SoldCarved Animal Figures GroupCarved animal figures, three of wood, including a water buffalo, a reclining antelope, a musk ox with leather horns, and a reclining moose carved of soapstone with bone antlers. Antelope measures apprSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Carved Animal Figures by Ralph E. ThayerLarge group of mid 20th c. carved wooden folk art animal figures by Maj. Ralph E. Thayer Of Burlington, VT including dogs, bears, rabbits, elephants and donkeys, squirrel, oxen maple leaf and State ofSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Chinese Asian Carved Hardstone FiguresGroup of 9 Chinese and Asian carved hardstone animals, reptiles and figures. The group consists a green frog on rectangular formed base, a lapis carved rabbit, small jade ram, a small white animal lidSee Sold Price
Sold2 JAPANESE HAND CARVED IVORY ANIMAL GROUP NETSUKE2 Chinese hand carved animal group netsuke figures. One depicts horses and the other depicts lion and monkey. Each signed to bottom. 19th century. Largest measures 1 7/8" height x 1 5/8" width (4.7cmSee Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF ANMINAL CARVED IVORY NETSUKESGROUP OF ANMINAL CARVED IVORY NETSUKES Carved from ivory, three animal figure netsukes - group of three monkeys, group of two monkeys, and horse. Size: 1.5"See Sold Price
SoldA Group of Carved Hardstone Animal Figures,A Group of Carved Hardstone Animal Figures, Including agate, tiger eye, pink coral, marble, quartz and one base metal. Largest dimensions: h: 1 1/4 x w: 5 1/2 x d: 3 in.See Sold Price
SoldSix piece group of Asian hardstone pieces to includeSix piece group of Asian hardstone pieces to include agate carved duck figure made into a table lamp, a pair of jadeite small screens, lapis carved figure, and two small carved animal figures (duck wiSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of Chinese Carved Jade Animal Figures, Width ofA Group of Chinese Carved Jade Animal Figures, comprising an archaistic winged bear toggle with opaque russet skin, a recumbent lion with a wang character incised to its forehead, a recumbent ox in aSee Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF FIVE CARVED WOOD AFRICAN FIGURES.GROUP OF FIVE CARVED WOOD AFRICAN FIGURES. Depicting warriors and tribespeople. Together with three carved animal figures (depicting a zebra, a bird raised on a piece of wood mounted on a marble standSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Inuit Carved Stone Animal FiguresGroup of Inuit Carved Stone Animal Figures. Together with a carved stone container and diminutive bone seal group. Provenance: The Miles and Shirley Fiterman Collection, Minneapolis, MN. Ranging in siSee Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF PRE-COLOMBIAN STYLE STONE ARTICLES.GROUP OF PRE-COLOMBIAN STYLE STONE ARTICLES. Comprised of a large spearhead, a carved animal figure, a small carved human figure, three carved faces, a small carved scarab, an etched stone depicting tSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Group of Five Scholarly ItemsChina, a group of five scholarly items, in various sizes and colors, one seal chop, one carved animal figure, and other items. Height 2 1/2 in.See Sold Price
Sold(LOT) LARGE GROUP OF CARVED WOOD FIGURES & ANIMALS(lot) Large collection of carved wood figures and animals, highlights include: (1) leather-clad elephant, 11.75"h, 14"w, 4.5"d, (2) carved wood camels, with bead eyes, 11"h, 9.5"w, 3"d, (2) carved wooSee Sold Price
Sold(2) FOLK ART NOAH'S ARK SETSGroup of (2) Late 19th - Early 20th c. German Flat Bottom Wooden Noah's Ark Sets, incl: Blue painted ark, with tape hinged roof and beveled base edge, includes (45) carved animal figures, 4 3/4" high,See Sold Price
SoldGroup of Assorted Animal FiguresGroup of Assorted Animal Figures including carved wooden duck with lid, pewter standing duck with lid, camel candlestick holder, iron pig, cat and ostrich, cement garden pig, hardwood dolphin and sealSee Sold Price
**NO ON-LINE BIDDING-JAPANESE IVORY ANIMAL FIGURE MEIJIJAPANESE IVORY ANIMAL FIGURE GROUP, MEIJI PERIOD, H 2 1/4'', L 8 1/2'':Realistically carved as two bears fighting a bull, detailed features and fur. No apparent markings...IVORY ITEMS WILL NOT BE SOLDSee Sold Price
SoldAkan Power FigureCarved wood animal-form power / fetish figure. Abbe people, Akan group, Ivory Coast. Custom gallery stand included. H: approx. 33" Provenance: Estate of Thomas McNemar, (1931-2019.) McNemar lived andSee Sold Price
SoldCeladon & Brown Jade 19C Chinese Figural Foo Dog sCeladon & brown jade carved animal figure with foo dogs. The highly detailed 19th or 20th century, carved celadon and brown jade figural group depicts an animal figure with a human face and beard, witSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Four Chinese Carved Jade AnimalsGroup of four Chinese carved jade animals, including: seated mythical figure; recumbent cow; feline group; together with shi-shi group; L: 2" (longest, approx.)See Sold Price
SoldA Group of Asian Export Articles, Height of tallest 5 1A Group of Asian Export Articles, including carved ivory netsuke, carved hardstone animal figures, a chartreuse-glazed ceramic snuff bottle, a bronze Buddha figure, a jade brush pot and carved ivory fSee Sold Price
Sold23 CHINESE CARVED AGATE ANIMAL FIGURESA GROUP OF TWENTY THREE CHINESE CARVED AGATE ANIMAL FIGURES. Including eleven elephants, three snakes, three water buffalo, two horses, two dolphins, a turtle, and a monkey. Greatest measurement 3.5 iSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Ivory Carved Animal GroupChinese ivory carved animal grouping. Figure is comprised of a lion biting the tail of an elephant who in turn has a tiger wrapped in its trunk. The figures are expertly carved. Please note there a haSee Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF NATIVE AMERICAN POTTERY MINIATURES & FETISHESSanta Clara pottery fish along with two black pottery miniatures. Sizes ranging from 3.5 inches down to 1 inch. Plus two carved obsidian animal figures, with one being a bear with turquoise inlaid andSee Sold Price
Rose Quartz Carved Frog/Turtle Figure Dual ImageCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Hand Carved & Painted Wood Chicken FiguralThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
FOLK ART HAND CARVED WOOD FIGURE OF MONKEY SIGNEDAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Group of Three Chinese Jade Pendant and Animal FiguresLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024