Sold***FIVE FLOW BLUE TOOTHPICK HOLDERSW.H. Grindley ''Festoon'' pattern, W.H. Grindley ''Athens'' pattern, La Belle, Wedgwood ''Hilda'' pattern and S.H. & S. ''Essex'' pattern, approximate height 5 1/4''-5 3/4''.See Sold Price
SoldOversized Flow Blue covered sugar bowl with mouldedOversized Flow Blue covered sugar bowl with moulded handles and lid signed Copeland & Garrett in the Hong Kong pattern, along with an oversized Flow Blue toothpick holder and two oversized soup bowlsSee Sold Price
Sold***FIVE FLOW BLUE TOOTHBRUSH HOLDERSDoulton Burslem ''Gloire-de-Dijon'' pattern, W.H. Grindley, Doulton Burslem ''Nankin'' pattern and 2 unmarked, approximate height 4 1/2''-5 1/2''.See Sold Price
Sold***FIVE FLOW BLUE TOOTHBRUSH HOLDERSMiddleport Pottery ''Genoa'' pattern, Wood & Son ''Trilby'' pattern, Royal Doulton ''Norbury'' pattern, Johnson Bros. ''Japan'' pattern and Furnivals ''Spring'' pattern, approximate height 5''-6''.See Sold Price
Sold***FIVE FLOW BLUE TOOTHBRUSH HOLDERSJohnson Bros. ''Clayton'' pattern, Wood & Son ''Doris'' pattern, W.H. Grindley ''Albany'' pattern, Corona Ware ''Chantilly'' pattern and Hanley ''Colonial'' pattern, approximate height 4 1/2''-5 1/2''See Sold Price
Sold***FIVE FLOW BLUE TOOTHBRUSH HOLDERSF. Winkle & Co. ''Huron'' pattern, D.H. & Co. ''Daisy'' pattern, W.H. Grindley ''Alaska'' pattern and 2 unmarked, approximate height 4 1/2''-5 1/2''.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CARNIVAL / STRETCH GLASS TOOTHPICK HOLDERS,ASSORTED CARNIVAL / STRETCH GLASS TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OF FIVE, blue and marigold iridescent, comprising two Flute, two Kittens, and an Urn example. First quarter 20th century. 2 3/8" to 2 5/8" H. PSee Sold Price
SoldDIAMOND SPEARHEAD TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OF FIVEDIAMOND SPEARHEAD TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OF FIVE, blue opalescent, green opalescent, and Vaseline (reacts under black light) opalescent. Northwood Glass Co./National Glass Co. Circa 1902. 2 3/8" H.OneSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED OPAQUE TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OF FIVEASSORTED OPAQUE TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OF FIVE, blue and pink, comprising two Cone, a Crocodile Tears, Hooped Barrel, and Pineapple example. Late 19th/early 20th century. 2 1/4" to 2 1/2" H. ProvenancSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED NOVELTY GLASS TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OF FIVEASSORTED NOVELTY GLASS TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OF FIVE, blue, colorless, and opaque white/milk glass, comprising Dog with Top Hat, Frog with Shell, Owl in Stump, Cradle, and Negro Head. Central Glass CSee Sold Price
SoldSHELL & SEAWEED TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OF FIVESHELL & SEAWEED TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OF FIVE, blue, opal-cased pink with satin finish, two green, one with satin finish, and white, factory ground/polished rims. Consolidated Lamp & Glass Co. PatterSee Sold Price
SoldIRIS WITH MEANDER / IRIS (OMN) TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOTIRIS WITH MEANDER / IRIS (OMN) TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OF FIVE, blue, green, and vaseline (uranium) opalescent, one blue with gilt decoration, and a green example. Jefferson Glass Co. Circa 1903. 2 1/2See Sold Price
SoldFlow Blue to include a platter with a chip, a souvenierFlow Blue to include a platter with a chip, a souvenier plate of Appleton WI, states plate, egg cup, creamer, toothpick holderSee Sold Price
SoldDental Items Including: Blue Porcelain Tooth BrushDental Items Including: Flow Blue Porcelain Tooth Brush Holder, Shaving Mug, Painless Dentist Mug, Tooth Toothpick Holder, Green Glass Tooth Brush HolderSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED DITHRIDGE TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OF FIVEASSORTED DITHRIDGE TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OF FIVE, opaque blue, Ivory, and pink, comprising a Creased Bale, two Heart, and two Sunset examples, each with a factory polished rim. Dithridge & Co. CircaSee Sold Price
SoldTOKYO / JEFFERSON NO. 212 (OMN) TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOTTOKYO / JEFFERSON NO. 212 (OMN) TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OF FIVE, colorless, blue, and green opalescent, and one green example with gilt decoration. Jefferson Glass Co. Pattern introduced 1904. 2 3/8" HSee Sold Price
Sold(5) MEISSEN TOOTHPICK HOLDERSFive Meissen toothpick holders, four blue & one green. 2 1/2" tall.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED OPAQUE / TRANSLUCENT TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OFASSORTED OPAQUE / TRANSLUCENT TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OF FIVE, comprising blue and custard Grecian Columns, pink Quilted Phlox, green Swirl & Leaf, and white Shell & Seaweed, factory ground/polished riSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED JEFFERSON GLASS CO. TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OFASSORTED JEFFERSON GLASS CO. TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OF FIVE, amethyst, blue, and green, one with excellent gilt decoration, comprising two No. 251/Idyll, two No. 231/Double Circle, and Swag with BrackSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PRESSED OPALESCENT TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OFASSORTED PRESSED OPALESCENT TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OF FIVE, colorless, blue, and vaseline (uranium) opalescent, comprising a Diamond Spearhead, two Ribbed Spiral, and two Twist examples. Circa 1900. 2See Sold Price
SoldNESTOR TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OF FIVENESTOR TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, LOT OF FIVE, amethyst, blue, and green, three with enamel and gilt decoration. National Glass Co. Circa 1902. 2 1/2" H.Plain amethyst example with shallow chip to rim, remainSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED VICTORIAN PANEL-OPTIC GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OFASSORTED VICTORIAN PANEL-OPTIC GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF TWO, comprising a cranberry vase with four applied feet with five-crimp extensions and a band of rigaree, and a blue toothpick holder with an applSee Sold Price
SoldRIBBED SPIRAL TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVERIBBED SPIRAL TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, blue opalescent, comprising a covered sugar, jelly compote, toothpick holder, creamer, and spooner. Model Flint Glass Co. Circa 1903. 2 1/8" to 6 1/4" HOA. LSee Sold Price
FLOW BLUE PITCHER AND BOWL WITH TOOTHBRUSH HOLDER AND SPONGE DISH.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024