SoldVictorian Silver-Mounted Glass Claret JugVictorian Sterling Silver-Mounted Engraved Glass Claret Jug, hallmarked Sheffield, 1877-1878, by W. & G. Sissons, of ovoid form, the glass body wheel-engraved with ferns and flowers, with beaded silvSee Sold Price
SoldA VICTORIAN SILVER MOUNTED GLASS CLARET JUG by RobertA VICTORIAN SILVER MOUNTED GLASS CLARET JUG by Robert Harper. With central bacchus mask head. London 1871. 28 cm high.See Sold Price
SoldVictorian silver mounted glass claret jug after aVictorian silver mounted glass claret jug after a design by Christopher Dresser, the silver mounts hallmarked for London 1884, makers mark E.H. within a shaped cartouche, 22cms highSee Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, 9insA Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, with pinched body and engraved armorial, maker F.Elkington, London, 1887, 9insSee Sold Price
SoldA late Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug,A late Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, Birmingham 1893, the slightly ovoid clear cut glass body with a silver embossed collar, hinged domed cover having an octagonal finial, and CSee Sold Price
SoldVictorian silver mounted glass claret jug.Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, the silver collar with lobed edge to the diamond and star cut glass body. Hallmarked John Grinsell & Sons Birmingham 1891, registration number 178644, retailSee Sold Price
SoldA late Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug,A late Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, by Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co Ltd, London 1899, the clear plain glass cylindrical body with a swollen base, having a silver collar, hingedSee Sold Price
SoldVictorian Silver Mounted Glass Claret Jug, William & GeorgeVictorian Silver Mounted Glass Claret Jug, William & George Sissons, Sheffield, 1884height 10 in — 25.5 cmEstimate: $200—300See Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug by RobertA Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug by Robert Harper, London 1876, with a band of foliage to the domed lid and mount, with a mask spout and a C-scroll handle, the glass body engraved and etcheSee Sold Price
A Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug.A Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, of ribbed bulbous outline and cut with a band of clear oval flutes to the mainly frosted body, rising to a cylindrical neck with ribbed silver collar and dSee Sold Price
SoldA late Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug.A late Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, the spherical cut glass body rising to the silver collar and domed hinged lid with chased scroll decoration and plain angular handle. Hallmarked AtkinSee Sold Price
SoldA late Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug.A late Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug. by William Devenport, Birmingham 1900, the baluster shaped clear cut glass body with silver mount engraved with arabesques, stylised scroll handle andSee Sold Price
SoldLate Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug,Late Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, Birmingham 1893See Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug.A Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, of cylindrical form with a bulbous base and rope twist handle, the silver collar decorated with twin opposed Scottish Highland scenes, one containing a staSee Sold Price
Victorian silver-mounted glass claret jugA pretty Victorian silver-mounted glass claret jug by George Richards & Edward Brown, London, 1859 The body cut and etched with lily pads and flowers, the cylindrical neck decorated with acanthusSee Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, CartwrightA Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, Cartwright and Woodward, Birmingham 1860, globe and shaft form, the body etched with Anthemion band between dot and zigzag border, the neck cast and reticuSee Sold Price
SoldA late Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, theA late Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, the oval and tapering glass body press moulded with a scale pattern throughout, the applied silver neck and flat hinged lid engraved with birds on floSee Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, AtkinA Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, Atkin Brothers, Sheffield 1869, tapered and angled baluster form, cut and etched with alternating bands of hobnail and egg and dart strips, the handle andSee Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, the clearA Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, the clear glass body of ovoid form to a circular foot, having silver mounted scrolling handle, and hinged cover with beaded borders, engraved crest depictiSee Sold Price
SoldVictorian silver mounted etched glass claret jug.Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, the main body of tapering flat bottomed form and etched with floral garlands and butterflies, the silver collar with diamond pierced border, engraved decoratSee Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver-mounted cut glass claret jug, byA Victorian silver-mounted cut glass claret jug, by Cartwright, Hirons & Woodward, Birmingham 1857,decorated with trailing vines, grapes and tendrils, with naturalistic scroll handle, 29cm highSee Sold Price
SoldVictorian silver mounted cut glass claret jug LondonVictorian silver mounted cut glass claret jug London 1889 by Charles Edwards 12½in. (30cm)See Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver mounted cut glass claret jug,A Victorian silver mounted cut glass claret jug, by J Sherwood & Sons, Birmingham 1893, of somewhat mallet shaped form with fluted and panelled gut glass decoration, the collar, 35mm deep, decorated wSee Sold Price
SoldVictorian silver mounted cut glass claret jug withVictorian silver mounted cut glass claret jug with simulated bamboo handle, Sheffield 1893, 27cm highSee Sold Price
A set of three French early 20th-century silver-mounted claret jugsLyon & Turnbull4.3(51)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
A Victorian silver-mounted Baccarat cut glass claret jugLyon & Turnbull4.3(51)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
A Victorian cranberry glass claret jug with decorative metal mounts and handle. Approx. 13" highClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
19th Century Antique Victorian Sterling Silver Claret Jug London 1867 Samuel WhitfordJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A FINE LARGE VICTORIAN SILVER PLATED CUT GLASS CLARET JUG Attributed to Elkington & Co. 27 cm x 18 cHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AN ANTIQUE SILVER PLATED CUT GLASS CLARET JUG. 28 cm x 12 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AN ANTIQUE SILVER PLATED CUT GLASS CLARET JUG together with another silver plated mounted cut glassHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AN EDWARDIAN SILVER MOUNTED CLARET JUG. Sheffield 1904. 996 grams overall inc glass. 29 cm x 15 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A Victorian Silver Mounted Claret Jug of small proportions. Hallmarked London 1893. 16cm x 15cm xHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A LATE VICTORIAN SILVER CUT GLASS CLARET JUG. Sheffield 1899. 884 grams overall. 18 cm x 15 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
AN EDWARDIAN SILVER MOUNTED CLARET JUG. London 1903. 617 grams overall. 20 cm x 14 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A SILVER MOUNTED VASE FORM GLASS CLARET JUG. Sheffield 1967. 591 grams overall. 27 cm x 13 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Victorian Silver Plate and Cut Glass Claret JugAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025