Chaim Soutine (Belarusian/French, 1893-1943) - La Petite Fille dans la VerdureFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Elisabeth Frink (British, 1930-1993) - Harbinger Bird IFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AMERICAN SEASCAPE PAINTING BY ROSS EMBROSE MOFFETTAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
CHARLES HENRY GIFFORD (Massachusetts, 1839-1904), Luminist view of three sailboats in a quietEldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Estate Fresh Civil War Cavalry C. Roby 1863 With ScabbardRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ABSTRACT ARAB LEBANESE OIL PAINTING BY ETEL ADNANAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
SoldMilitaria: a WWII/Second World War medal group,Militaria: a WWII/Second World War medal group, comprising Defence Medal, 1939-45 War Medal, together with 1939-1945 Star and Africa Star.See Sold Price
SoldMilitaria: a WWII/Second World War medal group,Militaria: a WWII/Second World War medal group, comprising Defence Medal, 1939-45 War Medal, together with 1939-1945 Star and Africa Star.See Sold Price
SoldMilitaria: A WWI / First World War / World War 1 medalMilitaria: A WWI / First World War / World War 1 medal group awarded to 43914 Pte. F J Osborne, 5th Royal Berkshire Regiment, comprising Military Medal, Victory Medal and War Medal. With related documSee Sold Price
SoldA SECOND WORLD WAR MEDAL GROUP, G.K. McConkey, D.L.I.,A SECOND WORLD WAR MEDAL GROUP, G.K. McConkey, D.L.I., with a bar of miniatures.See Sold Price
British Military First World War medal group relatingBritish Military First World War medal group relating to W J Capon comprising a trio, awarded to 3967PTE.W.F.CAPON.6-LOND.R. Bravery in the Field awarded to 3967PTEW.F.CAPON.176LOND.R. silver trench wSee Sold Price
SoldFirst and Second World War medal group: Lieutenant R.H.First and Second World War medal group: Lieutenant R.H. Robinson, Royal Warwickshire Regiment; 1914-15 Star (145 PTE R.H. Robinson RWR), British War Medal (LIEUT R.H. Robinson) and Victory Medal (2 LISee Sold Price
SoldFirst and Second World War medal group, 1914 Star withFirst and Second World War medal group, 1914 Star with clasp '5th Aug- 22nd Nov.1914' (27038 DVR.G.H. BERRY R.F.A. ), 1914-1918 British War Medal, Victory Medal ( 27038 DVR G.H. BERRY. R.A. ) DefenceSee Sold Price
SoldWorld War four medal group including: '39 / '45 Star,World War four medal group including: '39 / '45 Star, France and Germany Star awarded to 978299 G.J. Day, R.A. with papers and a quantity of German occupation of Greece money and a South African VictoSee Sold Price
SoldWorld War I medal group of four awarded to 236183World War I medal group of four awarded to 236183 SPR.J. Sturdey, R.E. including 1914 /'18 medal, Great War for Civilization, George V star and Long and Efficient Service medal including: dog tag andSee Sold Price
SoldBAVARIAN AND GERMAN WORLD WAR I MEDAL GROUPBAVARIAN AND GERMAN WORLD WAR I MEDAL GROUP Good lot of 11 items, includes 1918 Weihnachten Golden Wedding Commemoration medal, Black Wound Badge, Kyffhauserbund Medal, Bavarian Military Order of MeriSee Sold Price
SoldWorld War I medal group of two including victory andWorld War I medal group of two including victory and war medals with identity tag for F. Willson R.A.F., with ribbonsSee Sold Price
SoldWorld War I medal group consisting of British WarWorld War I medal group consisting of British War medal, Victory medal, Imperial Service medal and a silver wound badge awarded to Charles Alfred Haynes (including some research)See Sold Price
SoldWorld War I medal group awarded to Private HowardWorld War I medal group awarded to Private Howard Parkinson, E.Lan Regiment No. 28663, another World War I group awarded to Private F. Paine, Royal War Regiment MR No. 267523, four various French WorlSee Sold Price
British Military World War I medal group, relating toBritish Military World War I medal group, relating to Richard Smith including a trio awarded to 29271L.CPL.R.SMITH.16-CAN.INF. death plaque and death certificateSee Sold Price
SoldWorld War II medal group of five including '39 / '45World War II medal group of five including '39 / '45 star, Africa star, Italy star, Defence medal and '39 / '45 medal together with miniatures on bar, cloth badge, cap badge and a miniature German helSee Sold Price
SoldWorld War I medal group of three awarded to Pte. R.World War I medal group of three awarded to Pte. R. Edom, A.O.C. No. 06303 together with two medallions, a silver badge and a Sheffield silver spoonSee Sold Price
SoldBoxer Rebellion and World War One medal group: PettyBoxer Rebellion and World War One medal group: Petty Officer William Henry Brown, Royal Navy, China War 1900 (W.H. Brown , P.O.2 CL. , H.M.S. Pique); 1914-15 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal, noSee Sold Price
SoldA WORLD WAR I MEDAL GROUP, 81939/E.S.570, Thomas BartieA WORLD WAR I MEDAL GROUP, 81939/E.S.570, Thomas Bartie R.N.R. (4)See Sold Price
SoldA first World War Military medal group of four toA First World War Military Medal group of four to Farrier McTavish, A.V.C. & R.A., Military Medal G.V.R. (SE-24779 S. Sjt. J. McTavish , A.V.C.). 1914-15 Star (89928 Far.Q.M. Sjt. R.F.A.), BriSee Sold Price
SoldA First World War military Medal group of four toA First World War Military Medal group of four to Corporal Callaway, R.A.M.C., Military Medal, G.V.R. (497601 A.Cpl. S.A.Callaway, 3/H.C.F.A. R.A.M.C.), 1914-15 Star (3822 L-Cpl., R.A.M.C.), BSee Sold Price
SoldA First World War Military Medal group of four toA First World War Military Medal in a group of four to Private Walker, R.A.M.C., Military Medal, G.V.R., (301335 Pte. J. Walker, R.A.M.C.), British War Medal (1903 Pte. J. Walker R.A.M.C.) & VSee Sold Price
SoldWorld War military medal group comprising 1939-45World War military medal group comprising 1939-45 War Medal, Defence Medal, 1939-45 Star, Italy Star and Africa Star, the box printed A.R. Wilde Esq, together with a collection of commemorative medalsSee Sold Price
SoldFirst World War Military Medal group of six to PriFirst World War Military Medal group of four to Private W.Hare, Bedford Regiment. Military Medal G.V.R. ( 18716 Pte.W.Hare 1/Bedf. R.), 1914-15 Star trio (Pte.Bedf. R.). Extremely fine.(4)See Sold Price
British Military World War II medal group with relatedBritish Military World War II medal group with related ephemra including a general service medal with Malaya bar awarded to CAPT.B.M.P.HUBBARD.R.A.O.C., photographs and certificatesSee Sold Price
Militaria : a quantity of 20thC medals and insignia, comprising two WWI campaign medals to Gnr. W.Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Bar Group of 6 Medals, including Distinguished Service Order, the Most Excellent Order of theFellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
2nd Lieut. F.M. Thomas GroupRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Naval Commander Leslie G.H. Farmer GroupRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024