Magnificent 19Th C. Hand Carved Marble Bust And PedestalRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Fine Italian Carved Marble Bust of The Apollo Belvedere onPedestalPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
ANTIQUE ITALIAN GRAND TOUR BRONZE BUST OF MENELAUSAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Affortunato GORY Italian Signed Marble Bust of A LadyHeritage Gallery Auctions4.4(56)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
VINTAGE CLAY BUST OF ROMAN EMPEROR CAESAR AUGUSTUSAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
19th C. Wedgwood Black Basalt Bust of MercuryEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Rare LLADRO Museum Quality 15 Inch Porcelain Horse Bust in Original BoxSouth Florida Auction & Estate Sale Services Inc4.5(522)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Mid-Century Modern Bust of a Young Girl SculptureAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025
After Antonio Frilli (Italian, 1860-1902), "The Veiled Lady," 19th c.,Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
2 Stephen Robin Gypsum Ben Franklin BustsB.S. Slosberg, Inc. Auctioneers4.5(380)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
SoldRoman Bust of Minerva Mount1st-2nd century AD. A bronze mount of Minerva with bifid-crested helmet, incised facial detailing, wearing a cuirass, mounting peg to the reverse. 29 grams, 50mm (2"). Property of a Dutch gentleman; fSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Minerva Bust Mount1st-2nd century AD. A bronze bust of Minerva (Greek Athena) with crested helmet. 17.54 grams, 39mm (1 1/2"). Ex Stratford collection, Suffolk, UK; acquired on the UK art market after 2000. [No ReserveSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Minerva Bust Mount1st century BC-1st century AD. A bronze bust of Minerva (Greek Athena) in draped robe with Corinthian helmet pushed back onto the brow; spike to the reverse. Cf. Rolland, H. Bronzes Antiques de HauteSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Minerva Bust Mount1st-2nd century AD. A hollow-formed bronze bust appliqué of Minerva in crested Corinthian helmet with braided plaits to the neck and detailed cuirass. 70 grams, 10cm (4"). Property of a gentleman; acSee Sold Price
Roman Minerva Bust Mount1st-2nd century AD. A hollow-formed bronze bust appliqué of Minerva in crested Corinthian helmet with braided plaits to the neck and detailed cuirass. 70 grams, 10cm (4"). Property of a gentleman; acSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Minerva Bust Mount1st-2nd century AD. A bronze mount formed as a bust of Minerva with broad collar and textured cuirass; helmet with bifid crest; square-section mounting peg to the reverse. 25 grams, 43mm (1 3/4"). FroSee Sold Price
Roman Minerva Bust Mount1st century BC-1st century AD. A bronze appliqué bust of Minerva in Corinthian crested helmet, wearing a cuirass and phalera. 36 grams, 45mm (1 3/4"). Property of a Belgian gentleman; formerly the prSee Sold Price
Roman Minerva Bust Mount1st century BC-1st century AD. A bronze mount of Minerva with flange-crested helmet, mantle clasped at the right shoulder. 38 grams, 49mm (2") Property of a London, UK collector; acquired London markeSee Sold Price
Roman Minerva Bust Mount1st century BC-1st century AD. A bronze appliqué bust of Minerva(?) with conical helmet, band of hair to the brow, large lentoid eyes, mantle to the shoulders; hollow to the reverse. Cf. Rolland, H.See Sold Price
Roman Minerva Bust Mount1st century BC-1st century AD. A bronze mount of Minerva with bifid-crested helmet, draped tunic, mounting peg to the reverse. 27 grams, 51mm (2") Property of a London, UK collector; acquired London mSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Minerva Bust Mount1st-2nd century AD. A cast mount in the form of the head of Minerva in crested helmet. 20 grams, 37 mm (1 1/2"). From a Hampshire collection. Found near Diss, Norfolk. [No Reserve]See Sold Price
SoldRoman Mount with Minerva Bust1st-2nd century AD. A bronze mount fragment with bust of a female with diadem (Minerva?) flanked by scrolls. 31.2 grams, 28mm (1"). From a private Netherlands collection; previously in an old collectiSee Sold Price
Roman Helmetted Bust of Minerva1st-2nd century AD. A bronze mount formed as the bust of Minerva with broad collar and textured cuirass; helmet with bifid crest and curved lateral horns; radiating strokes to the flange; hollow to thSee Sold Price
Roman Helmetted Bust of Minerva1st-2nd century AD. A bronze mount formed as the bust of Minerva with broad collar and textured cuirass; helmet with bifid crest and curved lateral horns; radiating strokes to the flange; hollow to thSee Sold Price
Roman Helmetted Bust of Minerva1st-2nd century AD. A bronze mount formed as a bust of Minerva with broad collar and textured cuirass; helmet with bifid crest and curved lateral horns; radiating strokes to the flange; hollow to theSee Sold Price
Roman Helmetted Bust of Minerva1st-2nd century AD. A bronze mount formed as a bust of Minerva with broad collar and textured cuirass; helmet with bifid crest and curved lateral horns; radiating strokes to the flange; hollow to theSee Sold Price
Ancient Jewellery and AntiquitiesA Roman bronze mount of a bust of Minerva, 2nd century AD., the head worked in the round, facing front with hair swept back covering the ears and wearing a bifid-crested plumed helmet, wearing on theSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Mount of Minerva1st-2nd century AD. A cast mount formed as the bust of Minerva with broad collar and textured cuirass; helmet with bifid crest and curved lateral horns; radiating strokes to the flange; hollow to theSee Sold Price
Roman Bust Mount1st-4th century AD. A cast mount formed as a female bust, possibly the Roman goddess Minerva or Greek goddess Athena; she is looking left, wearing a troubled expression and dressed in military attire,See Sold Price
SoldRoman Helmetted Minerva Mount2nd-3rd century AD. A bronze vessel mount in the form of a bust of Minerva (Greek Athena), head slightly facing right, wearing crested helmet and scaled armour, with body chain and central phalera. 36See Sold Price
SoldRoman Mount with Minerva1st century BC-1st century AD. A square bronze plaque with stud to the reverse, scroll detailing to the edges, tinned borders, central concentric rings surrounding an incised profile bust of Minerva wSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Face Mount Collection1st-3rd century AD. A group of four bronze mounts comprising: a cherub face, hollow to the underside; a female head with D-shaped headdress, hollow to the underside; a bust of Minerva wearing a cresteSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Style Bronze Minerva Bowl MountA cast bronze archaistic bowl mount in 1st-2nd century AD style, formed as the bust of Minerva wearing a peplos dress, hollow to the reverse. London private collection, acquired 1950's-1970's. 24 gramSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bust Mount3rd-4th century AD. A bronze mount of a female bust with hair escaping from beneath a cap or palla, pleated robe to the shoulders. 26 grams, 51mm (2"). Property of a Belgian gentleman; formerly the prSee Sold Price
Carved Roman Marble Bust of A Male Figure with BeardChina Luban Art & Antique, Inc.4.4(78)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pair of Gilt Frame Carved Marble ReliefsChina Luban Art & Antique, Inc.4.4(78)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Group of Classical Theme and Other Objects.Turner Auctions + Appraisals4.3(313)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
19th C. Hermes Intaglio, Athena Cameo, Gold PendantArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
ITALIAN WHITE MARBLE BUST OF 'MINERVA' CIRCA 1900Los Angeles Antiques 4.3(12)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024