An Elizabeth I Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard)An Elizabeth I Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silver sugar box, Moscow circa 1750-61 by Vasily Matveev Kunkin (active 1745-61) of bombe form with panelled body, raised on four scroll feet, the domSee Sold Price
SoldAn Elizabeth I Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard)An Elizabeth I Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silver sugar box, Moscow 1741-51 by BM ? in a heart shaped punch (untraced) Of oval bombe form with panelled body, raised on four pad feet, the detachSee Sold Price
SoldA pair of Elizabeth I Russian 84 zolotnik (875A pair of Elizabeth I Russian 84 zolotnik (875 standard) silver beakers, Moscow 1744 by Grigory Lakomkin (active 1736-69) Each of tapering cylindrical form with moulded rim, the bodies with embossed dSee Sold Price
A pair of Elizabeth I Russian 84 zolotnik (875A pair of Elizabeth I Russian 84 zolotnik (875 standard) silver beakers, Moscow 1744 by Grigory Lakomkin (active 1736-69) Each of tapering cylindrical form with moulded rim, the bodies with embossed dSee Sold Price
An Elizabeth I mid-18th century Russian 84 zolotnikAn Elizabeth I mid-18th century Russian 84 zolotnik (875 standard) silver vodka cup (charka), Moscow 1746 by Gavrila Artemyev (active 1704-1746) Of rounded circular form with everted lip and upon a coSee Sold Price
SoldAn Alexander III Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard)An Alexander III Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silver tea caddy, Moscow 1893 by O.M. possibly for Olga Philippovona Mukhina (active from 1890) of square cube form with rounded corners, the hingedSee Sold Price
SoldA Nicholas II Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silverA Nicholas II Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silver vodka bottle, Moscow 1898-1908 by B.T.C in an oval punch, for V.T. Sokolov (active until circa 1908) Of plain bottle form with a detachable top.See Sold Price
SoldA Nicholas II Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silverA Nicholas II Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silver and cloisonné enamel cigarette case, Moscow 1892 by Gustav Klingert (active 1865-1917) Of rectangular form with rounded corners, decorated withSee Sold Price
SoldA Nicholas II Russian 84 zolotnik (875 standard) silverA Nicholas II Russian 84 zolotnik (875 standard) silver gold, enamel and gem set purse, Moscow 1898-1908 by Pavel Mikhailovich Volkov (est. 1868) Of rectangular form with rounded corners, the front wiSee Sold Price
SoldA Nicholas II Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silverA Nicholas II Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silver mounted cut glass claret jug, 1908-17 by Pavel Fomich Larinen (active circa 1896/1900 St Petersburg, Finnish born) Of cylindrical form the mountSee Sold Price
SoldA Nicholas II Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silverA Nicholas II Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silver cigarette case, Moscow 1908-18 by I.P Klebnikov & Sons (active 1888 – 1918) Of rectangular form with rounded corners the front with embosSee Sold Price
SoldA Nicholas I Russian 84 zolotnik (875 standard)A Nicholas I Russian 84 zolotnik (875 standard) parcel-gilt silver and niello beaker (stopka), Moscow 1852 by Alexander Andreev Of cylindrical form with an everted lip, the body with a central band ofSee Sold Price
SoldA Nicholas II Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silverA Nicholas II Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silver and niello cigarette case, Moscow circa 1914 by Andrei Andreevich Alexandrov (active 1879-1917) Of rectangular form with rounded corners, each sSee Sold Price
SoldA Nicholas II Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silverA Nicholas II Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silver and niello spoon, Moscow 1895, by Stephan Levin (active 1875-97) With twist stem, the circular bowl with a depiction of the Saviour Tower and KrSee Sold Price
SoldA Nicholas II Russian 84 zolotnik (875 standard) silverA Nicholas II Russian 84 zolotnik (875 standard) silver cigar case, Moscow 1908-26 by Ivanov Grigory Ivapovich Of rectangular form with rounded sides, the exterior engraved with text and imagery againSee Sold Price
SoldAn Alexander I Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard)An Alexander I Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silver coffee pot, Moscow 1811 by ?.A, possibly for Grigory Alexeev of inverted baluster form upon collet foot and everted cavetto rim, a decorative bSee Sold Price
A Nicholas II Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silverA Nicholas II Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silver cigarette case, Moscow 1908-18 by I.P Klebnikov & Sons (active 1888 – 1918) Of rectangular form with rounded corners the front with embossed ASee Sold Price
A Nicholas I Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silverA Nicholas I Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silver gilt and niello snuff box, Moscow 1826 by Ivan Kaltykov (active 1820-34) Of rectangular form, the hinged lid with plan thumbpiece. The lid with aSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Nicholas II Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard)Two Nicholas II Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silver purses, one Moscow 1908-26 by AK possibly for retailer Aron Kutsy of St. Petersburg or an untraced Moscow master Of elongated rectangular formSee Sold Price
An Alexander III Russian 84 zolotnik (875 standard)An Alexander III Russian 84 zolotnik (875 standard) silver gilt and niello tea glass holder, Moscow 1883 by Vasily Semyonov (est. 1852) Of waisted circular form upon a circular foot with beaded rims,See Sold Price
A late 18th century Russian 84 zolotnik (875 standard)A late 18th century Russian 84 zolotnik (875 standard) silver gilt and niello needle or bodkin case, Moscow circa 1770 Of tapering cylindrical form, with pull off lid, with engraved and niello interloSee Sold Price
A Nicholas II Russian 84 zolotnik (875 standard) silverA Nicholas II Russian 84 zolotnik (875 standard) silver cigar box, St Petersburg 1908-26 by Andreas Michelson (1839-1913) of rectangular form, the hinged lid raised by a shaped gold thumbpiece with aSee Sold Price
SoldAn Ivan VI Russian 84 zolotnik (875 standard) silverAn Ivan VI Russian 84 zolotnik (875 standard) silver tray or salver, Moscow 1740 probably by AB for Vavilov Alexei Larionov (active 1740-43) Of square form with re-entrant corners and cavetto edge. ThSee Sold Price
SoldA Nicholas II Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silverA Nicholas II Russian 84 Zolotnik (875 standard) silver vodka beaker, Moscow 1893 by Pavel Ivanovich Koshelev (active 1882-1896) Of cylrindical form with moulded rim, engraved decoration of a flower bSee Sold Price
RUSSIAN MILITARY CIGARETTE CASE, ULAN REGIMENT, 1896V.N. Collectible4.4(248)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
(2) RUSSIAN SAINT PETERSBURG .875 SILVER JUDAICA TORAH FINIALSAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
RUSSIAN SILVER GUILLOCHE ENAMEL EGG PENDANT W ANCHORAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Russian 84 by Unknown .875 Silver Basket w/ Bright-Cut ScenesBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
RUSSIAN 84 SILVER FIGURAL DOG HEAD VODKA SHOT CUPAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceJun 15, 2024