SoldChoice Moche molded blackware jar, PeruA choice Moche molded blackware jar, Peru, c. AD 400 - 700, featuring two combat scenes. Each side depicts the supernatural warrior Wrinkle Face engaged in battle with a Monkey deity. The figures appeSee Sold Price
Choice Moche molded blackware jar, PeruA choice Moche molded blackware jar, Peru, c. AD 400 – 700, featuring two combat scenes. Each side depicts the supernatural warrior Wrinkle Face engaged in battle with a Monkey deity. The figures apSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Moche, A choice molded blackware jarPeru, Moche, c. AD 400 - 700. A choice molded blackware jar, 7-1/2" high, featuring two combat scenes. Each side depicts the supernatural warrior Wrinkle Face engaged in battle with a Monkey deity. ThSee Sold Price
Moche Blackware Stirrup Jar - Warrior AmputeePre-Columbian, Northern Peru, Moche IV, ca. 400 to 600 CE. This choice and lovely black-glazed stirrup vessel of a warrior captive with arms amputated, wears a cape over his knees down to his feet. HiSee Sold Price
Moche V molded spouted jar from PeruAn excellent Moche V molded spouted jar from Peru, c. AD 550 - 700, portraying a supernatural combat scene in which the Bird Demon has captured the Fox or Rodent Demon and is leading him by means of aSee Sold Price
SoldMoche III molded bottle from PeruA choice Moche III molded bottle from Peru, c. AD 200 - 450, featuring two depictions of the Supernatural warrior Wrinkleface, identified by his serpent belt, hunting a deer. The scenes are molded inSee Sold Price
Sold6 Ceramic Pre-Columbian Peruvian Figural VesselsSix ceramic Pre-Columbian figural vessels from regions in Peru, including: one Chimu-Inca vessel (900-1470 C.E.); one Chancay vase (1000-1476 C.E.); one Moche Blackware jar (post-classic 900-1521); onSee Sold Price
Chimu Blackware Jar - Man and FishPre-Columbian, northern Peru, Chimu culture, ca. 1000 to 1400 CE. Molded blackware jar with a human perched atop the vessel, his face in high relief, his arms act as the handles to the jar. Beneath hiSee Sold Price
SoldChimu Blackware Jar - Man and FishPre-Columbian, northern Peru, Chimu culture, ca. 1000 to 1400 CE. Molded blackware jar with a human perched atop the vessel, his face in high relief, his arms act as the handles to the jar. Beneath hiSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Blackware Stirrup Jar - AmputeePre-Columbian, Northern Peru, Moche IV, Ca 400 to 600 CE. Black-glazed terracotta vessel of a warrior captive, arms amputated, wearing a large cape over his knees down to his feet. His expression seemSee Sold Price
SoldMoche III Blackware Stirrup Jar - Man & JaguarPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche III, ca. 400 CE. A burnished blackware/brownware vessel depicting a seated man with a naturalistic visage most likely representing a portrait of a particular indSee Sold Price
SoldChoice Chimu Blackware Stirrup Jar w/ JaguarPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Chimu, ca. 1100 to 1450 CE. A mold-made blackware stirrup vessel with a fierce jaguar perched upon a rectangular prism base - the stirrup joined to the back of the wilSee Sold Price
Moche III Blackware Stirrup Jar w/ StingraysPre-Columbian, north coast of Peru, Moche III, 400 to 500 BCE. A blackware stirrup vessel with a short spout and an abstract decoration of stingrays, made by thick incised lines and drilled holes on tSee Sold Price
Choice Chimu Blackware Stirrup Jar w/ JaguarPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Chimu, ca. 1100 to 1450 CE. A mold-made blackware stirrup vessel with a fierce jaguar perched upon a rectangular prism base - the stirrup joined to the back of the wilSee Sold Price
SoldInca Chimu Blackware Pottery Erotic AryballosPre-Columbian, central highlands of Peru, ca. 1400 to 1500 CE. Amusing blackware jar molded with couple in act of coitis. Man mounting the woman from the top, mouth "attached" to her chin, plenty of dSee Sold Price
Inca Chimu Blackware Erotic AryballosBack at auction due to fraudulent bidder from 6/2/2016 sale… Pre-Columbian, central highlands of Peru, ca. 1400 to 1500 CE. Amusing blackware jar molded with couple in act of coitis. Man mounting tSee Sold Price
Pre Columbian Moche IV Molded BottleA wonderful Moche IV molded bottle from Peru, Ca. 450 – 550 A.D. This choice redware bottle is 6-3/4” high and depicts a zoomorphic hunting scene, showing two felines in pursuit of a bird. The twoSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Chimu Blackware Stirrup Spouted Vessel with Male Figure, Peru, Circa 200 - 800 A.D.Pre-Columbian Blackware Spouted Pottery, Peru, Chimu culture, ca. 200 to 800 AD | A very nice blackware pottery jar molded in two sections: Front section has a male figure with detail; the back sectioSee Sold Price
SoldSpouted Vessel of a ManDescription Pre-Columbian Blackware Pottery, Peru, Chimu culture, ca. 200 to 800 AD. This is a beautiful blackware pottery jar molded with a male figure and a spout atop his head. Has a round stirrupSee Sold Price
Moche Blackware Erotic Stirrup, ex-HollywoodPre-Columbian, Northern Peru, Moche II, Ca 300 CE. Blackware pottery jar in traditional stirrup form - used to hold fermented chicha, a type of corn beer, in the form of two individuals engaged in coiSee Sold Price
SoldLate Moche Blackware Stirrup Vessel of ElderPre-Columbian, Northern Peru, Moche V to early Sican, Ca 700 to 800 CE. A beautiful pottery jar in the form of an elder, he sits with legs crossed, small loin cloth covering his "privates", holding hiSee Sold Price
SoldRare Sican Blackware Jar - Mother and ChildPre-Columbian, northern Peru, Sican / Lambayeque, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A very rare depiction of a mother and child. Using very cubist techniques, this molded vessel shows a mother with her young childSee Sold Price
SoldChoice Moche figural bottle from PeruA choice Moche figural bottle from Peru, c. AD 400 - 700. This superb orange-ware example features a band of mythical Bird Warriors molded in high relief, and colorfully painted, set off against a whiSee Sold Price
Rare Sican Blackware Jar - Mother and ChildPre-Columbian, northern Peru, Sican / Lambayeque, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A very rare depiction of a mother and child. Using very cubist techniques, this molded vessel shows a mother with her young childSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Moche Single Spout Two Conjoined Pepinos VesselRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Famille Verte Octagonal Jar with Eight Immortals Relief MarkedChina Luban Art & Antique, Inc.4.4(78)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pre-Columbian Chimu Inca Blackware Stirrup Vessel With Two BirdsRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Antique Rene Lalique Le Enfants Cherubs roses crystal lidded powder jar or dresser jar. Approved byNeely Auction4.6(224)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
8 3/4" Peruvian Head Pot, minor pressure cracks, found in Peru, Moche`Heartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Pre-Columbian, Recuay polychrome figural jarToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Moche / Chimu Copper Tweezers, Rattle & Pendant (5)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Moche Figural Poporo - Male Carrying Bird in BasketArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Chimu Pottery Vessel w/ Supernatural Jaguar DeityArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Santa Clara Blackware Jar Avanyu, Sharon Naranjo GarciaArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Cusco Peru Inca Jaguar Vessel Pitcher Jug Clay Folk Art PotteryJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Three Santa Clara Pueblo blackware pottery vesselsJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024