A FINE PERSIAN MALAYER PRAYER RUG WITH CYPRESS C. 1860Soulis Auctions4.8(953)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Henry Lawrence Faulkner Winged Angel Saint Icon Gilt Oil Kentucky Key West NY Gay LGBTQ InterestHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Antique Persian Mohtashem Kashan Mythological Rug 6 ft 8 in x 4 ft 8 in (2.03 m x 1.42 m)Nazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Antique Pictorial Persian Mohtashem Kashan Rug 7 ft 0 in x 4 ft 3 in (2.13 m x 1.29 m)Nazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pair Of 19Th C. Icons, Gothic Style Original GiltRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Antique Persian Kashan Kum Kapi Design Prayer Rug 6 ft 9 in x 4 ft 3 in (2.05 m x 1.29 m)Nazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A fine and early Russian silver and gilt framed painted iconOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Silk And Metallic Thread Antique Turkish Kayseri Prayer Rug 5 ft 9 in x 4 ft 2 in (1.75 m x 1.27 m)Nazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
SoldEgyptian Faience Amuletic Plaque - Hyksos ExpulsionAncient Egypt, New Kingdom, ca. 1532 to 1070 BCE, probably earlier in the period. A mold made amuletic plaque, made of a dark blue-green faience, its face incised with a statement celebrating the expuSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Egyptian Green Glaze Faience Amuletic Plaque ofAncient Egyptian Green Glaze Faience Amuletic Plaque of Imsety Late Period, circa 664-332 BCE.One of the four sons of Horus, flat-backed, with details of the wig added in black.1-1/3 inches (3.5 cm) hSee Sold Price
Ancient Egyptian Green Glaze Faience Amuletic ImsetyAncient Egyptian Green Glaze Faience Amuletic Plaque of Imsety Late Period, circa 664-332 BCE.One of the four sons of Horus, flat-backed, with details of the wig added in black.1-1/3 inches (3.5 cm) hSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian faience plaque with Djed pillar, Knots of IsisAn Egyptian turquoise faience plaque with a Djed pillar flanked by Knots of Isis, Late Period, c.664 - 332 BC, frontally molded and well-preserved with good color. H: ¾ in (2cm), W: ¾ in (2cm). Ex BSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful Egyptian faience plaque depicting Apis BullA beautiful Egyptian faience plaque depicting the Apis Bull, Late Period, c. 664 - 30 BC, wearing solar disk, horns and uraeus, a lotus flower tied around its neck, papyrus stalks behind. Extremely weSee Sold Price
SoldAn Egyptian Faience Plaque and An AmuletEgypt; Late period, 716-30BC The plaque is a larger example of Isis in mourning. Deep turquoise color. The amulet is double sided: the head of Bes on front, glyphs on reverse. Pierced three times forSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian faience plaque depicting pharaoh with scepterAn Egyptian faience plaque depicting pharaoh with a scepter, Late Period, c. 664 - 30 BC, inscription between figure and scepter reads 'Amen-Re is satisfied' with an ankh below. Well preserved with glSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian Faience Plaque with Cartouches, .Egyptian Faience Plaque with Cartouches, 19th Dynasty, Ramesside, c. 1250 B.C. Engraved with the standing figure facing the hieroglyphs "Re" and "truth", the front with double cartouche wit with, a seSee Sold Price
Egyptian Faience Plaque, Five GoddessesLarge Egyptian Faience Open-Work Plaque with Five Goddesses, 25th-30th Dynasty, c. 712-330 B.C. Turquoise open-work plaque Depicting in front and back Isis, Hathor, Mut, Nephthys and Sekhmet-Tefnut. SSee Sold Price
Egyptian Faience Plaque of a Seated Falcon HorusEgyptian Faience Plaque of a Seated Falcon Horus, 26th - 30th Dynasty, c. 665-345 B.C. Egypt, 26th - 30th Dynasty, c. 665-345 B.C. Plaque of a seated falcon in the form of a squatting Horus holding thSee Sold Price
A group of 7 Egyptian faience plaques and beadsA group of 7 Egyptian faience plaques and beads, Late Period, c. 664 - 30 BC, including a round plaque with the head of Bes, an Eye of Horus, a few Eye of Horus amulets, a rectangular bead with star mSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian Faience Amuletic Necklace GroupLate Dynastic Period, 664-332 BC A mixed group of three restrung undated seed bead necklaces, each with a modern clasp; one with a djed pillar amulet, one with a bichrome wedjat eye and one with an AmSee Sold Price
Egyptian faience plaque and Near Eastern bronze sealAn Egyptian faience plaque and Near Eastern bronze stamp seal. The Egyptian plaque, Late Period, c. 664 - 30 BC, featuring a pair of seated deities on one side and an owl and signs on the others, 19 xSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian faience plaque of the triad, Late PeriodAn Egyptian faience plaque of the triad, Late Period, c. 664 - 30 BC, with the standing figures of Isis and her sister Nephthys flanking Horus. Rectangular shaped with small integral base and small suSee Sold Price
An Egyptian faience plaque of the triadAn Egyptian faience plaque of the triad, Late Period, c. 664 - 30 BC, with the standing figures of Isis and her sister Nephthys flanking Horus. Rectangular shaped with small integral base and small suSee Sold Price
Egyptian faience plaque & Near Eastern bronze stampAn Egyptian faience plaque and Near Eastern bronze stamp seal. The Egyptian plaque, Late Period, c. 664 - 30 BC, featuring a pair of seated deities on one side and an owl and signs on the others, 19 xSee Sold Price
An Egyptian faience plaque of the TriadAn Egyptian faience plaque of the Triad, Late Period, c. 664 - 30 BC, with the standing figures of Isis and her sister Nephthys flanking Horus. Rectangular shaped with small integral base and small suSee Sold Price
Egyptian Faience Plaque with Baboon, 18th Dynasty, c.Title: Egyptian Faience Plaque with Baboon, 18th Dynasty, c. 1567-1320 B.C. Date and Origin: Egypt, c. 1567-1320 B.C. Description:Of royal blue, cast in high relief with a seated baboon. Loop for suspSee Sold Price
A group of 7 Egyptian faience plaques and beadsA group of 7 Egyptian faience plaques and beads, Late Period, c. 664 - 30 BC, including a round plaque with the head of Bes, an Eye of Horus, a few Eye of Horus amulets, a rectangular bead with star mSee Sold Price
Egyptian Amuletic PlaqueLate Dynastic Period, 404-332 BC. A carved schist tablet with gently domed faces, opposed duck-heads forming the suspension loop. 17 grams, 47mm (2"). From the collection of a Mayfair, London, UK, genSee Sold Price
An Egyptian faience plaque of the TriadAn Egyptian faience plaque of the Triad, Late Period, c. 664 - 30 BC, with the standing figures of Isis and her sister Nephthys flanking Horus. Rectangular shaped with small integral base and small suSee Sold Price
Egyptian faience plaque & Near Eastern bronze stampAn Egyptian faience plaque and Near Eastern bronze stamp seal. The Egyptian plaque, Late Period, c. 664 - 30 BC, featuring a pair of seated deities on one side and an owl and signs on the others, 19 xSee Sold Price
Egyptian Faience Plaque with Baboon, 18th Dynasty, c.title: Egyptian Faience Plaque with Baboon, 18th Dynasty, c. 1567-1320 B.C. Date and Origin: Egypt, c. 1567-1320 B.C. Description: Of royal blue, cast in high relief with a seated baboon. Loop for susSee Sold Price
3 Egyptian faience plaques, Late PeriodA lot of three Egyptian faience plaques, Late Period, c. 664 - 30 BC. The first is rectangular shaped, the top curved with suspension loop and contains a beaded border surrounding a trio of seated godSee Sold Price
Egyptian Faience Sistrum Fragment with Hathor HeadTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Egyptian Faience Bead Necklace String with AmuletsTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Egyptian Faience Bead Necklace String with Horus AmuletTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Egyptian Faience and Carnelian Beads in Victorian Necklace SetTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Egyptian Faience Shabti Figure with Hieroglyphic InscriptionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Egyptian Faience Amulet with Thoth as Ibis and MaatTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
An Egyptian Faience Plaque with Hieroglyphic InscriptionsThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Wearable Egyptian Faience Bead Necklace w/ Eye of HorusArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
AN EGYPTIAN FAIENCE GLAZED USHABTI FIGURE upon a later ebonised base. Ushabti 11 cm high.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024