Chateaubriand, François René Vicomte de
ORDER OF CULTURAL MERITFeb 25, 2024Zorro Bandit with Mask Gilt Bronze SculptureFeb 29, 2024Jester Joker with Mask Bronze SculptureFeb 29, 2024Marceaux Inspired Harlequin Pantomime Bronze Sculpture - 17" x 7"Mar 07, 2024De Passe. Portraits of explorers. To include: 2 examples each of Rene de Laudonniere, AmerigoFeb 25, 2024Victorian Bronze Statue of Arlequin Harlequin by Rene de Saint-MarceauxFeb 25, 2024Rene de Saint Marceaux French Terracotta MaskFeb 24, 2024Zorro Bandit with Mask Gilt Bronze SculptureFeb 29, 20242 Framed 18th C. Parisian Architectural PrintsMar 02, 2024CHRISTIAN BROUTIN, French Movie PosterMar 01, 2024ŒUVRES COMPLÈTES DE M. LE VICOMTE DE CHATEAUBRIAND, 3 VOLUMES, 1831Mar 07, 2024Book: De Buonaparte, des Bourbons, et de la necessite de se rallier a nos princes legitimes, pour leFeb 26, 20241568 BIBLE in FRENCH & LATIN antique BIBLIA GALLICA by Rene Benoist 16th CENTURYFeb 27, 2024ADOLPHE RENE LEF?VREMar 05, 2024Language.- Greenwood (James) An Essay towards a practical English grammar, describing the genius andFeb 29, 2024Chateaubriand (François René de) Les Martyrs, ou le triomphe de la religion chrétienn, Paris, leFeb 29, 2024Rene Francois Xavier Prinet - Manon, 1898Mar 10, 2024An Early Carstian Luyckx Painting, SignedMar 07, 2024MEMOIRES MILITAIRES DE HUGUES DE LYONE, 1668, ANCIENT VELLUM BOUND IN FRENCHMar 03, 2024Jean-Francois de Neufforge (1714 - 1791) - Set of 15 Architecture Prints - Development pour unFeb 28, 2024Jean-Francois de Neufforge (1714 - 1791) - Set of 15 Architecture Prints - Plan de l' EdificeFeb 28, 20243 Volumes Illustrating The History Of Napoleon IMar 01, 2024Framed "Vicomte De Castellane" PosterFeb 26, 2024FUNCTIONS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 8 French imprints on nerves, reflexes and movement.Jun 18, 2024