FRENCH WOVEN VERDURE WOODED LANDSCAPE TAPESTRYAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Antique American Hooked Rug Dog Portrait Textile TapestryCurated Gallery Auctions4.6(128)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
An Assorted Group of Seventeen Chinese Textiles and Textile FragmentsNazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
No Reserve Early 20th Century French Unicorn Design Tapestry 5 ft 9 in x 4 ft 8 in (1.75 m x 1.42 m)Nazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
19th CENTURY GERMAN WALL HANGING CABINETLewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
SoldCotton Pinwheel Quilt, 19th Century TextilesQuilt, with compound pinwheel pattern. Cotton dates from mid 1800s. Measures approximately 5'10" by 4'10".See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Cotton Pinwheel Pieced QuiltAmerican cotton pieced quilt, pinwheel design,pink and green pinwheels on orange ground with brown backing. 82" H x 73" W. Late 19th century.See Sold Price
SoldHand-stitched Printed Cotton Quilt, 19th century,Hand-stitched Printed Cotton Quilt, 19th century, with glazed back, (scattered stains), 97 x 101 1/2 in. Provenance: Estate of Susan Parrish.See Sold Price
SoldHand-stitched Pieced Cotton Quilt, 19th century,Hand-stitched Pieced Cotton Quilt, 19th century, 91 1/2 x 87 in. Provenance: Estate of Susan Parrish.See Sold Price
SoldPrinted Cotton Quilt, 19th century, (stains), 89Printed Cotton Quilt, 19th century, (stains), 89 x 91 in. Provenance: Estate of Susan Parrish.See Sold Price
SoldAppliqued Cotton QuiltAppliqued Cotton Quilt 19th Century With serrated stars and lozenge border in red calico on white stitched ground. Approximately 75 inches x 84 inches.See Sold Price
SoldTwo Hand-stitched Printed Cotton Quilts, America,Two Hand-stitched Printed Cotton Quilts, America, 19th century, the first, an early 19th century quilt of pictorial roller-printed, pillar-print cotton fabric in purple with genre scenes, backed withSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Pieced and Appliqued Cotton QuiltAmerican Pieced and Appliqued Cotton Quilt Late 19th century Decorated with a green leaf design on a white ground.See Sold Price
SoldThree Hand-stitched Cotton Quilts, 19th/20th centThree Hand-stitched Cotton Quilts, 19th/20th century, an applique pattern, a pieced cotton geometric pattern, and a blue and white printed cotton quilt, (varying stains, wear, soiling, toning), 84 x 8See Sold Price
SoldPieced and Appliquéd 'Strawberry Wreath' Cotton QuPieced and Appliquéd 'Strawberry Wreath' Cotton Quilt. Mid-19th century, composed of 8 half blocks, conforming meandering vine border, additional appliqué in corners, with elaborate fine outline andSee Sold Price
Sold2 East TN 19th c. QuiltsTwo East Tennessee cotton pieced quilts, late-19th century. 1st item: Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt , red and blue calico with diamond border on white ground and white backing, 96" x 72". 2nd itemSee Sold Price
Sold2 East TN 19th c. QuiltsTwo East Tennessee cotton pieced quilts, late 19th century. 1st item: Harvest Sun variation pattern quilt, colors of red, blue, orange and black calico on white ground with white backing, 68" x 86". 2See Sold Price
SoldNeedlework Sampler and Pieced Cotton Friendship QuNeedlework Sampler and Pieced Cotton Friendship Quilt, America, 19th century, the sampler wrought by Hannah Leeds in 1824 when she was twelve years old, worked in silk threads on a linen ground, withSee Sold Price
SoldPieced cotton quilt, pennsylvania, late 19th cenPieced cotton quilt pennsylvania, late 19th century Red, green, and white printed patches arranged in a 'Harvest and Star' pattern, heightened with floral vine, diamond and conforming quilting. 103 xSee Sold Price
SoldPieced and Appliqued Cotton Quilt Panel, America,Pieced and Appliqued Cotton Quilt Panel, America, 19th century, polychrome printed cotton segments with numerous stylized human figures, animals, hearts, leaves, and shapes on a off-white cotton grounSee Sold Price
Pieced Cotton Wedding Cake Pattern Friendship QuilPieced Cotton Wedding Cake Pattern Friendship Quilt and a Pieced Cotton Bedspread, the quilt 19th century, with ink, mostly New York state signatures at the base of each cake, 82 x 73 in.See Sold Price
SoldLot of Five: Appliqued Quilt SquaresAssembled Group of Five Piece and Appliqued Cotton Quilt Squares, American, 19th century, including two with elaborate tulip designs and one with stylized floral design resembling watermelons. One squSee Sold Price
SoldFramed Quilt Section, American, 19th centuryFramed Pieced and Appliqued Cotton Quilt Section, American, 19th century, with blue-gray and white stylized floral motif and rust border. Modern frame. Some staining to lower right. Framed Dimensions:See Sold Price
Sold3 East TN 19th c. QuiltsGroup of three East Tennessee cotton pieced quilts, late 19th century. 1st item: Drunkard's Path design, red and white punctuated with red rectangles on red ground with white backing, 74" x 86". 2nd iSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Pieced Cotton Quilts, America, late 19th centuTwo Pieced Cotton Quilts, America, late 19th century, one with red and white diagonal sawtooth edge bands, with chevron and diamond quilting, (wear, stains), 62 x 75; the other with blue and white diaSee Sold Price
Sold145: PIECED COTTON EAGLE WITH BATON" QUILT 19th centuryPIECED COTTON EAGLE WITH BATON" QUILT 19th century Worked with solid cotton patches in green, pink, yellow arranged with four eagles enclosing a scrolling floral center within a sawtooth border on anSee Sold Price
SoldPieced Cotton Star Quilt, America, late 19th centuPieced Cotton Star Quilt, America, late 19th century, hand-stitched quilt composed of thirty blocks of eight-point stars with red, green, and brown colored prints with solid white points, alternatingSee Sold Price
SoldOhio Pinwheel Quilt Ohio Pinwheel Quilt American, Camden, OH, 19th century. A pieced quilt with twenty central pinwheels surrounded by a double saw-tooth border; 81.5 x 95 in.See Sold Price
SoldRed, Green and Yellow Floral Quilt with Sawtooth BorderFine Pieced and Appliqued Cotton Floral Quilt, American, mid 19th century, featuring a magenta, peach, and green, appliqued flower blossoms surrounded by diamond-shaped leaves. Green sawtoothed borderSee Sold Price
FNAPP COTTON FRENCH TOILE Quilt, Tapestry, FranceThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Philippines Head Cloth and Small Tapestry Panel (Lakhan), 19th C., Early 20th C.Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Coarc English Fox Hunt Tapestry Garment BagThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
1880's Indigo Blue & White Drunkard's Path Quilt, Zigzag BorderJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024