SoldHorse SteinsSet of six, Handcrafted for Anheuser-Busch, Ceramarte, Brazil. Membership only Stein collection. 2001 Membership Stein 18382, cb17. 2004 Membership Stein 0687, cb29. 2005 Membership Stein 21242, cb31.See Sold Price
Soldc.1780 Westerwald Stoneware Leaping Horse SteinStoneware Stein 1/2L Westerwald Factory. Scratch and cobalt leaping horse design. Circa 1780.See Sold Price
SoldMettlach #1526 and horse stein group of twoStudent fraternity stein, Tallest 6 inchesSee Sold Price
Sold1L Schlitt Knight on White Horse Stein wTurret LidMettlach #2765 Etched 1L. Knight on white horse. Schlitt. Turret inlay lid. Knight thumblift. Mint.See Sold Price
SoldMettlach Trumpeter on Black Horse Stein w InlayMettlach #2008 Etched 1/2L. Trumpeter on black horse. Inlay lid. Mint.See Sold Price
SoldMagdeburg Faience Circa 1790 1L Horse SteinFaience Cream ware Stein 1L Magdeburg Factory. Leaping horse. Circa 1790. Very good condition.See Sold Price
Sold1L Schrezheim Faience Leaping Horse SteinFaience Stein 1L. Schrezheim Factory. Leaping horse. Circa 1800. Very good condition.See Sold Price
SoldOccupational Blacksmith Man Shoeing Horse SteinOccupational Stein 1/2L Porcelain. Blacksmith, Josef Stubler. Scene of man shoeing horse. Prism lid. Mint.See Sold Price
SoldTrumpeter & Horse stein w Fancy Pewter LidPottery Relief 1/2L. Trumpeter stands by his horse. Fancy relief pewter lid. Mint.See Sold Price
SoldMettlach 1L Cherub Rides Horse SteinMettlach $5015/5028 PUG 1L. Cherub rides horse. MintSee Sold Price
SoldSchrezheim Faience Horse Stein w Fancy Lid c 1820Faience Stein 1L Schrezheim Factory. Leaping horse. Fancy pewter lid with relief hunter and goat thumblift. Circa 1820.See Sold Price
SoldAntique Carousel Horse Stein & GoldsteinStein & Goldstein were Russian Immigrants wood carvers. In 1907 they began making carousels. The mane and head were Stein & Goldstein trademarks. A variety preserved for original carousel horse. BeautSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Carousel Horse Stein & GoldsteinBeautiful hand painted carved carousel horse with original old paint. There are no stirrup's. Shows wear. There are some age separation on the joints. The paint has probably been touched up over the ySee Sold Price
Carousel Horse, Stein and Goldstein Stein and Goldstein. This substantial figure was carved in the "Indian Pony" style by the Brooklyn based carousel-carving studio, Stein and Goldstein. Known for aggressive looking horses (many think oSee Sold Price
Sold5L Mettlach Huge Knight on a White Horse SteinMettlach #2764 Etched 5L. Knight on white horse. Schlitt. Very impressive. Turret inlay lid. Mint.See Sold Price
Sold5 Liter Knight on a White Horse Stein Mint!5L Mettlach #2764 Etched , Knight on a white horse. Original Pewter lidSee Sold Price
SoldCarousel Horse, Stein and GoldsteinStein and Goldstein. American, Coney Island Style. Within this collection are several small Stein and Goldstein standing horses, used on the middle and inner rows of classic carousels. Normally, as maSee Sold Price
SoldCarousel Horse, Stein and GoldsteinStein and Goldstein. American, Coney Island Style. Rarely does one see a "stargazing" standing horse but Stein and Goldstein, from their Coney Island workshop, have executed it masterfully in this smaSee Sold Price
SoldCarousel Horse, Stein and GoldsteinStein and Goldstein. American, Coney Island Style. There are those who think that New York carving studio, Stein and Goldstein, made the most interesting horses. Few studios seemed to focus on middleSee Sold Price
Carousel Horse, Stein & GoldsteinStein & Goldstein. American, Coney Island Style, c.1910. 54" x 58. This outer row jumper is, by any standard, a carousel treasure. Remarkably, it has remained in magnificent condition in what is stronSee Sold Price
Carousel Horse, Stein and GoldsteinWith ears back, mouth agape and head tucked, this middle / inner row Stein & Goldstein stander is "ready for action." Many feel that the Coney Island studio, more than any other carver, successfully cSee Sold Price
Carousel Horse, Stein and GoldsteinStein and Goldstein. American, Coney Island Style. c. 1909. This horse is a wonderful example of an animated horse executed in slightly smaller scale for the middle row by Coney Island masters, SolomoSee Sold Price
Gmunden Austrian Faience Man & Horse Stein1/2 L. Faience Stein. Gmunden Austrian Factory. Man rides his horse.See Sold Price
German beer stein w/ horse drawn beer wagonBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Vintage Avon Age Of The Iron Horse Lidded SteinRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024