SoldAMMUNITION .223/5.56 CALIBER LARGE LOTAMMUNITION .223/5.56 CALIBER LARGE LOT 330 rounds of Federal 5.56 55 gr. FMJ. 120 rounds IMI Samson 5.56 55 gr. FMJ. 200 rounds of .223 target FMJ. 60 rounds of Wolf gold .223 55 gr. brass case copperSee Sold Price
SoldAMMUNITION 5.7X28 CALIBER LARGE LOTAMMUNITION 5.7X28 CALIBER LARGE LOT 24 boxes of SS197SR 40 gr. Hornady V-max (50 rounds per) + 19 SS197SR rounds loose. 1219 rounds total. 5 boxes of SS195LF 27 gr. lead free bullets (50 rounds per) 2See Sold Price
SoldAMMUNITION 7.62X39 CALIBER LARGE LOTAMMUNITION 7.62X39 CALIBER LARGE LOT 7.62x39 caliber large ammunition lot. 2200+ rounds and four ammo cans. Caliber / Gauge: 7.62x39See Sold Price
SoldAMMUNITION .308 & .30-06 CALIBER LARGE LOTAMMUNITION .308 & .30-06 CALIBER LARGE LOT Large lot of .308, 7.62, & .30-06 caliber ammunition from various manufacturers. Includes 22 -20 round boxes of Hornady .308 Winchester, 12- 20 round boxes BSee Sold Price
SoldVINTAGE .22 CALIBER AMMUNITIONVINTAGE .22 CALIBER AMMUNITION Large lot of Vintage .22 Caliber Ammunition. 71 total boxes. Most boxes are complete, some are partially complete. Caliber / Gauge: .22 S-L-LRSee Sold Price
SoldWOLF 7.62X39 CALIBER LARGE AMMUNITION LOTWOLF 7.62X39 CALIBER LARGE AMMUNITION LOT Wolf 122GR. steel case HP and 122GR. copper jacketed HP ammunition. 1,750+ rounds in box in four ammo cans. Caliber / Gauge: 7.62x39See Sold Price
SoldLARGE LOT MIXED CALIBER AMMUNITIONLARGE LOT MIXED CALIBER AMMUNITION .22, 45 Auto, 357 Mag, 30-30 Win, 308 Win, 38 Spl. Caliber / Guage: MIXSee Sold Price
SoldLARGE CALIBER RIFLE AMMUNITION LOTLARGE CALIBER RIFLE AMMUNITION LOT Large caliber rifle ammunition lot. .444 Marlin, .375 H&H, .375 H&H Magnum, .375 Ruger, .416 Rigby, .416 Ruger. 92 pounds total weight including boxes. Caliber / GauSee Sold Price
SoldLARGE CALIBER HAND GUN AMMUNITION LOTLARGE CALIBER HAND GUN AMMUNITION LOT Large caliber hand gun ammunition lot. 500 S&W, 500 S&W Magnum, .454 Casull. 45 pounds total weight including boxes Caliber / Gauge: .500See Sold Price
SoldAMMO CAN LARGE LOT OF MIXED CALIBER AMMUNITIONAMMO CAN LARGE LOT OF MIXED CALIBER AMMUNITION 4 ammo cans with: 580rds .308 Win ammo, 200rds .22LR ammo, 50rds .44-40 Win ammo, 20rds .32 Special ammo, 80rds .35 Rem ammo, 100rds 7.65mm parabellum amSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF LARGE CALIBER PISTOL AMMUNITIONContains: 40 Hornady .50 AE 300gr XTP/HP 20 IMI Samson .50 AE 300gr JHP 50 Winchester .38 AUTO +P 125gr Silvertip HP 20 Speer Gold Dot .41 AE 180gr GDHP 50 IMI .41 AE 200gr FMJ 20 Speer Gold Dot .45 GSee Sold Price
SoldAMMO CAN LARGE LOT OF MIXED CALIBER AMMUNITIONAMMO CAN LARGE LOT OF MIXED CALIBER AMMUNITION Four ammo cans of ammunition. Includes approx. 460 rounds of .357 SIG ammunition, Winchester, Speer GoldDot, Lawman, Winchester Ranger,. 440+ rounds .357See Sold Price
SoldLARGE CALIBER HANDGUN AMMUNITION LOT 38 357 44Lot of large caliber handgun ammunition (38 Special, 357 Magnum, 44 SA). Lot includes one 50 Round box of Speer Lawman 38 Special + P 158 GR. 45 Rounds of S&W Nyclad 38 Chief Special 125 GR Semi WadcuSee Sold Price
SoldAMMUNITION LARGE LOT .44 CALIBERAMMUNITION LARGE LOT .44 CALIBER Approximately 47lbs of .44 S&W SPL caliber ammunition. Caliber / Gauge: .44 S&W SPLSee Sold Price
SoldAMMUNITION LARGE LOT 7.62x39 CALIBERAMMUNITION LARGE LOT 7.62x39 CALIBER 7.62x39 caliber ammunition. Total of 1,750+ boxed rounds in four ammo cans. 1,400+ of them are Lellier & Bellot made in Czech republic. Caliber / Gauge: 7.62X39See Sold Price
SoldAMMUNITION LARGE LOT 7.62x39 CALIBERAMMUNITION LARGE LOT 7.62x39 CALIBER 7.62x39 caliber ammunition. Approximately 1,350+ loose rounds in two ammo cans. Caliber / Gauge: 7.62X39See Sold Price
SoldLot of Large Caliber Center Fire Ammunition 37 RoundsLot of Large Caliber Center Fire Ammunition, 37 Rounds of .30 Caliber, 53 Rounds .30-06; lot includes, 1) 20 rounds of .30 caliber cartridges in a cardboard sleeve marked Denver Ordnance Plant, 2) 17See Sold Price
Lot of Large Caliber Center Fire Ammunition 37 RoundsLot of Large Caliber Center Fire Ammunition, 37 Rounds of .30 Caliber, 53 Rounds .30-06; lot includes, 1) 20 rounds of .30 caliber cartridges in a cardboard sleeve marked Denver Ordnance Plant, 2) 17See Sold Price
Lot of Large Caliber Center Fire Ammunition 37 RoundsLot of Large Caliber Center Fire Ammunition, 37 Rounds of .30 Caliber, 53 Rounds .30-06; lot includes, 1) 20 rounds of .30 caliber cartridges in a cardboard sleeve marked Denver Ordnance Plant, 2) 17See Sold Price
SoldLARGE HANDGUN CALIBER AMMO LOT HORNADY 120 ROUNDSLot of 120 Rounds of Hornady large caliber handgun ammunition. Lot includes 4 boxes (80 rounds total) of "Custom" 41 MAG 210 gr XTP. Includes 2 boxes (40 rounds total) of "Custom" 44 MAG 240 gr XTP. ISee Sold Price
SoldAMMUNITION AND AMMO CANS LARGE LOTAMMUNITION AND AMMO CANS LARGE LOT 54 lbs of ammunition calibers ranging from 9mm, 45, 7mm, 308, 223 and more. Ammo cans. Caliber / Gauge: MixedSee Sold Price
SoldHOTCHKISS STRIP AMMUNITION LARGE LOTHOTCHKISS STRIP AMMUNITION LARGE LOT Mixed caliber machine gun ammo on Hotchkiss strips. Caliber / Gauge: MixedSee Sold Price
Sold7.62x54R SPAM CAN AMMUNITION LARGE LOT7.62x54R SPAM CAN AMMUNITION LARGE LOT 3 sealed Russian spam cans of ammo, containing 1300+ rounds of 7.62x54R ammunition. Caliber / Gauge: 7.62x54RSee Sold Price
Large Lot Antique Chinese Embroidered Silk Robe Fabric Collar CuffsHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Large lot of assorted prints. 18th-20th century. To include: North American and other maps, CivilTremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Large Lot of Sewing Access, Buttons, Hooks, EngThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Large lot Vintage Assorted Doll Clothes Dresses Shirts Pants UndergarmentsLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Large lot Vintage Assorted Doll Clothes Dresses Shirts Pants UndergarmentsLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Large lot Vintage Assorted Doll Clothes Dresses Shirts Pants UndergarmentsLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Large lot Vintage Assorted Doll Clothes Dresses Shirts Pants UndergarmentsLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Large lot Vintage Assorted Doll Hats & Head CoveringsLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Large lot Vintage Assorted Doll Hats & Head CoveringsLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Large Lot Antique & Vintage Glass Doll Eyes and PartsLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
LARGE LOT OF VINTAGE DRAWINGS/SKETCHESHartzell's Auction Gallery, Inc.4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
[POSTCARDS]. A Large Lot of Nearly 6,400 Postcards. [V.p., ...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Mabe Blister Pearl Heart Shaped Necklace Rope Chain 14kt Emerald Ruby SapphireJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Large Lot of Vintage Film Cameras and LensesWorld Auction Gallery LLC4.7(264)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024