President Franklin Pierce ALS helping brother purchaseFranklin Pierce helps a brother out. He provides a loan for his brother Henry to purchase cattle FRANKLIN PIERCE (1804-1869) Autograph Letter Signed "Franklin Pierce," 3p, 5" x 8", front & verso of twSee Sold Price
SoldFRANKLIN PIERCEFRANKLIN PIERCE(1804-1869) Fourteenth President of the United States who initiated the Gadsden Purchase, opening up the Northwest for settlement. A.L.S., 2pp. back to back, 8vo., Concord, Sep. 20, 186See Sold Price
SoldFRANKLIN PIERCE(1804 - 1869) Fourteenth President of the United States who initiated the Gadsden Purchase, opening up the Northwest for settlement. A.L.S. ‘Franklin Mwas appointed on Dec. 19, 1776 and musteredSee Sold Price
SoldSigned Letter President Franklin Pierce ALS 1856 F1856 letter signed by Franklin Pierce as President dated 8 November 1856. Ink letter reads in full: ''David W. Mahon is hereby appointed to discharge the duties of First Auditor of the Treasury, durinSee Sold Price
Senator President Franklin Pierce ALS Signed 1840Autograph letter signed by Senator Franklin Pierce. Written in ink and datelined ''Washington March 3 1840,'' Pierce writes to friend and business partner, Asa Fowler, regarding a lawsuit: ''ÖI haveSee Sold Price
President Franklin Pierce ALS 1857 Signed LetterALS from Franklin Pierce to David L. Perkins of Concord, New Hampshire. Dated 27 October 1857, letter reads in full: ''My dear Sir - I cannot with convenience comply with your request in relation to aSee Sold Price
President Franklin Pierce ALS 1857 Signed Fine LetterALS from Franklin Pierce to David L. Perkins of Concord, New Hampshire. Dated 27 October 1857, letter reads in full: ''My dear Sir - I cannot with convenience comply with your request in relation to aSee Sold Price
Franklin Pierce ALS as PresidentPIERCE, Franklin (1804-1869). Autograph letter signed ("Franklin Pierce"), as President, to Hon. John Aiken. Andover, MA, 27 March 1856. 2 pages, 8vo, on blind embossed Platner & Porter Congress statiSee Sold Price
Franklin Pierce ALS Letter Signed President 1857ALS from Franklin Pierce to David L. Perkins of Concord, New Hampshire. Dated 27 October 1857, letter reads in full: ''My dear Sir - I cannot with convenience comply with your request in relation to aSee Sold Price
Franklin Pierce ALS Letter Signed President PolitAutograph letter signed by Senator Franklin Pierce. Written in ink and datelined ''Washington March 3 1840,'' Pierce writes to friend and business partner, Asa Fowler, regarding a lawsuit: ''…I haveSee Sold Price
SoldPIERCE FRANKLIN: (1804-1869) American PresidentPIERCE FRANKLIN: (1804-1869) American President 1853-57. A.L.S., Franklin Pierce, two pages, 8vo, n.p., 29th May n.y. (c.1855-60?), to Hon. R. M. Young. Pierce states 'I am very much surprised to learSee Sold Price
SoldPIERCE, JANE A. - ALS, 1852, mentions HB StowePIERCE, JANE A. First Lady of 14th President Franklin Pierce (1806-63); opposed her husband's political ambitions; after the Pierces' only surviving child was tragically killedSee Sold Price
SoldJane Pierce Autograph Letter SignedWife (1806–1863) of President Franklin Pierce, and first lady from 1853 to 1857. ALS signed “Jane,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.75 x 9.75, December 30, 1844. Letter to her sister MarySee Sold Price
SoldFRANKLIN PIERCE - Cut From ALS MattedFranklin Pierce (1804-1869) 14th President. 3 ¼†x 1†cut signature from an autograph letter signed, “Faithfully & truly yr. friend Franklin Pierce.†Matted with a printed color pSee Sold Price
Sold14th Pres FRANKLIN & 1st Lady JAYNE PIERCE - ALSFranklin Pierce (1804-1869) 14th President. and Jane Pierce (1806-1863) First Lady.7 ¼” x 8 ¾” , two-one half page, autograph letter signed, “Jane”, from Mrs. Pierce, Concord, February 1845,See Sold Price
Sold14th Pres FRANKLIN & 1st Lady JANE PIERCE - ALS & FFFranklin Pierce (1804-1869) 14th President and Jane Means Pierce (1806-1863) First Lady. 4” x 6 ¼”, four-page autograph letter signed, “Jane’, Washington, August 1854, to her sister, Mary M.See Sold Price
SoldFour Franklin Pierce letters,ALS, to General Robert Patterson: one Washington, November 19, 1855, 34 lines regarding Democratic politics, signed "Franklin Pierce" as President, 9-3/4 x 16 in., [large separations at folds;] one MaSee Sold Price
SoldPIERCE FRANKLIN: (1804-1869) American PresidentPIERCE FRANKLIN: (1804-1869) American President 1853-57. A.L.S., Frank Pierce, Brig. Genl. U.S.A., two pages, 4to, Camp at Vergara, near Vera Cruz, Mexico, 16th July 1847, to Colonel H. Wilson, CivilSee Sold Price
SoldFRANKLIN PIERCEFRANKLIN PIERCE (1804 - 1869) Fourteenth President of the United States who initiated the Gadsden Purchase, opening up the Northwest for settlement. Partially printed D.S. 1p. folio, Washington, D.C.See Sold Price
SoldFRANKLIN PIERCEFRANKLIN PIERCE (1804 - 1869) Fourteenth President of the United States who initiated the Gadsden Purchase, opening up the Northwest for settlement. Manuscript D.S. as a member of the House, 1p. 4to.,See Sold Price
SoldFRANKLIN PIERCE HANDWRITTEN SIGNED LETTER481. FRANKLIN PIERCE (1804-1869). Fourteenth President of the United States (1853-57); brigadier general during Mexican War. ALS as senator from New Hampshire, 1p, 7¾"x8¾", Washington, DC, Mar 20, 1See Sold Price
SoldFRANKLIN PIERCE546. FRANKLIN PIERCE (1804-1869). Fourteenth President of the United States (1853-57); brigadier general during Mexican War. Trimmed ALS, 2pp on single leaf, 5"x3", [Nov 29, 1865.] To his friend LewisSee Sold Price
SoldFRANKLIN PIERCEFRANKLIN PIERCE (1804 - 1869) Fourteenth President of the United States who initiated the Gadsden Purchase opening up the Northwest for settlement. Bold full signature as president cut from a July 24See Sold Price
SoldFRANKLIN PIERCEFRANKLIN PIERCE (1804 - 1869) Fourteenth President of the United States who initiated the Gadsden Purchase, opening up the Northwest for settlement. Scarce partly-printed D.S. as President, 1p. folioSee Sold Price
The Ward-Prescott Ruddy Duck Hen Decoy by The Ward BrothersCopley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
1960 J.F.K. for PRESIDENT CAMPAIGN BADGE etcJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Norman Rockwell (American 20th C) Photo Lithograph Four Freedoms SeriesGlobal Auctions Company4.3(36)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Alton S. Tobey, Franklin D Roosevelt potraitLotus International Auctions, LLC4.6(153)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
PRESIDENT LINCOLN AND HIS CABINET LITHOGRAPHHartzell's Auction Gallery, Inc.4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1868 and 1870 Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Annual PassesRail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Signed Document Governor of New York JSA LOA FRAMEDMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024