Large Silver Ingot Recovered from the Spanish Atocha ShipwreckMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Louis XVI Style Red White Painted Armoire CabinetAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
GILT WALL SHELF by ARTISTIC CARVING COMPANYJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Santa Fe RR 15 Unit Diesel Loco and Passenger Car Set-Rivarossi-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Southern Pacific RR Daylight Steam Loco and Passenger Car Set-Rivarossi-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
BENCH MADE TIGER MAPLE WHALEBACK WALL SHELVESJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
L.J.G. Stickley antique mission oak bookcase, in as found condition, needs TLCSouth Jersey Auction by Babington Auction Inc4.6(123)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Aesthetic Movement Bamboo and Faux-Lacquer CabinetAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Regency period rosewood dwarf bookcaseRegency period rosewood dwarf bookcase,with marble top Size: 86 cm. wideSee Sold Price
Regency period rosewood dwarf bookcase, circa 1820Regency period rosewood dwarf bookcase, circa 1820 91 cm. wideSee Sold Price
SoldREGENCY PERIOD ROSEWOOD DWARF BOOKCASEthe rectangular shaped top above a frieze drawer and two brass grilled panelled doors enclosing shelves, circa 1810 88 cm. high; 137 cm. wide; 37 cm. deepSee Sold Price
REGENCY PERIOD ROSEWOOD DWARF BOOKCASE, CIRCA 1810the rectangular shaped top above a frieze drawer and two brass grilled panelled doors enclosing shelves Dimensions: 88 cm. high; 137 cm. wide; 37 cm. deepSee Sold Price
REGENCY PERIOD ROSEWOOD DWARF BOOKCASE, CIRCA 1810REGENCY PERIOD ROSEWOOD DWARF BOOKCASE, CIRCA 1810 the rectangular shaped top above a frieze drawer and two brass grilled panelled doors enclosing shelves 88 cm. high; 137 cm. wide; 37 cm. deepSee Sold Price
SoldRegency period rosewood dwarf bookcaseRegency period rosewood dwarf bookcase the rectangular top with eared corners to the fore, above a brass trellis panelled door enclosing shelves, raised on turned legs terminating on brass claw feet WSee Sold Price
SoldREGENCY PERIOD ROSEWOOD Library DWARF BOOKCASE, CIRCAREGENCY PERIOD ROSEWOOD Library DWARF BOOKCASE, CIRCA 1810 the elongated rectangular top, above a conforming frieze, over two trellis panelled doors, flanking a series of open shelves 123 cm. high; 17See Sold Price
SoldRegency period rosewood Cork dwarf bookcaseRegency period rosewood Cork dwarf bookcase 92 cm. wideSee Sold Price
REGENCY PERIOD ROSE WOOD DWARF BOOKCASE, CIRCA 1820the rectangular marble top, above a series of three glazed doors, enclosing shelves, between sphinx headed pillars, supported on a moulded plinthSee Sold Price
SoldREGENCY PERIOD ROSE WOOD DWARF BOOKCASE, circa 1820the rectangular marble top, above a series of three glazed doors, enclosing shelves, between sphinx headed pillars, supported on a moulded plinthSee Sold Price
SoldRegency period rosewood and brassbound dwarf bookcaseRegency period rosewood and brassbound dwarf bookcase 117 cm. wideSee Sold Price
SoldRegency period rosewood and inlaid dwarf bookcaseRegency period rosewood and inlaid dwarf bookcase 90 cm. highSee Sold Price
SoldRegency period rosewood inverted breakfront dwarfRegency period rosewood inverted breakfront dwarf bookcase, circa 1830 the shaped inverted breakfront top, above a conforming frieze, above open shelves, flanked by a glazed door on either side, frontSee Sold Price
SoldREGENCY PERIOD ROSEWOOD AND BRASS INLAID DWARF BOOKCASEREGENCY PERIOD ROSEWOOD AND BRASS INLAID DWARF BOOKCASE the rectangular top above a profusely inlaid frieze and two brass grill panelled doors, raised on a square plinthSee Sold Price
SoldRegency period rosewood and brass inlaid dwarf booRegency period rosewood and brass inlaid dwarf bookcase,the rectangular inverted breakfront top, above a conforming frieze, above two glazed panelled doors, between Ionic columns, supported on a squarSee Sold Price
SoldREGENCY PERIOD ROSEWOOD AND BRASS INLAID DWARFREGENCY PERIOD ROSEWOOD AND BRASS INLAID DWARF BOOKCASE, CIRCA 1810 the breakfront marble top above a cenral drawer and two panelled doors, flanked on either side by open shelves, raised on gilded claSee Sold Price
SoldA Regency rosewood dwarf bookcase, height 2ft 11inA Regency rosewood dwarf bookcase, with green marble top above frieze decorated foliate cut brass inlay over a pair of doors inset brass lattice panels, enclosing two adjustable shelves and flanked bySee Sold Price
LARGE REGENCY PERIOD ROSEWOOD BOOKCASECirca 1820 Large Regency period rosewood and brass inlaid Gothic library bookcase, in the manner of Thomas Hope 360 cm. wideSee Sold Price
SoldREGENCY PERIOD ROSEWOOD BOOKCASE, CIRCA 1810the rectangular marble top, above a brass-mounted frieze, over two glazed panelled doors enclosing shelves 80 cm. high; 100 cm. wideSee Sold Price
Regency rosewood dwarf bookcaseRegency rosewood dwarf bookcase, of two panelled doors, flanking a series of open shelves 82 cm. wideSee Sold Price
SoldREGENCY PERIOD ROSEWOOD BOOKCASEthe rectangular cross banded top, above two panelled doors, enclosing shelves, the sides furnished with heavy brass carrying handles, raised on a square plinthSee Sold Price
SoldREGENCY PERIOD ROSEWOOD BOOKCASE, CIRCA 1810the rectangular marble top, above a brass-mounted frieze, over two glazed panelled doors enclosing shelves 80 cm. high; 100 cm. wideSee Sold Price
REGENCY PERIOD ROSEWOOD BOOKCASE, CIRCA 1810the rectangular marble top, above a brass-mounted frieze, over two glazed panelled doors enclosing shelves 80 cm. high; 100 cm. wideSee Sold Price
Hollywood Regency Secretary Desk Secretaire Bookcase w/ Chinese MotifBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceFeb 23, 2024
A SET OF SIX REGENCY ROSEWOOD FRAMED DINING CHAIRS, each with curved tablet back above a curvedAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Maison Jansen, Bookcase, Painted Beige Wood, Gold Gilt, Silver Mirror, 1950sJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
ENGLISH REGENCY PERIOD HAND PAINTED PORCELAIN URN 13" TALL X 8 1/2" DIAMCarlsen Gallery, Inc.4.6(163)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Hollywood Regency Secretary Desk Secretaire Bookcase w/ Chinese MotifBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Mid-Century Danish Oman Jr rosewood bookcase with lower cabinet.Magic Hill, LLC4.5(34)See Sold PriceMar 27, 2024
Elevate your space with a stunning mid-century rosewood bookcase from the 1960s.Magic Hill, LLC4.5(34)See Sold PriceMar 27, 2024