SoldRichard MacDonald (b. 1946) CaliforniaGYMNAST, 1995, cast bronze sculpture with patina, signed and dated and numbered 20/40, height 18 ½” including black marble base, accompanied with a 42 ½” illuminated base, overall 61” tall.See Sold Price
SoldRichard MacDonald (b. 1946 California)Dove Patinated bronze Signed: R. MacDonald 38.5" H x 24" W x 26.5" DSee Sold Price
SoldRichard MacDonald (b.1946 California) ''ReginaRichard MacDonald (b.1946 California) ''Regina Luminaire'' 1998 Acrylic Sculpture 44''x22''x18''. Impressive fantasy sculpture with woman. Signed and numbered 76 of 125 edition near bottom edge. ExcelSee Sold Price
SoldRichard MacDonald ''The Trumpeter'' Bronze SculptureRichard MacDonald (b.1946 California) ''The Trumpeter'' Bronze Sculpture 40''x36''x20''. Impressive large patinated bronze of a dancing flute player. Signed and numbered 36 of 90 edition. Excellent coSee Sold Price
SoldRichard MacDonaldRichard MacDonald (b.1946 California) ''Joie de Vivre'' 2000 Bronze Sculpture Group 50''x36''x30''. Impressive large bronze figure group of three flute players. Signed and numbered 2 of 35 edition atSee Sold Price
SoldRichard MacDonaldRichard MacDonald (b.1946 California) ''Butterfly'' Bronze Sculpture 33''x26''x17''. Impressive large patinated bronze of a male with arms out. Signed and numbered 3 of 90 edition. Excellent conditionSee Sold Price
SoldRichard MacDonald ''Jacques'' Bronze SculptureRichard MacDonald (b.1946 California) ''Jacques'' Bronze Sculpture 18''x22''x13''. Impressive patinated bronze sculpture of a kneeling actor. Signed and numbered 55 of 60. Excellent condition.See Sold Price
SoldRichard MacDonald ''White Face'' Bronze SculptureRichard MacDonald (b.1946 California) ''White Face'' Bronze Sculpture 31''x22''x13''. Impressive patinated bronze sculpture of a dancing man with hat. Signed and numbered 86 of 90 edition. Excellent cSee Sold Price
SoldMacDonald Bronze Ballerina Sculpture, The RoseRichard MacDonald (California, b. 1946) bronze sculpture titled "The Rose", depicting a ballet dancer in costume, at the barre, adjusting a slipper. Signed, numbered and dated on the base "R. MacDonalSee Sold Price
SoldRICHARD MACDONALD (B.1946) GYMNAST BRONZEPatinated bronze figure,"The Gymnast; Flair Across America," signed in cast R. MacDonald (Richard MacDonald, California, b.1946), c.1996, on stepped marble base, approx 20.5"h, 7"w, 16"d, 16.75lbs StaSee Sold Price
SoldMacDonald Bronze Ballerina Sculpure, Warming UpRichard MacDonald (California, b. 1946) bronze sculpture titled "Warming Up", depicting a ballet dancer stretching before practice. Signed and numbered on the foot "R. MacDonald, 48/60". Mounted on aSee Sold Price
SoldRichard MacDonald (American/California, b. 1946)Richard MacDonald (American/California, b. 1946), "The Flair", bronze, after the prototype made for the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, partial signature inscribed on self-base, height 42 3/4 inSee Sold Price
SoldRICHARD MACDONALD, "DAWN, THE AWAKENING", BRONZERichard MacDonald (American/California, b 1946). "Dawn (The Awakening)", bronze of female nude on lucite base. Signed and numbered 62/65. Note: MacDonald's monumental sculpture "The Flair" is situatedSee Sold Price
SoldRICHARD MACDONALD (B. 1946), BRONZE, THE FLAIRBronze sculpture on marble, "The Flair", Gymnast, signed, dated, numbered R. McDonald, '95, 32 of 175 (Richard McDonald, California, b. 1946), bronze: 21.75"h, 19.5"w, 8"d, overall with stepped marbleSee Sold Price
Sold52" RICHARD MACDONALD (USA b1946) "FLUTIST" BRONZERichard MacDonald (AMERICAN / CALIFORNIA, born 1946) "half life size"impressive and large original bronze "Flutist" sculpture. Has a magnificent brown patina with marbling throughout and hints of greeSee Sold Price
SoldAttrib. Richard MacDonald Kinetic Bronze SculptureCalifornia,b.1946 Modernist figurative work capturing the motions of a diver jumping through interconnected rings. The sculpture will spring back and forth when moved. Bronze,Sculpture 39 1/2",OverallSee Sold Price
SoldRichard MacDonald(California, b. 1946) Original Bronze figured nude huntrice with leopards. Excellently sculpted and numbered 45/95 with date of 1996. The piece is atop a marble base and on swivel stand for display. HSee Sold Price
SoldRichard MacDonald(California, b. 1946) Original bronze nude huntrice with excellently formed and nice patina to surface. The piece is numbered 67/195. Very good condition throughout. H18 1/2" (including marble base) SSee Sold Price
SoldRichard McDonald (b. 1946) "Whiteface 1/2 Life"Richard McDonald (California, b. 1946) "Whiteface 1/2 Life". Monumental Bronze Figure on Pedestal. Signed, dated '94 and Numbered (6/90). Comes with original pedestal. Provenance: Richard MacDonald StSee Sold Price
SoldRichard McDonald (b. 1946) "Nureyev Bust"Richard McDonald (California, b. 1946) Bronze "Nureyev Bust". Numbered (34/90). Inscribed on backside. Overall height: 18.5 inches. MacDonald recently gained recognition for sculpting Flair Across AmeSee Sold Price
SoldRICHARD MACDONALD (B. 1946) SIGNED LTD ED BRONZETitled "Dawn 'The Awakening.'" Patinated. Signed and numbered 62/65. With custom plexi stand. Comes with original purchase invoice and information from Hansen Gallery, New Orleans, 1996. Original pricSee Sold Price
SoldRichard MacDonald (b. 1946) CalifornianSLEEPING WOMAN, 1997, cast bronze sculpture with patina, signed and dated and numbered 44/150 lower right 27” long, 13” wide and 8 ¾” tall with marble base.See Sold Price
SoldRichard MacDonald (b. 1946) CalifornianTHE FLAIR (Gymnast), 1995, cast bronze sculpture with patina, signed and dated and numbered II 45/175 backside of ring, 32” tall, 30” wide and 12” deep, mounted to marble base overall 36 ½” tSee Sold Price
SoldRichard MacDonald (b. 1946) CalifornianHARLEQUIN, 1988, cold painted bronze sculpture, signed and dated and numbered 8/40, size 12 ¼ x 12 ½ x 6 ½” including stand, in good studio condition.See Sold Price
Green-Winged Teal Pair by William "Bill" Neal (1924-2014)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Richard Diebenkorn (American, 1922-1993) - Girl in Tiled RoomFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Signed Richard Satava Female Diety Petroglyph Glass VasePUBLIC SALE4.7(225)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Chinese bird painting of egrets, by Fang Guoxing (Chinese, b. 1946)Oakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
A Chinese 'lotus pond' painting, by Fang Guoxing (Chinese, b. 1946)Oakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
A Chinese group painting of rocks and orchids, by Fang Guoxing (Chinese, b. 1946)Oakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
A Chinese group painting of lingzhi and orchids, by Fang Guoxing (Chinese, b. 1946)Oakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024