SoldDAUM FRERES, NANCY FUSED ENAMEL GLASS VASE, 1913- Marronier Automnale pattern vase with red and yellow mottled chestnuts and leaves. Cross of Lorraine, base etched Made In France. H 30.5 cm. (12 in.)See Sold Price
SoldDaum Freres, Nancy, 'XIIIe Concours National etDaum Freres, Nancy, 'XIIIe Concours National et International de Tir, Nancy 1906' goblet, H. 11.2 cm. Opalescent glass, light amber powder inclusions. Etched, gilded and enamelled. Gallic rooster sittSee Sold Price
SoldDaum Freres, Nancy , Miniature vase 'Paysage en hiver',Daum Freres, Nancy , Miniature vase 'Paysage en hiver', c. 1910, H. 4.9 cm. Cased glass, clear, milky opalescent powder inclusions. Etched, enamelled and heightened with Grisaille paint. Motive of a sSee Sold Price
SoldDaum Freres Nancy; Edgar Brandt, Table light, c. 1925Daum Freres Nancy; Edgar Brandt, Table light, c. 1925, H. 46 cm. Cased glass, clear, powder fusions in orange and violet, matted. Signed: DAUM, Cross of Lorraine, NANCY (engraved). Wrought iron foot bSee Sold Price
SoldDaum Freres, Nancy. Vase with trumpet flowers, c1920.Daum Freres, Nancy. Vase with trumpet flowers, c1920. H. 36.3 cm. Cased glass, clear, yellow, orange, green and purple powder inclusions. Etched and enamelled pattern. Trumpet flowers. Marked: Mado.See Sold Price
SoldVase, Daum Freres, Nancy - A. 20. Jh.Vase - Daum Freres, Nancy - beginning of the 20th c. Cylinder-shaped body with bead accentuating the stand and the mouth and tree-lined river landscape around. Colorless glass with strong orange powdeSee Sold Price
SoldDaum Freres, Nancy. 'Pluviose' vase, c1900. H. 11.5 cm.Daum Freres, Nancy. 'Pluviose' vase, c1900. H. 11.5 cm. Cased glass, milky white, pink and pale green powder inclusions. Etched pattern, Grisaille paint. Birch trees in the rain. Signed: DAUM NANCY, cSee Sold Price
Daum Freres, NancyDaum Freres, Nancy. 'Cerises et sauterelles' vase, c. 1900. H. 25.2 cm. Cased glass, clear, milky-white opalescent and brown, purple powder inclusions. Cut pattern with cherry-twigs, ground with marteSee Sold Price
Vase Daum Freres Nancy um 1900Farbloses Glas mit mehrfarbigem ein- und aufgeschmolzenem Pulver in Rotorange, Gelb, Schwarzviolett und Grüntönen, formgeblasen. Geätzter und partiell geschnittener Dekor: Baumlandschaft in kräftiSee Sold Price
SoldDaum Freres, Nancy. Erotic scene, circa 1910. 8 cm.Daum Freres, Nancy. Erotic scene, circa 1910. 8 cm. Designed most probably by Alfred Finot. Pate de verre, slightly translucide gather, mould-melt, mostly honey-coloured, hair with orange-red fusion.See Sold Price
SoldSeltene Vase Daum Freres Nancy um 1895 rare VaseFarbloses Glas mit doppeltem Überfang in Violettrosa und opaleszierendem Hellblaugrün. Umlaufend reliefiert geätzter Dekor: Zweige mit Blüten, Knospen und Blattwerk der Japanischen Zierquitte. DieSee Sold Price
SoldSchale Daum Freres Nancy um 1900 Glass BowlFarbloses Glas mit gelbgrüner Pulvereinschmelzung. Geätzter und in buntem Email bemalter Dekor: Laubwald. Unterseite in Flachfarbe bez.: DAUM NANCY mit Lothringer Kreuz. H. 11 cm (03470005)See Sold Price
SoldSeltene Vase Daum Freres Nancy um 1900 rare VaseFarbloses Glas mit zitronengelber Pulvereinschmelzung, opak weiß überfangen. Umlaufend reliefiert geätzter und in schwarzer Flachfarbe bemalter Dekor: Raben auf Bäumen. Binnenzeichnung in NadelätSee Sold Price
SoldDaum Freres, NancyDaum Freres, Nancy. 'Crab' ashtray, 1912-14, 15 x 15.5 cm. Designed by Amalric Walter. Pate de verre, translucid gather, mostly amber-coloured and green, powder fusion in brown. Signed: DAUM NANCY, crSee Sold Price
SoldVase Daum Freres Nancy um 1905Farbloses Glas mit Pulvereinschmelzung in Blau und Weiß. Umlaufend reliefiert geätzter und in buntem Email bemalter Dekor: Fuchsienzweige. Konturen- und Binnenzeichnung in Poliergold. Standkante minSee Sold Price
SoldDaum Freres, Nancy, Vase 'Japonais', c. 1890Daum Freres, Nancy, Vase 'Japonais', c. 1890, H. 13.8 cm. Cased glass, clear and milk white, dark blue enamel fusions. Decor etched in several passes, two angular reserves with enamel painting with JaSee Sold Price
SoldDaum Freres, NancyDaum Freres, Nancy. Ceiling light, c 1925. H. 85 cm; Diameter 40 cm. Cased glass, clear with powder inclusions in orange, yellow and red. Wrought iron mounting, partly bronzed. Glass signed: DAUM NANCSee Sold Price
SoldDaum Freres, NancyDaum Freres, Nancy. Squirrel, c. 1905. H. 9.6 cm. Pate de verre, opaque gather, mould-melt, mostly amber-coloured, green and brown. Signed: DAUM NANCY, cross of Lorraine.See Sold Price
SoldDaum Freres, NancyDaum Freres, Nancy. Table lamp, 1925s. H. 39.3 cm. Overlaid glass, clear, orange-red powder inclusions, wrought iron. Signed: DAUM NANCY FRANCE, cross of Lorraine.See Sold Price
Vase Daum Freres Nancy um 1910Farbloses Glas mit mehrfarbigem ein- und aufgeschmolzenem Pulver in Grün, Weißopal, Gelb, Braun und Schwarz. Umalufend geätzter Dekor: Flußlandschaft mit Bäumen. Auf der Wandung in schwarzer FlacSee Sold Price
Daum Freres, Nancy. Table light, c1910. H. 55.2 cm.Daum Freres, Nancy. Table light, c1910. H. 55.2 cm. Cased glass, clear, milky white, red and orange powder fusions. Signed: DAUM NANCY. Metal mounting, patina.See Sold Price
SoldDaum Freres, Nancy. 'Neige, corbeaux' vase, 1905.Daum Freres, Nancy. 'Neige, corbeaux' vase, 1905. H. 16.8 cm. Cased glass, clear, lower part with yellow, upper part with blueish powder inclusions, opal-white fusion (vitrifications). Multiply etchedSee Sold Price
SoldDaum Freres, Nancy. 'Tulipes' martele vase, circa 1898.Daum Freres, Nancy. 'Tulipes' martele vase, circa 1898. H. 19 cm. Cased glass, milky opalescent, clear, amber-coloured and dark-green. Multiply etched pattern with tulips. Ground with Martele cut. SigSee Sold Price
SoldDaum Freres, NancyDaum Freres, Nancy. 'Perce-neige' vase, 1904. H. 30.6 cm. Cased glass, clear, milky-white and blueish powder inclusions, dark-green fused enamel ('vitrifications'). Multiply etched pattern with snowdrSee Sold Price
Cylindrical Landscape Cameo Vase After Daum NancyPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Daum Nancy Winter Scene 3-layer Cameo Art Glass Vase SignedTaylor & Harris4.7(161)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Daum Nancy Art Nouveau Cameo Glass Table Lamp SignedCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Exceptional vase ''Papillons et Aragnées''Dr. Fischer Fine Art Auctions4.5(110)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024