RICHARD BLOW / MONTICI Pietra dura panelRICHARD BLOW MONTICI Pietra dura picture of watermelon Framed Inlaid signature, and MADE IN ITALY 1955 Plaque: 6'' x 7 3/4''See Sold Price
RICHARD BLOW / MONTICI Pietra Dura panelRICHARD BLOW MONTICI Pietra Dura panel with butterflies on wooden board Montici cipher Panel: 4 1/4'' x 5 3/4''See Sold Price
RICHARD BLOW / MONTICI Pietra Dura panelRICHARD BLOW MONTICI Pietra Dura panel with scale, 1967 Framed Montici cipher, etched Made in Italy, RB Montici, etc. Panel: 3 1/2'' x 5''See Sold Price
RICHARD BLOW / MONTICI Pietra Dura panelRICHARD BLOW MONTICI Pietra Dura panel of geometric forms Framed Montici cipher Panel: 4 1/2'' x 6''See Sold Price
SoldRICHARD BLOW; MONTICIRICHARD BLOW; MONTICI; Pietra dura panel with still life; In original frame; M medallion; Tile, 8 1/2'' x 6 1/2''See Sold Price
SoldRICHARD BLOW; MONTICI Pietra duraRICHARD BLOW; MONTICI; Pietra dura panel with vessels (framed); Montici cipher; In frame: 5 1/2'' x 6 3/4'' Class: DE Manufacturer: MONTICI Artist:Blow, RichardSee Sold Price
SoldRichard Blow for Montici, Pietra Dura PanelRichard Blow for Montici pietra dura panel or tile, depicting three women holding a ball, jumping rope and dancing, bearing maker's mark lower right corner, and incised on reverse. Image: 8.5" H X 10.See Sold Price
SoldA Richard Blow for Montici pietra dura panelA Richard Blow for Montici pietra dura panel, having a walnut frame, surrounding the plaque decorated with an abstract figure of pterocentaur, in the manner of Giorgio de Chirico, executed in specimenSee Sold Price
SoldRichard Blow, Pietra Dura panelRichard Blow Pietra Dura panel MonticiUSA, c. 1950hand-cut hardstone inlay4 h x 5.75 w in (10 x 15 cm) Inlaid cipher to lower right: [M].See Sold Price
SoldRichard Blow, Pietra Dura panelRichard Blow Pietra Dura panel MonticiUSA, 1969hand-cut hardstone inlay6.5 h x 6.75 w in (17 x 17 cm) Inlaid cipher to lower right: [M]. Incised signature and date to reverse: [Richard A BlSee Sold Price
SoldRichard Blow, Pietra Dura panelRichard Blow Pietra Dura panel MonticiUSA, 1957hand-cut hardstone inlay8.75 h x 6 w in (22 x 15 cm) Inlaid cipher to lower right: [M]. Signed with incised mark to reverse: [Made in Italy VISee Sold Price
SoldRichard Blow Pietra Dura panelRichard Blow Pietra Dura panel Montici USA, c. 1950 hand-cut hardstone inlay 6 h x 5.25 w inches Inlaid cipher to lower right: [M].See Sold Price
SoldRichard Blow Pietra Dura panelRichard Blow Pietra Dura panel Montici USA, c. 1950 hand-cut hardstone inlay 4.5 h x 5.75 w inches Inlaid cipher to lower right: [M].See Sold Price
SoldRichard Blow Pietra Dura panelRichard Blow Pietra Dura panel Montici USA, c. 1950 hand-cut hardstone inlay 6.25 h x 8.75 w inches Inlaid cipher to lower right: [M].See Sold Price
SoldRichard Blow Pietra Dura panels, pairRichard Blow Pietra Dura panels, pair Montici USA, c. 1950 hand-cut hardstone inlay 2.25 h x 2.25 w inches Additional work measures: 11 h x 8 w inches. Inlaid cipher to each example: [M].See Sold Price
Marco Taccani and Richard Blow Pietra Dura panelsMarco Taccani and Richard Blow collection of three Pietra Dura panels Montici Italy, c. 1950 hand-cut hardstone inlay 9 w x 5.75 h inches Incised siganture to lower right of two examples: [Taccani MarSee Sold Price
SoldRichard Blow Montici Pietra Dura Hand and Ribbon PlaqueRichard Blow Montici Pietra Dura Hand with Ribbon Plaque. Hand-cut stone inlay mid-century modern design plaque executed in the 1950s by Richard Blow for his Atelier in Montici Italy. The inlaid hardsSee Sold Price
SoldRichard Blow - Montici Pietra Dura - 5 Fish PlaqueRichard Blow Montici Pietra Dura Five Fishes Plaque. Hand-cut stone inlay mid-century modern plaque executed in the 1950s by Richard Blow for his Atelier in Montici Italy. The inlaid hardstone FlorentSee Sold Price
SoldRichard Blow Montici Pietra Dura Geometric PlaqueRichard Blow Montici Pietra Dura Geometric Plaque. Hand-cut stone inlay mid-century modern plaque executed in the 1950s by Richard Blow for his Atelier in Montici Italy. The inlaid hardstone FlorentinSee Sold Price
SoldRichard Blow Montici Pietra Dura Watermelon PlaqueRichard Blow Montici Pietra Dura Watermelon & Fruit Plaque. Hand-cut stone inlay mid-century modern plaque executed in the 1950s by Richard Blow for his Atelier in Montici Italy. The inlaid hardstoneSee Sold Price
SoldRichard Blow - Montici Pietra Dura Hot Air BalloonRichard Blow Montici Pietra Dura Hot Air Balloon Plaque. Hand-cut stone inlay mid-century modern plaque executed in the 1950s by Richard Blow for his Atelier in Montici Italy. The colorful inlaid hardSee Sold Price
SoldRichard Blow Montici Pietra Dura Fan Mask PlaqueRichard Blow Montici Pietra Dura Fan Mask Mirror Comb Plaque. Hand-cut stone inlay mid-century modern plaque executed in the 1950s by Richard Blow for his Atelier in Montici Italy. The inlaid hardstonSee Sold Price
SoldRichard Blow - Montici Pietra Dura Lion PlaqueRichard Blow Montici Pietra Dura Lion Plaque. Hand-cut stone inlay mid-century modern plaque executed in the 1950s by Richard Blow for his Atelier in Montici Italy. The Florentine mosaic of various stSee Sold Price
SoldRichard Blow Montici Pietra Dura Butterfly PlaqueRichard Blow Montici Pietra Dura Hand Feather Butterfly Plaque. Hand-cut stone inlay mid-century modern plaque executed in the 1950s by Richard Blow for his Atelier in Montici Italy. The inlaid hardstSee Sold Price
(2) NEOCLASSICAL STYLE PIETRA DURA TOP CONSOLESAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Richard Blow 20C Italian Pietra Dura Mosaic PlaqueHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
ITALIAN PIETRA DURA HORSE PICTURE AFTER FRANZ MARCAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Fernando Chisio (19th C, Italian) Pietra Dura SignedHughes Auctions4.4(165)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
(2 Pc) 19th Century Betjemann's Self Closing Pietra Dura BookendsAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Italian 19th Century Picture Boo with Pietra Dura CoverCoral Gables Auction4.5(511)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Pietra Dura & Wood Large Jewelry Box 3.5" x 9" x 3.6"Carstens Galleries4.5(130)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Pietra Dura Photo Frame w/ Photo inside 4.5" x 3.5" FlorenceCarstens Galleries4.5(130)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Pietra Dura Box H: 4" W: 6" D: 4" Florence - ItalyCarstens Galleries4.5(130)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
14K Yellow Gold With Stone Inlay Onyx & Pearl Pietra Dura Pendant Necklace3 Kings Auction4.2(197)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A LOVELY 19TH CENTURY ITALIAN PIETRA DURA DESK PAPERWEIGHT inset with mixed hardstones, lapis and maHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A MID 19TH CENTURY PIETRA DURA INLAID MARBLE SPECIMAN EGG SLAB. 21 cm x 14 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A VERY FINE ITALIAN PIETRA DURA TOP OCCASIONAL TABLELouvre Antique Auction4.3(118)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
AN ITALIAN PIETRA DURA PLAQUE BY MARIO MONTELOTICI, CIRCA 1920Los Angeles Antiques 4.3(12)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024