Life and Works of Holbein, 1867
Pigmentation on Cork, The Idol, by Jamali, c. 1988Feb 24, 2024Peter Alexander Ilyin, 1887-1950 (Russia/USA)Feb 27, 2024Haig Patigian, 1876-1950 (Armenia/USA)Feb 27, 2024Waves on Rocks in the Moon by Helen HaferFeb 25, 2024Ben Shahn 1898-1969 Lute and Molecule #1 PaintingFeb 28, 2024Max Avadiyevich Birshtein Rowan Tree Oil PaintingFeb 28, 2024Max Avadiyevich Birshtein Bluebells Oil PaintingFeb 28, 2024Cheterio 20C Antique Still Life & Pottery PaintingFeb 28, 2024Peter Keil b.1942 Neo Expressionism Oil PaintingFeb 28, 2024A Marc Chagall Book: Life and Work Meyer, Franz Published by New York: Abrams, 1964Feb 24, 2024RAMSAYS POEMS, VOLUME II - THE POEMS OF ALLAN RAMSAY PRINTED BY A. STRAHAN IN 1800Mar 07, 20241900 THOMAS HENRY HUXLEY SKETCH OF HIS LIFE & WORK P. CHALMERS MITCHELL antiqueFeb 27, 2024ROYAL COPENHAGEN DENMARK FLORA DANICA PLATEFeb 25, 2024Romero Britto (Brazilian, 1963) "Boom Fish" Art Print PosterFeb 29, 202412" x 14" Coyote Framed Picture by Sue CocciaMar 21, 2024LIFE AND WORK, THE PHOTOGRAPHS OF BERND AND BECHERMar 07, 2024Andreas Gursky (1955 Leipzig - lives and works in Düsseldorf), 'Zoobrücke', 1988Mar 20, 2024François Halard (1961 Arles - lives and works ibid), 'STUDIO CY TWOMBLY Gaèta, Italy',Mar 20, 2024Otmar Alt (1940 Wernigrode - lives and works in Hamm), Sculpture 'Vogelbaum', 1970Mar 20, 2024David Hockney (1937 Bradford - lives and works in the Normandy), Exhibition poster Galerie KammerMar 20, 2024David Hockney (1937 Bradford - lives and works in the Normandy) (after), Plakat 'Department ofMar 20, 2024Allen Jones (1937 Southhampton - lives and works in London), 'Parable of Our Time II', 1981Mar 20, 2024Nanne Meyer (1953 Hamburg - lives and works in Berlin), 'In Bahnhofsnähe', 1988Mar 20, 20242006 Sealed Ben Franklin Coin & Chronicles SetFeb 28, 2024