SoldHerkules Farnese. Kupferstich von Herman Adolfz nachGraphik Herkules Farnese. Kupferstich von Herman Adolfz nach der stecherischen Vorlage von Hendrik Goltzius (1558-1617). Blattmaß 41,8 x 30 cm. - Unter Glas in dekorativem Rahmen mit goldgefasster, fSee Sold Price
SoldHerkules FarneseBronze, dunkel patiniert. Vollplastische Darstellung des stehenden Herkules nach seinen Heldentaten, sich auf eine Keule stützend. Auf einem Felsen das Fell des nemeischen Löwen, in seiner rechten HSee Sold Price
SoldUnbekannter Kuenstler, Zwei Studien zu HerkulesUnbekannter Kuenstler, Zwei Studien zu Herkules Farnese. Wohl 19th cent. Pencil drawing auf Buetten mit Wasserzeichen: Lilie, "KCK" (nicht identifiziert). Unsigniert. Jeweils hinter Folie im PassepartSee Sold Price
SoldUNBEKANNTER BILDPLASTIKER Tätig im 19. Jh. oderUNBEKANNTER BILDPLASTIKER Tätig im 19. Jh. oder früher wohl in Italien Herkules Farnese (nach antikem Original) Bronze, braun patiniert, Marmorsockel. Ges.- H. 31,5 cm, H. 27,5 cm (Figur). &See Sold Price
SoldBronzebildner des 20. JahrhundertsBronzebildner des 20. Jahrhunderts - Herkules Farnese - Bronze. Braun patiniert. Dunkler Steinsockel. H. o./m. Sockel: 25,7/28,5 cm. Verso mit dem Stempel: BRONZE GARANTI. Ohne Feigenblatt. Sockel leiSee Sold Price
SoldDavid, PortraitbŸstePortraitbŸste des David nach Michelangelo. Um 1900. Marmor. Hšhe 31 cm. - Partiell sehr kleine Abplatzungen. Dabei: Herkules Farnese nach Lysipp und KopfbŸste des Hermes von Olympia nach PraxitelesSee Sold Price
Unbekannter BildhauerUnbekannter Bildhauer Unbekannter Bildhauer 18./19. Jh. Herkules Farnese. Die Statue zeigt den nach seinen Heldentaten ruhenden Herakles, gelehnt an seine Keule, auf einen Felsen gestützt, darüber dSee Sold Price
SoldPlaster Bust of the Head of the Farnese HerculesPlaster Bust of the Head of the Farnese Hercules 36 x 26 1/2 x 18 in. Note: The marble sculpture of the famous Farnese Hercules was copied after an ancient Greek bronze created in the 4th Century B.C.See Sold Price
SoldFarnese Hercules SculptureCast Bronze, Farnese Hercules by Glykon, unsigned. 25"H x 9"H x 8"WSee Sold Price
SoldBronze figure of Farnese Hercules leaning on a lionBronze figure of Farnese Hercules leaning on a lion pelt and club in contraposto raised on rectangular base. total ht. 14in.See Sold Price
SoldA Continental Grand Tour Bronze Figural Group: FarneseA Continental Grand Tour Bronze Figural Group: Farnese Bull, late 19th century19 h x 14 w x 14 d inches (48.3 x 35.6 x 35.6 cm) Raised on a green marble plinth, after the antique original based oSee Sold Price
Sold19th Century Farnese Bull Bronze Sculpture.This sculptural group represents the myth of Dirce first wife of Lykos, King of Thebes. She was tied to a wild bull by the sons of Antiope, Zethus and Amphion who wanted to punish her for the ill-treaSee Sold Price
SoldCAST STONE GARDEN STATUARY AFTER FARNESE HERCULESCast stone garden statuary, mid 20th c., Hercules, modeled after the original 3rd c. Farnese Hercules statue by Glykon von Athen, on pedestal base, statue: approx 24"h, 7.25"w, 7.5"d, base: approx 19"See Sold Price
SoldMICHELE AMODIO (19TH CENTURY): "TORO FARNESE"patinated bronze signed in casting to base 17 inches wide; 17 inches deep; 19 inches highSee Sold Price
SoldBronze Figure of Farnese HerculesBronze Figure of Farnese Hercules. A figure of Hercules leaning on his club, having a lion pelt draped over it, raised on a rectangular base; nice dark, original patina, unsigned. Dimensions: 7 in. wiSee Sold Price
SoldFarnese Hercules Bronze SculptureDESCRIPTION: A bronze sculpture after the ancient "Farnese Hercules" sculpture. Features a nude depiction of Hercules standing beside a column draped in a lion hide pelt. Fitted to a black slate base.See Sold Price
SoldAN ITALIAN BRONZE GROUP OF THE FARNESE BULL, CIRCAAN ITALIAN BRONZE GROUP OF THE FARNESE BULL, CIRCA 1890, after the Antique, nicely modeled and detailed throughout with a lovely blackish to cocoa brown patination, each separately cast figure centeriSee Sold Price
Grand Tour bronze model of Farnese GladiatoGrand Tour bronze model of Farnese Gladiator on marble base, lacking shield, approx 19"high x 16" wide x 6 1/4"deepSee Sold Price
SoldR Farnese, Vintage Art Deco Watercolor "At The Theatre"R Farnese, Vintage Art Deco Watercolor "At The Theatre" Signed. Watercolor painting, original framing. Size: 25 x 20 inchesSee Sold Price
Sold1646 Italy-Parma Ranuccio II Farnese 20 Soldi ANACS F12One 1646 Italy-Parma Ranuccio II Farnese 20 Soldi ANACS F12. ANACS Appraised.See Sold Price
SoldA GOOD 19TH C BRONZE GROUPING, THE FARNESE BULLThe Punishment of Dirce, aka The Farnese Bull. Circa 1875. A fine Grand Tour period casting displayed upon an unusual slate and marble base raised on cast bronze paw feet. The casting after the antiquSee Sold Price
SoldA (19th c) BRONZE SCULPTURE OF THE FARNESE BULL"Amphion and Zethus subject Dirce to the Bull" bronze. unsigned. 19 x 17 x 17 inches. After the circle of Pietro Barga (c.1574-1588), Condition: GoodSee Sold Price
SoldA Continental Bronze Model of the Farnese HerculesA Continental Bronze Model of the Farnese Hercules After the Antique, 20th Century unmarked. Height 29 1/8 inches.See Sold Price
Italian school of the 17th century, following the model of TIZIANO (Pieve di Cadore, Veneto, ca.Setdart Auction House4(23)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Roman Sculpture After "The Farnese Hercules Statue" - (48.4lbs)Weatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
1597 ROMAN REPUBLIC COMMENTARY antique vellum bound FOLIO by Onuphrius PanviniusJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Piranesi Etching of Palazzo Farnese from Views of RomeConcept Art Gallery4.7(509)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
GIROLAMO FRANCESCO MARIA MAZZOLA detto PARMIGIANINOWannenes - Art Auction4.1(38)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
BEATON DAVID: (c.1494-1546)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024