Gama, Opel Kadett RallyeGama, Opel Kadett Rallye, W.-Germany, 21 cm, Blech, Friktion ok, Okt Z 1-, Z 1See Sold Price
Gama, Opel Kadett RallyeGama, Opel Kadett Rallye, W.-Germany, 21 cm, Blech, Antrieb nicht geprueft, Beschaedigung an der Stossstange, sonst guter ZustandSee Sold Price
SoldGama, Opel Kadett RallyeGama, Opel Kadett Rallye, W.-Germany, mixed constr., friction ok, box C 2- (2 flaps missing), C 2+See Sold Price
Gama, Opel Kadett RallyeGama, Opel Kadett Rallye, W.-Germany, tin, friction ok, box C 1-, C 1See Sold Price
SoldGAMA Opel Rallye Kadett, electric drive, sheet metalGAMA Opel Rallye Kadett, electric drive, sheet metal and plastic parts, 20.5 cm, very good condition, in original box, technical not checked German Description GAMA Opel Rallye Kadett, Elektroantrieb,See Sold Price
SoldGama, Opel Rallye KadettGama, Opel Rallye Kadett, W.-Germany, 21 cm, GemBw,Okt, Z 1-2See Sold Price
SoldGama, Opel RekordGama, Opel Rekord, W.-Germany, mixed constr., friction ok, Opel Kadett Rallye Box, C 1-See Sold Price
SoldGama, Opel KadettGama, Opel Kadett, W.-Germany, 21 cm, GemBw, Friktion ok, Okt Z 1-, Z 1-See Sold Price
SoldGAMA Opel, Kadett, coupé, 4649, plastic, cabel control,GAMA Opel, Kadett, coupé, 4649, plastic, cabel control, 20 cm, in original box, slightly worn German Description GAMA Opel, Kadett, Coupé, 4649, Kunststoff, Kabelsteuerung, 20 cm, im Orig.-Kart., etSee Sold Price
GAMA Opel Kadett 461 im OKGama 461 - Opel Kadett, Gemischtbauweise ( plastik/tin ), friktion works poorly - 1 side window scratche, otherwiese mintSee Sold Price
Gama, Opel Kadett CoupeGama, Opel Kadett Coupe, W.-Germany,, mixed constr., friction stiff, box C 1-, C 1See Sold Price
Gama, Opel Kadett CoupeGama, Opel Kadett Coupe, W.-Germany,, mixed constr., min. paint d., box C 2, C 1-See Sold Price
Gama, Opel KadettGama, Opel Kadett, W.-Germany, mixed constr., friction stiff, box C 2+, very good conditionSee Sold Price
SoldGAMA Opel Kadett coup, mechanism, Made in WesternGAMA Opel Kadett coup, mechanism, Made in Western Germany, with electric motor, plastic, good condition, original box is worn German Description GAMA Opel Kadett Coup, Mechanik, Made in Western GermanSee Sold Price
SoldGama, Opel KadettGama, Opel Kadett, W.-Germany, plastic, friction ok, min. paint d., C 2See Sold Price
Mebetoys A34 Opel Kadett RallyeENG Mebetoys A34 Opel Kadett Rallye Mint- yellowed and detached stickers, boxed IT Mebetoys A34 Opel Kadett Rallye Modellino in stato di conservazione quasi da magazzino, con alcune ingialliture e sSee Sold Price
SoldGama, Opel KadettGama, Opel Kadett, W.-Germany,plastic, bat. drive ok, min. paint d., C 2-See Sold Price
SoldGama, Opel Kadett CoupeGama, Opel Kadett Coupe, W.-Germany, mixed constr., friction ok, paint d., box (1 flap loose), C 2See Sold Price
Gama, Opel Kadett "Junior Cupen 1966"Gama, Opel Kadett "Junior Cupen 1966", W.-Germany, mixed constr., friction ok, min. paint d., C 1-See Sold Price
SoldGama, Opel Kadett 461Gama, Opel Kadett 461, W.-Germany, mixed constr., friction ok, min. paint d. on roof, C 2+See Sold Price
SoldGama, Opel Kadett CoupeGama, Opel Kadett Coupe, W.-Germany, mixed constr., friction ok, C 1-See Sold Price
SoldGamaGama, Opel Kadett Coupé, W.-Germany, plastic, friction ok, box: partially corners ripped, C 2+, C 1-2See Sold Price
Dinky Toys, Opel Kapitan & 167 A.C.Ceca CoupeAntico Mondo Auktionen4.6(361)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024