SoldWILLIAM HOGARTH (maniera di) (Londra 1697 - 1764) OLIOWILLIAM HOGARTH (maniera di) (Londra 1697 - 1764) OLIO su tela "Ritratto di Lydia". Misure: cm 127 x 102See Sold Price
SoldWILLIAM HOGARTH (maniera di) (Londra 1697 - 1764) OLIOWILLIAM HOGARTH (maniera di) (Londra 1697 - 1764) OLIO su tavola "Mary Stuart in preghiera". Misure: cm 91 x 112See Sold Price
Cerchia di William Hogarth (1697-1764)Cerchia di William Hogarth (1697-1764) Ritratto dell’editore Jacob Thomson Olio su tela cm 76x63 rintelato Sul retro una scritta antica inglese lo attribuisce a William Hogarth. E’ ricorSee Sold Price
William Hogarth (Londra,1697 – 1764) TAILPIECE,William Hogarth (Londra,1697 – 1764) TAILPIECE, OR THE BATHOS acquaforte e bulino, mm 320x336 (lastra) iscritta sulla lastra "Design'd and Engrav'd by Wm Hogarth./ Publish'd according to AcSee Sold Price
SoldWilliam Hogarth (Londra, 1697 – Londra, 1764), Ilacquaforte e bulino I stato/II, mm 295x395, 1726See Sold Price
William HogarthWilliam Hogarth (1697-1764) [cerchia di]. The chorus. 1732. Penna e inchiostro nero, acquerello marrone, rosso, verde, giallo, blu; carta bianca a vergelle (sec. XVIII) pesante filigranata. Foglio: mmSee Sold Price
Hogart, inv Cook-Hudibras encouters, 1806HOGARTH William (1697 - 1764), da invenzione di COOK Thomas (c. 1744 – 1818), inciso da - HUDIBRAS ENCOUNTERS THE SKIMMINGTON - CAVALIERE ERRANTE - From SUITE "ILLUSTRATIONS FOR SAMUEL BUTLER'S HUDISee Sold Price
SoldAN ESTATE COLLECTION OF ANTIQUE ETCHINGSThree antique etchings include: William Hogarth (1697-1764) 'Paul before Felix'; Luigi Rossini (1790-1857) 'Veduta del Tempio di Antonino, e Faustina'; and after Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) 'Christ CarSee Sold Price
Hogarth, Principal inhabitants of the moon…William Hogarth (1697 - 1764)[da], Some of the principal inhabitants of the moon as they were perfectly discovered by a telescope... Samuel Ireland (attivo dal 1760 ca. – Londra 1800). 1788 AcquaforSee Sold Price
SoldWILLIAM JAMES (maniera di)(documentato a Londra dal 1746 al 1771) Veduta di Venezia con il Canal Grande da palazzo Grimani a Ca' Foscari Olio su tela, cm 66X95 Il dipinto recava un'attribuzione a William James, tuttavia da escSee Sold Price
SoldWilliam Hogarth (1697 - 1764) British, Engravings(12) 1795 engravings - a completed set titled: "Industry & Idleness" by T Cook. Hogarth began life as an apprentice silversmith, and wound up with a country house and six servants. In art, Hogarth depSee Sold Price
SoldAFTER WILLIAM HOGARTH (1697 - 1764): "THE MIDNIGHToil on canvas Provenance: The Eva and Loran Whitelock Estate to benefit the Loran and Eva Whitelock Fund for Cycad Cultivation, Conservation, and Research at The Huntington Library, Art Museum, & BotaSee Sold Price
William Hogarth (1697 - 1764 English)"Before and After", two works Each: Etching and engraving on paper under glass Each: Unsigned, printed inscription in the lower left margin: Invented, Engraved and Published December ye 15th, 1736 bySee Sold Price
SoldTwo William Hogarth (1697 - 1764), "Second Stage ofTwo William Hogarth (1697 - 1764), "Second Stage of Cruelty" and interior scene engravings on paper, engraved by T. Creeks, each with inscriptions in plate in the lower margins, images 13 1/2" x 11 1/See Sold Price
Sold19TH C AFTER WILLIAM HOGARTH (1697 - 1764) ENGRAVINGAFTER WILLIAM HOGARTH (1697 - 1764) THE CHAIRING. Hand colored engraving, engraved by T. Cook, London. Published by G & J Robinson, Paternoster Row August 1, 1801 17" x 21.5" *Condition: Good - tear tSee Sold Price
SoldWilliam Hogarth (1697 – 1764) “The Times” engravinWilliam Hogarth (1697 – 1764) “The Times” engraving, plate 1. 8 ½” x 11 ¼”, frame 14 ¾” x 16 ¾”. Framed, under glass. Provenance and description on the backSee Sold Price
William Hogarth (1697 - 1764).An etching dated 1746 of a painting By William Hogarth (1697 - 1764) of the actor Garrick portraying Richard the 3rd. Size frame: 25 1/4 inches high x 29. Size artwork: 16 1/2 inches high x 20. ConditSee Sold Price
SoldAfter WILLIAM HOGARTH (1697 - 1764) English schoolAfter WILLIAM HOGARTH (1697 - 1764) English school. A pair of large black and white etchings one with an interior court scene, 18" x 22", framed. Other with outdoor market scene, 15" x 19', framed. EaSee Sold Price
Sold18TH C AFTER WILLIAM HOGARTH (1697 - 1764) ENGRAVINGAFTER WILLIAM HOGARTH (1697 - 1764) THE ENRAGED MUSICIAN. Hand colored engraving, engraved by T. Cook, London. Published by G & J Robinson Paternoster Row August 1, 1797 14.25" x 16.25" *Condition: GoSee Sold Price
SoldT Cook after William Hogarth ( 1697 -1764) MonochromeT Cook after William Hogarth ( 1697 -1764) Monochrome engravings C. 1806 ' Rakes Progress ' Plates I ( Tom comes into his fortune) IV ( Tom, narrowly escapes arrest by the Welsh Baliffs),V ( Tom marrySee Sold Price
SoldT Cook after William Hogarth ( 1697 -1764) Monochrome T Cook after William Hogarth ( 1697 -1764) Monochrome engravings C. 1806 ' Rakes Progress ' Plates I ( Tom comes into his fortune) IV ( Tom, narrowly escapes arrest by the Welsh Baliffs),V ( Tom marrySee Sold Price
SoldAfter William Hogarth (1697 - 1764), Engraving andAfter William Hogarth (1697 - 1764), Engraving and etching on brass, 'After' from the series Before and After, depicting a couple in an interior scene. Inscribed below, Invented, Engraved & PublishedSee Sold Price
WILLIAM HOGARTH (1697 - 1764) 3 ENGRAVING in one frame!WILLIAM HOGARTH (1697 - 1764) 3 ENGRAVINGS!! "Designed and Engraved by W. Hogarth - Published according to Act of Parliament -1747"FRAMED SIZE IS 31 X 211822 edition - Hymen and Cupid (middle) - A CouSee Sold Price
Hogarth, William Engraving A Rake's Progress 1735, No 6Global Auctions Company4.3(36)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
1877 Gallery of Great Artists Raphael da Vinci Michelangelo Durer Holbein TitianSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 31, 2024
William Hogarth. 7 engravings by and after, including the Stages of Cruelty and The Times. Each mattTremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
PHILIP PETER ROOS, detto ROSA DA TIVOLI (maniera di)Wannenes - Art Auction4.1(38)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Pair c1750 William Hogarth Engravings Chairing the Members SeriesLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceJun 28, 2024