Reinhard Goerner "Paris Old National Gallery, Berlin" Photographic PrintMarket Auctions4.5(134)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN BOOK LOT 2 GOEBBELS PRINZ EUGENLot of two books titled 1) Der steile Aufstieg. Reden und Aufsätze aus den Jahren 1942/43 by Dr. Joseph Goebbels. 474 pages titled The steep climb. Speeches and essays from 1942/43 of Joseph GoebbelsSee Sold Price
Sold2 Martin Luther German Biblical Vellum Bound Books, incl. Biblia 17081st item: BIBLIA. DAS IST: DIE GANTZE HEILIGE SCHRIFFT ALTES UND NEUES TESTAMENTS, Two Parts in One Volume, translated by Martin Luther, published by Johann Andreas Endter, Nuremberg, 1708. 664 gilt-eSee Sold Price
Sold10 Early German Books Incl ReligionDESCRIPTION" Ten early German books. Includes: 1)"Das Evangelium Nicodeum". Johann George Homan, 1819. HB. 2) "Betrachtungen uber Einige Auserlesene Spruche der Heiligen Schrift". Johann Baumann, 1806See Sold Price
Sold10 Early German Books Incl ReligionDESCRIPTION" Ten early German books. Includes: 1)"Das Evangelium Nicodeum". Johann George Homan, 1819. HB. 2) "Betrachtungen uber Einige Auserlesene Spruche der Heiligen Schrift". Johann Baumann, 1806See Sold Price
Sold5 WWII GERMAN THIRD REICH HISTORY BOOKS GOEBBELSLot of 5 books on various topics regarding the Third Reich, its operations and its leaders. (1) "The Nazi Persecution of the Churches" by J.S Conway (2) "Goebbels: The Man Who Created Hitler" by ViktoSee Sold Price
Sold2 Books incl: UNPARTHEYISCHES..., Mennonite Hymns.[Pennsylvania Germans/Mennonite Hymns]. 2 Titles. 8vo. Sold with all faults. Text is mostly in 2 columns, in black letter. (Normal given what users of these two books would have encountered in the oldSee Sold Price
SoldWWII GERMAN THIRD REICH GOEBBELS & HITLER BOOK LOTLot includes 7 books regarding Third Reich Germany. (1) "Hitler's New Order - Kaiser's Old Order" by Curt Geyer (2) "Adolf Hitler Volume II" by John Toland (3) "Final Entries 1945 the diaries of JoeseSee Sold Price
SoldPorsche 2 x presentation box and 2 booksIncluding book 'Porsche Museum', book 'Porsche Sounds' (original welded), Box '911 Turbo' and '50 Jahre Porsche 1948-1998' incl. book 'Augenblicke' by Peter Vann, GermanSee Sold Price
Sold2 Books incl: THE BELOVED RETURNS, #52/395 signed.[Mann, Thomas]. 2 Titles. ++ THE BELOVED RETURNS: Lotte in Weimar. Translated from the German by H. T. Lowe-Porter. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1940. 8vo. Quarter blue cloth and salmon paper covered boards.See Sold Price
Sold7 Vols, incl 5 mansucript account records.[Financial Records/Children’s/German-Language]. 7 Vols (5 Manuscripts + 2 Printed Books). 16mo-4to. Sold with all faults. ++ manuscript record of transactions with customers, late 1845 to early 1847See Sold Price
Sold2 Books incl: Georges Duthuit, LES FAUVES, (1949).[Matisse, Henri]. 2 Titles. ++ Georges Duthit. LES FAUVES: Braque, Derain, Van Dongen, Dufy, Friesz, Manguin, Marquette, Matisse, Puy, Vlaminck. Geneva: Trois Collines, (1949). 4to. Orig wraps by MatiSee Sold Price
Sold2 Books incl: PICTURESQUE AMERICA. 2 Vols. 49 Pl[Engraved Views]. 2 Titles (4 Vols). ++ PICTURESQUE AMERICA; Or, the Land we Live In. A Delineation by Pen and Pencil of The Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Forests, Water-Falls, Shores, Carsons, Valleys, CSee Sold Price
Sold2 Books incl: FRANKENTHALTER, (1989) review copy.[Frankanthaler, Helen]. 2 Titles. ++ John Elderfield. FRANKENTHALER. Henry N. Abrams, (1989). Sq. 4to. Illustrated texturized paper-covered boards; near fine in publisher’s acetate dj. Review copy wSee Sold Price
Sold2 Books incl: ...BAYSONGHORI MANUSCRIPT... 1971.[Illuminated Manuscript Facsimile]. 2 Titles. ++ AN ALBUM OF MINIATURES AND ILLUMINATIONS FROM THE BAYSONGHORI MANUSCRIPT OF THE SHAHNAMEH OF FERDOWSKI Completed in 833 A.H./A.D. 1430 and Preserved inSee Sold Price
Sold2 Books incl: WOODCUTS... signed by Max Weber.[Weber/Hnizdovsky]. 2 Titles. ++ WOODCUTS AND LINOLEUM BLOCKS BY MAX WEBER. NY: E. Weyhe, (1956). 8vo. Beige fabric. Faint soil to front cover, pencil notation to verso of title, otherwise near fine,See Sold Price
Sold2 Books incl: THE TRAGEDIE OF JULIUS CAESAR.[Greek Classics/Shakespeare]. 2 Titles. ++ THE ODYSSEY OF HOMER. (Lon: Emery Walker, Wilfred Merton and Bruce Rogers), 1932. Orig black leather dry, worn near ends of spine. Slipcase worn. One of 530.See Sold Price
Sold2 books incl: THE SHIP THAT SAILED TO MARS.[Thompson/Timlin illustrations] 2 Titles. ++ William A. Timlin. THE SHIP THAT SAILED TO MARS: A FANTASY. Lon: George G. Harrap & Company, (nd). 1st British edition, with an unstated edition size of roSee Sold Price
Sold2 Books incl: THE GOLDEN COCKEREL MABINOGION, 1/75[Golden Cockerel Press]. 2 Titles. ++ THE GOLDEN COCKEREL MABINOGION: A New Translation from the White Book of Rhydderch and the Red Book of Hergest by Gwyn Jones and Thomas Jones with illustrations bSee Sold Price
Sold2 Books incl: Joly. LEGEND IN JAPANESE ART. 1908.[Asia/Decorative Arts/Swords]. 2 Titles. ++ Henri L. Joly. LEGEND IN JAPANESE ART: A Description of Historical Episodes, Legendary Characters, Folk-Lore Myths, Religious Symbolism. Illustrated in theSee Sold Price
Sold2 books incl: CAMP DAVID inscribed by Jimmy Carter[Carter, Jimmy Pres.] 2 Titles: 1 signed and inscribed. ++ CAMP DAVID ADDRESS OF JIMMY CARTER, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Signed and inscribed by Carter on ffep: “To my friend Rex Scouten- whoSee Sold Price
Sold2 Books incl: VIOLIN ICONOGRAPHY OF ANTONIO...[Music/Violins/Stradivari]. 2 Titles. ++ Herbert K. Goodkind. VIOLIN ICONOGRAPHY OF ANTONIO STRADIVARI 1644-1737. NY: Larchmont, 1972. (Colophon: “Printed by The Stinehour Press and The Meriden GravSee Sold Price
Sold2 Books incl: THE CHARLES B. HOYT COLLECTION.[Asia/Chinese Art/Artifacts]. 2 Titles. ++ THE CHARLES B. HOYT COLLECTION in the Museum of Fine Arts: Boston. Vol I only: Chinese Art: Neolithic Period through the T’ang Dynasty and Sino-Siberian BrSee Sold Price
Sold2 Books incl: ACCOUNT OF THE RUSSIAN... 18032 Titles. ++ William Coxe. ACCOUNT OF THE RUSSIAN DISCOVERIES BETWEEN ASIA AND AMERICA. Lon: Cadell and Davies, 1803. Sabin 17309. 6 plates (4 folding) of which 5 are maps. Maps bound between page xxiSee Sold Price
Sold2 Books incl: BALLADS & LYRICS OF OLD FRANCE.[Literature/Browning/Mosher]. 2 Titles. ++ A. [Andrew] Lang (ed.). BALLADS & LYRICS OF OLD FRANCE. Portland, ME: Thomas B. Mosher, 1896. Tall 12mo. Orig full light brown leather with covers consistingSee Sold Price
Complete Volume 1870-71 Deutsch Franzosische Krieg German Military Books w/ 18 ChromolithosHoller and Hammer4.5(57)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Books: German Life and Manners as seen in Saxony at the Present Day, volumes 1 - 2, by Henry Mayhew.Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
1828 GERMAN PRAYER BOOK antique Heilige Anklange Gebete fur katholische ChristenJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
ANTIQUE GERMAN BOOK JEWS IN CARICATURE EDUARD FUCHSAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Lot of 4 Vintage German Books Printed in GermanyRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
3 Disney Cartoon Tales Books incl Royally EnchantedCordier Auctions4.4(1.5k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Victor Skrebneski (American, 1929-2020) 2 Books incl a First Edition of "Black, White, & Color PhotoDenotter Auctions, LLC4.6(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024