SoldLot of 27: Pressed Steel Vehicle Toys.Pre-war. Most are Marx. Includes various stake back trucks, automobiles, milk trucks, delivery vans, etc. Some vehicles have wind-up mechanisms in them. Various conditions. Condition (Very Good). SizeSee Sold Price
Sold***7 WYANDOTTE PRESSED STEEL VEHICLES2 Boat tail racers with rubber wheels, approximate length 9'', two #334 four-door sedans with rubber wheels, length 9'', coupe and trailer combo, combined length 11'', and 1 Airstream trailer, lengthSee Sold Price
SoldLot Of 3: Vintage Pressed Steel VehiclesLot is comprised of: 1 - Black and green Buddy L open bed truck. This truck has been repainted but retains its original tires. 1 - Restored red and black Cor-cor sedan. 1 - 1935 red orange French CritSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 6: Pressed Steel Vehicle Toys.American. Most are Marx or Wyandotte. Includes two wagons, two trucks, one car, and two service vehicles. Two of the pressed steel cars have wind-up mechanisms. One service van is restored and othersSee Sold Price
SoldSEVEN PRESSED STEEL VEHICLES INCLUDING WYANDOTTEAmerican, 2nd quarter-20th century. Includes a Willys Jeep, an army truck with canvas topper, two pickup trucks, two Wyandotte campers, and a wind-up car with driver and passenger. 9" to 11" long.See Sold Price
SoldPressed Steel Vehicles - 1960s & 70sCollection of 60s and 70s Pressed Steel Vehicles (Tonka, Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Eldon & More!). Includes a large assortment of steel pressed farm toys made by Tonka. Also includes a massive tin of VintSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Nylint Pressed Steel VehiclesLot of 3 Nylint Pressed Steel Vehicles including Jungle Wagon, and 2 Ford Vans. All are missing parts. Please refer to photos. Some rust present. Measures 11" long. All invoices must be paid within 24See Sold Price
SoldLot Of 3: America Made Pressed Steel Vehicles.The first is a Buddy-L Allied moving van ride on truck which is missing handle. Decals throughout the truck are in good condition. There is some general scratching and wear, especially to the fendersSee Sold Price
Sold3 Nylint Pressed Steel VehiclesDESCRIPTION: Three Nylint pressed steel vehicles including hotrod, panel van, and street sprinkler. MEASUREMENTS: Each 10-18". CONDITION: Hotrod and street sprinkler unrestored. Panel van restored, miSee Sold Price
SoldMARX & ROBERTS PRESSED STEEL VEHICLESMarx Jeep, 11 in long, w/electric lights, Marx Sand & Gravel, 16 in long, Roberts Magno Crane, 13 in long, C6-7.See Sold Price
SoldThree pressed steel vehicles including Structo SanitatiThree pressed steel vehicles including Structo Sanitation truck, 2 Wyandotte plow/dump trucks.See Sold Price
SoldThree Wyandotte Pressed Steel VehiclesUnusual colors, includes: coupe, airflow, and dump truck. Dimensions are: each one is 6 1/4" long. All measurements are approximate.See Sold Price
Sold2 PRESSED STEEL VEHICLESSchieble Racer, painted pressed steel, friction working, 11" long, missing driver, Kingsbury Roadster, painted pressed steel, clockwork not working, 9" long, C4.See Sold Price
Sold2 PRESSED STEEL VEHICLESNylint 600 Amazing Car, painted pressed steel, clockwork working, 13 3/4" long, heavy playwear, C4; Wrecker Truck, painted pressed steel, missing hook, 11 1/2" long, C5.See Sold Price
SoldLot Of 3: Pressed Steel VehiclesThis lot of 3 features: 1- Kingsbury two-toned roadster with rumble seat and battery operated headlights. Replaced trunk on rear, otherwise all original. 1- Vintage Smith Miller stake bed truck in oriSee Sold Price
SoldLot Of 4: Vintage Tin And Pressed Steel VehiclesLot consists of 1 - red Japanese tin dump truck, 1 - Hoge Fire Chief sedan with electric headlights, 1 - green Chevrolet delivery truck, missing the rear door, and 1 - red Gama open-bed truck with misSee Sold Price
Sold***5 WYANDOTTE PRESSED STEEL VEHICLES3 Stake bed trucks, 1 red with green bed and wooden wheels, 1 red with orange bed and black wooden wheels, 1 red with white bed, wooden wheels and electric headlights, dump truck, red with green bed aSee Sold Price
SoldCast Iron, Aluminum and Pressed Steel VehicleCast Iron, Aluminum and Pressed Steel Vehicle Assortment Twenty-seven items including three Greyhound buses, three wall plaques, two medical figures, cars, trucks, tractors, a motor cycle and a traileSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF 3: WYANDOTTE PRESSED STEEL VEHICLE TOYS.Lot consists of: a single-wing monoplane, with original propeller; an automobile with matching trailer, which does have replaced rubber tires but does have original back door; and last, an electric baSee Sold Price
SoldNine Tonka pressed steel vehiclesNine Tonka pressed steel vehicles, to include two car carriers, each with two plastic Corvettes, a Fire Chief wagon, a Jeep with stables trailer with horses, a Volkswagen, a wrecker, a road grader, aSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Pressed Steel Vehicles.Both needs T.L.C. includes 24" Dump Truck & 17" Buddy L Sand Loader.See Sold Price
Sold6 Pressed Steel VehiclesDESCRIPTION: Six pressed steel vehicles including four trucks, one panel truck and one car. MEASUREMENTS: Each 6-7". CONDITION: Various conditions including restored and unrestored.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 4: Assorted Pressed Steel Vehicles.Buddy L Texaco tanker truck with broken front grille and scratches and paint chips throughout. Gerard wind-up automobile that has been restored. Ny-Lint Ford pickup truck that has been restored. KeystSee Sold Price
Group of 6 Vintage Wolverine Pressed Steel Toy AppliancesMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Lot of Vintage Marx Wyandotte Pressed steel tow trucksEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Doepke Model Toys Co. Pressed Steel Unit CraneMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Heavy Duty BMC Tractor Senior Pressed Steel Toy VehicleMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Tonka Military Jeep Vehicle #1989 Die Pressed Steel- New in Original BoxSJ Auctioneers4.5(166)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024