SoldKounellis (Jannis), Sculpture.Untitled (Sculpture in a box). Edition by Galleria Pio Monti, Rome, Italy 1974. Composition in cardboard, paper, and painted metal rod, in plastic box (cm 51x71x2,5 – 20”x28”x 1&rdqSee Sold Price
SoldKounellis, Jannis - Gherardi, MarcoTempo di migrare Milano, Edizioni Rizzardi, 1993. Frontespizio in rosso e nero, con 12 disegni ed in fine volume una litografia originale di Kounellis, firmata e numerata XIII / XXX, copertina editoriSee Sold Price
SoldKounellis, Jannis: Ohne TitelOhne Titel. Lithographie auf festem Velin. 66 x 92 cm (Darstellung); 100 x 70 cm (Blattgröße). Signiert. Auflage 40 num. Ex. (Gesamtauflage 65 Ex.) (1992). Aus dem Portfolio "Lettre InternationSee Sold Price
SoldKounellis, Jannis: Ohne TitelOhne Titel. Lithographie auf festem Graphia-Velin. 59,5 x 80 cm (Darstellungs- und Blattgröße). Signiert. Auflage 60 num. Ex. (1992). Aus dem Mappenwerk "Der Gefrorene Leopard II". AusgezeSee Sold Price
SoldKounellis Jannis - Senza titolo ( 1960)mixed media on paper cm 70x100 Signed and dated on the reverse: Kounellis Roma '60 PROVENANCE Roma, Galleria La Tartaruga (stamp on the reverse); Torino, Galleria Notizie (label on the reverse); TorinSee Sold Price
SoldKOUNELLIS, Jannis (1936-2017) - Marco GHERARDI - TempoKOUNELLIS, Jannis (1936-2017) - Marco GHERARDI - Tempo di migrare. Milan: Edizioni Rizzardi, 1993. A copy in mint condition with the original work by Jannis Kounellis (320 x 200mm) signed and numberedSee Sold Price
KOUNELLIS Jannis (1936 - 2017) ‘Untilted’ c 2009Signed oil on paperboard 23x23 cm € 500 – 700 Artist or Maker KOUNELLIS JannisSee Sold Price
SoldCrivelli, Carlo, Kounellis Jannis, Ungaretti GiuseppeArnoldo Mosca Mondadori e RAM, 2009. In 2°. Con 24 fogli pentagrammati incollati su carta con interventi autografi di Crivelli, un disegno eseguito a lapis e firmato al verso da Kounellis, brossuraSee Sold Price
SoldKounellis, Jannis(Piräus 1936–2017 Rom) Ohne Titel. Lot von zwei Lithographien. 13/125. Beide unten rechts in Bleistift signiert. Blattgrösse je 69,5x95 cm. Beide gerahmt. -Ränder und Ecken minimst bestossen. VerSee Sold Price
SoldKounellis, Jannis: Katalog Staedtisches Museum MoKounellis, Janis. Katalog Museum Möchengladbach. Kartonschachtel mit Objekt und 4 Blatt Text. 20 x 16 x 2,5 cm. Mönchengladbach, Städtisches Museum, 1978. Eines von 440 Exemplaren (GesaSee Sold Price
KOUNELLIS JANNIS (1936)Without title 1960 cm 70x100 Oil on paper Signature and date in the right bottom, Artist certification on photo Record n.208 at Kounellis ArchiveSee Sold Price
SoldKounellis, Jannis(Piräus 1936–2017 Rom) Ohne Titel. (Axt). 2003. Axt farbig bemalt in Metall steckend, Hintergrund: Schleifpapier mit schwarzer Farbe in Metallkasten mit Glas. 17/25. Verso Etikett der Galerie LelonSee Sold Price
Kounellis (Jannis), Sculpture.Untitled (Sculpture in a box). Edition by Galleria Pio Monti, Rome, Italy 1974. Composition in cardboard, paper, and painted metal rod, in plastic box (cm 51x71x2,5 – 20”x28”x 1”) Signed and nSee Sold Price
SoldKounellis, Jannis: Modèle 5Modèle 5. Lithographie auf festem Graphia-Velin. 50 x 61 cm (Darstellung); 63,5 x 75,5 cm (Blattgröße). Signiert. Auflage 40 num. Ex. (1992).Ausgezeichneter Druck mit dem vollen RandSee Sold Price
Kounellis (Jannis), Sculpture.Untitled (Sculpture in a box). Edition by Galleria Pio Monti, Rome, Italy 1974. Composition in cardboard, paper, and painted metal rod, in plastic box (cm 51x71x2,5 – 20â€x28â€x 1â€) SSee Sold Price
Kounellis (Jannis), Sculpture.Untitled (Sculpture in a box). Edition by Galleria Pio Monti, Rome, Italy 1974. Composition in cardboard, paper, and painted metal rod, in plastic box (cm 51x71x2,5 – 20â€x28â€x 1â€) SSee Sold Price
Kounellis, Jannis: Katalog Museum MönchengladbachKatalog Museum Möchengladbach. Kartonschachtel mit Objekt und 4 Blatt Text. 20 x 16 cm. Auflage 440 Ex. 1978. Erschienen in der Edition Städtisches Museum Mönchengladbach, hier das Belegexemplar. DSee Sold Price
Kounellis (Jannis), Sculpture.Untitled (Sculpture in a box). Edition by Galleria Pio Monti, Rome, Italy 1974. Composition in cardboard, paper, and painted metal rod, in plastic box (cm 51x71x2,5 – 20â€x28â€x 1â€) SSee Sold Price
Kounellis (Jannis), Sculpture.Untitled (Sculpture in a box). Edition by Galleria Pio Monti, Rome, Italy 1974. Composition in cardboard, paper, and painted metal rod, in plastic box (cm 51x71x2,5 – 20â€x28â€x 1â€) SSee Sold Price
KOUNELLIS JANNIS Senza titoloCarboncino su carta Anno 2000 Dim.19x14 Autentica su foto dell'artista Firmato in bassoSee Sold Price
Kounellis (Jannis), Sculpture.Untitled (Sculpture in a box). Edition by Galleria Pio Monti, Rome, Italy 1974. Composition in cardboard, paper, and painted metal rod, in plastic box (cm 51x71x2,5 – 20â€x28â€x 1â€) SSee Sold Price
Crivelli, Carlo - Kounellis, Jannis - Ungaretti,Drammaturgie Arnoldo Mosca Mondadori e RAM, 2009. In 2°. Con 24 fogli pentagrammati incollati su carta con interventi autografi di Crivelli, un disegno eseguito a lapis e firmato al verso da KounelliSee Sold Price
SoldJANNIS KOUNELLIS Untitled.KOUNELLIS JANNIS (n. 1936) Untitled. Mixed nomes on board. Cm 30,00 x 50,00. Signed upper right. 80's. Artist's certificate on photo. Ugo Ferranti's certificate on photo. Frame presentSee Sold Price