLES.Mostly late 18th Century, including a pair of sauce boats, Louis Black, London 1766, with ovoid bodies and open scroll handles; a wine funnel, London 1787, of typical form with a removable ring to theSee Sold Price
Sold A Group of English Silver Table Articles Largest A Group of English Silver Table Articles 19th/20th centuryTwenty total, including two porringers with glass inserts, eight coasters with glass bottoms, six cordials, two ash trays, one leafSee Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF ENGLISH SILVER TABLE ARTICLES.Including a circular rose bowl with plain sides over swirl flute chasing, one side with a coat of arms, H Matthews, Birmingham 1903; a sugar caster with an octagonal body, S&Co Birmingham 1913; a smalSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of Four English Table Articles, Length ofA Group of Four English Table Articles, comprising a partial tea service including a teapot and covered sugar, a Cauldon teapot and a covered sugar. Length of longest 10 1/2 inches.See Sold Price
English Milled Coins - Mixed Victorian Coin and Medal Group [6]TimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Group of Silver plated Table Articles 20th century. salts and pepper, a mustard pot with spoonBasel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A group of International pewter table articlesAndrew Jones Auctions4.7(206)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
An eight piece group of Japanese table articlesAndrew Jones Auctions4.7(206)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A group of seven Asian porcelain table articlesAndrew Jones Auctions4.7(206)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Group of Silver Items incl 1 English Sterling Silver Table Mirror Hallmarked for John Millward BanksDenotter Auctions, LLC4.6(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Royal Copenhagen "Half Lace" Porcelain Articles, 3Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025