Sold69265 BB Marbles: Same Cane Set of 3 SwirlsSWIRL, Latticinio core. Lot of three marbles. Matched set. All are white latticinio core. 5/8". Near Mint(-) (8.0).See Sold Price
Sold69064 BB Marbles: Matched Set of 3 Naked Divided69064 BB Marbles: Matched Set of 3 Naked Divided SWIRL, Divided core. Lot of three marbles. Matched set off the same cane. All are naked divided core. Three bands each. Each band is alternating whiteSee Sold Price
BB Marbles: 3 Matched Divided Swirls 2SWIRL, Divided core. Lot of three marbles. Matched set, off the same cane. Individually, these would be very rare marbles. As a matched set, they are fantastic. naked divided core swirl. Core is fourSee Sold Price
Sold65035 BB Marbles: 3 Matched Divided Core SwirlsSWIRL, Divided core. Lot of three marbles. Matched set of three off the same cane. Six band core. Three are pink and blue on white, three are pink and green on white. Outer layer is a cage of yellow sSee Sold Price
Sold71152 BB Marbles: Matched Set Latticinio SwirlsSWIRL, Latticinio core. Lot of three marbles. Matched set off the same cane. Yellow latticinio core. Outer layer is six bands. Three blue, three white. 23/32" to 3/4". Mint to Near Mint(+).See Sold Price
Sold85025 BB Marbles: 3 German Flag Ribbon CoresSWIRL, Ribbon core. Lot of three marbles. Matched set of three marbles off the same cane. "German Flag" naked single ribbon core swirls. Red, white and black ribbon. 17/32". One Mint, two Near Mint(+)See Sold Price
Sold71153 BB Marbles: Matched Set Latticinio SwirlsSWIRL, Latticinio core. Lot of four marbles. Matched set off the same cane. White latticinio core. Outer layer is four bands. Two are orange, yellow and blue. Two are orange, yellow and green. 11/16".See Sold Price
Sold72115 BB Marbles: Matched Pair Solid Core Swirls72115 BB Marbles: Matched Pair Solid Core Swirls SWIRL, Solid core. Lot of three marbles. Matched pair off the same cane. Nice set. 19/32". Mint to Near Mint(+).See Sold Price
Sold85029 BB Marbles: Matched Set of 4 SwirlsSWIRL, Solid core. Lot of four marbles. Rare group of four solid core swirls, all off the same cane. White core. Six outer bands. Three yellow, one blue, one green, one red. Bright colors. Very rare.See Sold Price
Sold71156 BB Marbles: Matched Set Divided Core SwirlsSWIRL, Divided core. Lot of four marbles. Matched set off the same cane. Each core is four bands. Two are pink on yellow, one green on white, one blue on white. Outer layer is two sets of white strandSee Sold Price
BB Marbles: 4 Matched Latt Swirls 9/16SWIRL, Latticinio core. Lot of four marbles. Matched set, off the same cane. Bright orange latticinio core. Outer layer is six bands. Three are white, one red, one blue, one dark purple. Germany, circSee Sold Price
BB Marbles: 4 Matched Latt Swirl 9/16"SWIRL, Latticinio core. Lot of four marbles. Matched set, off the same cane. Yellow latticinio core. Outer layer is six bands. Three are blue on white, three are green on yellow. Tight twist. Germany,See Sold Price
Sold69065 BB Marbles: Matched Pair of Naked Divided69065 BB Marbles: Matched Pair of Naked Divided SWIRL, Divided core. Lot of two marbles. Matched set off the same cane. Both are naked divided core. Three bands each. Each band is alternating white anSee Sold Price
Sold85031 BB Marbles: Matched Set 7 Ribbon Core SwirSWIRL, Ribbon core. Lot of seven marbles. Exceptionally rare set of seven three-layer ribbon core swirls, all off the same cane. Double ribbon core. White ribbons. Each ribbon is a different pattern oSee Sold Price
SoldMarbles: SWIRL, Solid Core. 3 marbles.SWIRL, Solid Core. Lot of three marbles. A matched set of marbles, likely off the same cane. White core. Six outer bands, three blue, three yellow. Germany, circa 1860-1920. One is Mint, two have sparSee Sold Price
Sold81043 BB Marbles: 5 German Flag Ribbon CoresSWIRL, Ribbon core. Lot of five marbles. Matched set of five marbles off the same cane. "German Flag" naked single ribbon core swirls. Red, white and black ribbon. 17/32". One Mint, one Mint(-), two NSee Sold Price
Sold81042 BB Marbles: Matched Pair Solid Core SwirlsSWIRL, Solid core. Lot of two marbles. Matched pair off the same cane. Each is opaque white core. Four bands on the core. Two pink, one blue, one light green. Outer layer is four sets of yellow strandSee Sold Price
Sold71145 BB Marbles: Matched Pair Divided Core SwirlsSWIRL, Divided core. Lot of two marbles. Matched pair off the same cane. Each core is four bands. Two pink on white, two blue on white. Outer layer is four sets of yellow strands. One marble is a brokSee Sold Price
BB Marbles: 2 Matched Solid Core SwirlSWIRL, Solid core. Lot of two marbles. Matched pair off the same cane. Each is core is predominately red, with some white and yellow strands. Outer layer is four sets of white strands. Ground pontils.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Same Cane Red Latticino Swirl Marbles.Red latticino cores with outer bands alternating in white, translucent blue, orange, and yellow. Beautiful set of marbles from the same cane. Condition (9.4 - 9.6). Size Each: 3/4"" Dia."See Sold Price
Solitaire Board with 36 Swirl Marbles.Description Large 14" vintage board holding 36 swirl marbles. Many are same cane marbles. Hard-to-find size for a board set. Condition (9.0). Size Marbles: 1 - 3/8" Dia.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Same-Cane Coreless Swirl Marbles.Beautiful set of same-cane coreless swirls. Both have faceted pontils. Includes a wooden display piece for both. Condition (9.4). Size Both: 1 - 3/32" Dia.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 4: Same Cane Solid Core Swirl Marbles.Nice set of white solid cores. White base with applied red bands. Outer decoration consists of three cobalt blue bands. Condition (9.3). Size 3/4" Dia.See Sold Price
BB Marbles: 3 Same Cane IndiansOTHER HANDMADE, Indian. Lot of three marbles. All are Indians, possibly same cane. Very dark transparent purple maglite base. Each has two bands of stretched white, covering about twenty-five percentSee Sold Price
Important 19th Century Antique Italian Bronze Sculpture Circa 1800San Diego Art Auction4.3(9)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Lot of Three Canes with Handcarved ToppersPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Marbles: Large 1-3/8" Banded Lutz In Clear Glass With 4 Yellow Swirls And White EdgingRbfinearts4.4(571)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Carter & LeBoeuf Fountain Pen Lot in Blue Marble (3)North American Pen Auctions LTD4.3(9)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Cruet On Silverplate Stand, Blue Opalescent SwirlWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Salt & Pepper Set, Cranberry Opalescent Reverse SwirlWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Exceptional High Style Renaissance 3 Piece Marble Top Bedroom SetRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(235)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
19th Cent. French Hercules Bronze and Rouge Marble InkwellAkiba Galleries4.7(1.7k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024