Papua New Guinea Kaminimbit Tribal Mask 29inThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
LEGA KWAME Kayamba Mask Bwami Cult Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1131Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
BOA Pongdudu Warrior Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1684Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Large SONGYE Kifwebe male mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1859Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
BEMBE zoomorphic initiation owl mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1883Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
SoldAn Igbo-Izzi Mask, "ogbodo enyi"Maske, "ogbodo enyi" Igbo-Izzi, Nigeria Mit Sockel / with base Holz. H 52 cm. Provenienz: - Galerie Walu, Zürich. - Rudolf und Leonore Blum, Zumikon. Publiziert: Blum, Rudolf (2010). Sammlung RudolfSee Sold Price
SoldAn Igbo-Izzi Mask, "ogbodo enyi"Maske, "ogbodo enyi" Igbo-Izzi, Nigeria Gesockelt / with custom base Holz, Kupfer. H 57 cm. Provenienz: Galerie Walu, Zürich (vor 1995). ogbodo-enyi-Aufsatzmaske („Geist des Elefanten“), welche iSee Sold Price
SoldAn Igbo-Izzi Mask, "ogbodo enyi"Maske, "ogbodo enyi" Igbo-Izzi, Nigeria Ohne Sockel / without base Holz, Raphia. H 43 cm Provenienz: Nachlass Dr. Lienhard Hoesch (1939-2009), Schönenberg. Ogbodo enyi (= Geist des Elefanten) genanntSee Sold Price
An Igbo-Izzi Mask, "ogbodo enyi"Maske, "ogbodo enyi" Igbo-Izzi, Nigeria Gesockelt / with custom base Holz, Kupfer. H 57 cm. Provenienz: - Galerie Walu, Zürich (vor 1995). - Hammer Auktion 30, 26.10.2018, Lot 59. - Schweizer PrivatsSee Sold Price
SoldAn Igbo-Izzi Mask, "ogbodo enyi"Maske, "ogbodo enyi" Igbo, Nigeria Ohne Sockel / without base Holz. H 52 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass Madeleine und Jean-Jacques Keller (bis 1980 Abidjan, danach Rheinfelden). ogbodo-enyi-Aufsatzmaske (��See Sold Price
SoldAn Igbo-Izzi Mask, "ogbodo enyi"Maske, "ogbodo enyi" Igbo, Nigeria Ohne Sockel / without base Holz. H 38 cm. Provenienz: Helmut und Marianne Zimmer, Zürich. ogbodo-enyi-Aufsatzmaske („Geist des Elefanten“), welche im nordöstliSee Sold Price
An Igbo-Izzi "ogbodo enyi" MaskMaske, "ogbodo enyi" Igbo-Izzi, Nigeria Gesockelt / with custom base Holz, Kupfer. H 57 cm. Provenienz: - Galerie Walu, Zürich (vor 1995). - Schweizer Privatsammlung, Genf. ogbodo-enyi-Aufsatzmaske (See Sold Price
Elephant spirit mask "ogbodo enyi" - Nigeria, Igbo/Izziwood, black and brown patina, remains of red and white pigment, metal ring, human features combined with the tusks and trunk of an elephant (the latter oddly emerging from the forehead), human head atSee Sold Price
SoldFine Old African Igbo / Izzi peoples "Ogbodo Enyi"Fine Old African Igbo / Izzi peoples "Ogbodo Enyi" Mask, carved wood and pigments, with display stand. Size: 6.25'' x 7.5'' x 16'' (16 x 19 x 41 cm). Height on stand: 13", 33 cm. Provenance: Private PSee Sold Price
Rare Old Igbo Izzi Elephant Mask, African ArtA carved wooden helmet style mask known as "Ogbodo enyi", carved as a stylized elephant head with horns flanking the open mouth, a carved human head at the back, painted white and black. Igbo Izzi peoSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican Carved Iroko Wood Spirit Elephant MaskAfrican Carved Iroko Wood "Ogbodo Enyi" or Spirit Elephant Mask , early 20th c., Igbo/Izzi Peoples, Nigeria, remnant ochres and pigments, h. 12 1/2 in., w. 24 in., d. 11 in., presented on custom standSee Sold Price
Maske, "ogbodo enyi"Igbo-Izzi, Nigeria H 48 cm. Provenienz: - Galerie Walu, Zuerich. - Rudolf und Leonore Blum, Zumikon. Publiziert: Blum, Rudolf (2010). Sammlung Rudolf und Leonore Blum. Band 3 B. Zumikon: Eigenverlag.See Sold Price
SoldMaske, "ogbodo enyi" / Igbo / Nigeria / African Art59 Maske, "ogbodo enyi" Igbo-Izzi, Nigeria Gesockelt / with custom base Holz, Kupfer. H 57 cm. Provenienz: Galerie Walu, Zürich (vor 1995). ogbodo-enyi-Aufsatzmaske („Geist des Elefanten“), welchSee Sold Price
Maske, "ogbodo enyi"114 Maske, "ogbodo enyi" Igbo-Izzi, Nigeria H 48 cm. Provenienz: - Galerie Walu, Zuerich. - Rudolf und Leonore Blum, Zumikon. Publiziert: Blum, Rudolf (2010). Sammlung Rudolf und Leonore Blum. Band 3See Sold Price
Igbo, Izzi, Ogbodo Enyi (spirit elephant) headdressIgbo artist Izzi, Ogbodo Enyi (spirit elephant) headdress Nigeria, 20th centurycarved and painted wood10 w × 13 d × 20 h in (25 × 33 × 51 cm) Sold with a digital copy of correspondence from DavisSee Sold Price
Helmmaske "ogbodo enyi" Igbo-Izzi. Nigeria. Holz,Helmmaske "ogbodo enyi" Igbo-Izzi. Nigeria. Holz, bemalt. Weibliche Elefantenmaske mit Spitz-Rüssel und Stosszähnen. L 52, B 24 cm. - Geklebt.See Sold Price
SoldIgbo 'Ogbodo Enyi' MaskAfrican Igbo, Nigeria carved wood and polychrome ogbodo enyi (elephant spirit) mask; with woven raffia elements to verso (stand not included); L: 20" (approx.)See Sold Price
SoldIgbo 'Ogbodo Enyi' MaskAfrican Igbo, Nigeria carved wood and polychrome ogbodo enyi (elephant spirit) mask; with woven raffia elements to verso (stand not included); L: 20" (approx.)See Sold Price
Elephant spirit mask "ogbodo enyi" - Nigeria, Izziwood, black, white and red pigment, carved with two mask faces in place of the ears, forehead projection (serving as handle as well), dam., small missing part (tip of left tusk ), cracks, traces of abSee Sold Price
Elephant spirit mask "ogbodo enyi" - Nigeria, Izziwood, pigments, base H: 54 cm, H: 21,3 inch Provenance: Pierre Robin, Paris, France André Fouquet, France Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
Elephant spirit mask "ogbodo enyi" - Nigeria, Izziheavy wood, remains of polychrome paint, big elephant ears, schematized elephant head, distinctive painting in black and white, separate carved conical eyes, dam., cracks, missing parts (tusks), slighSee Sold Price
SoldElephant spirit mask "ogbodo enyi" - Nigeria, Izziwood, slightly encrusted patina, distinctive painting in black and white with red accents enhancing the expressivity of the mask, anthropomorphic mask face backside, min. dam., cracks, slight traces oSee Sold Price
Elephant spirit mask "ogbodo enyi" - Nigeria, Izziwood, polychrome painted, base In former times this mask type, which always showed an aggressive and violent behavior, controlled the social order, but nowadays they exclusively appear for entertainmeSee Sold Price
Elephant spirit mask "ogbodo enyi" - Nigeria, Izziwood, distinctive painting in black and white, schematized elephant head, separate carved conical eyes, dam., cracks, missing parts, traces of insect caused damage, abrasion of paint; in former timesSee Sold Price
Hand Carved Igbo Style West African MasksEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
African Massive Igbo Dance Crest Mask, Nigeria, Early-Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024