SoldPlateau Beaded Wool Dress Plateau Beaded Wool Dress thread-sewn wool with strips of beaded hide along shoulders using glass bead colors of pink, pea green, light blue, greasy yellow, and red white-heart; rows of cowrie shelSee Sold Price
SoldPlateau Beaded Wool Dress Plateau Beaded Wool Dress, yoke decorated with lanes of snap beads and rows of cowrie shells; hide fringe enhances sleeves, length 42" x chest 40". second quarter 20th centurySee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN PLATEAU BEADED WOOL GIRL'S DRESSPlateau navy blue wool girl's dress, mid 20th c., with red, white, blue, and green beading, satin ribbon trim, hide fringe, canvas upper lining, bust: approx 19"w, overall: approx 41.5"l (all measuremSee Sold Price
SoldPLATEAU BEADED WOOL GIRL'S DRESS, C.1900-1920Native American wool girl's dress, Plateau, c.1900-1920, floral beading, sleeves: approx 6.75"l, collar to hem: approx 43"l, 1.5lbs Start Price: $200.00See Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN WOMAN'S BEADED DRESS, plateau, navNATIVE AMERICAN WOMAN'S BEADED DRESS, plateau, navy wool dress decorated with applied panels of beadwork on arms of geometric elements against a light blue field, bands of beaded decoration across cheSee Sold Price
SoldPlateau Beaded DressCa. 1940s, Traditional, blue/green wool cloth dress with cowry shell decorations and a beautiful lazy stitch beaded yoke made using faceted seed beads. Very good condition. Body 46" x 40", sleeves 12"See Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN PLATEAU BEADED TRADE CLOTH DRESSNative American child's trade cloth dress, Plateau, c.1910-1930, red and white wool trade cloth dress featuring beaded bodice with white, green, blue, red and yellow glass beads in a naturalistic florSee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN PLATEAU BEADED TRADE CLOTH DRESSNative American child's trade cloth dress, Plateau, c.1910-1930, red and white wool trade cloth dress featuring beaded bodice with white, green, blue, red and yellow glass beads in a naturalistic florSee Sold Price
SoldPlateau Beaded DressClassic girls' white buckskin dress with red wool felt yoke and lazy stitch beaded shoulders and tops. Ex: Swanson Collection. Condition: very good. 41" long Circa: Mid 1900sSee Sold Price
SoldPlateau Beaded Hide Doll, Plateau Beaded Hide Doll, early 20th century with beaded and inked facial features and long horsehair braids; dress with loosely beaded yoke, wool leggings, and wrapped hide moccasins, height 15".See Sold Price
SoldPlateau Beaded Canvas Dress Yoke thread-sewn on canvas and fully beaded using tubular glass beads; neckline edged with red wool; yoke detailed with pink ribbon and beaded fringe that hangs along lower edge. Hem decorated with a vSee Sold Price
A Plateau Beaded Hide Dress c. 1880 hide, ponA Plateau Beaded Hide Dressc. 1880 hide, pony beads, seed beads, tubular beads, redSee Sold Price
SoldA PLATEAU BEADED HIDE DRESS YOKE c. 1900A PLATEAU BEADED HIDE DRESS YOKEc. 1900 composed of red and navy blue wool trade cloth,See Sold Price
SoldA PLATEAU BEADED CLOTH DRESS YOKE c. 1900A PLATEAU BEADED CLOTH DRESS YOKEc. 1900 composed of red and navy blue wool trade clothSee Sold Price
SoldA PLATEAU BEADED CLOTH DRESS c. 1940A PLATEAU BEADED CLOTH DRESSc. 1940 composed of red and green wool trade cloth, includiSee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN PLATEAU BEADED DRESS MOCCASINSOne light brown buck/doeskin adolescent's beaded leather dress from Plateau Native American Indian culture. Dress has 6 red, white and blue circular beaded designs on front part and one red, white, grSee Sold Price
SoldPlateau Beaded Wool Leggings, From the Stanley B.Plateau Beaded Wool Leggings, From the Stanley B. Slocum Collection, Minnesota navy blue trade wool with white selvedge edge; green and red ribbon line the outer edge and a red wool panel beaded withSee Sold Price
SoldA Plateau Beaded Wool Horse Mask c. 1900 wool,A Plateau Beaded Wool Horse Mask c. 1900 wool, glass seed beads, muslin, brass buttons,brass sequins, brass hawk bells, hide, thread Length: 53 inches overallHID03101242017See Sold Price
SoldPlateau Beaded Dress52" x 63" red, yellow, dark and light blue, pink and green beading across chest in alternating bands and lanes across shoulders with red trade cloth binding at neck. On native tanned hide with great fSee Sold Price
SoldPlateau Beaded DressEarly 1900s, Beautiful native tanned elk hide dress, the yoke with undulating rows of larger red, white, green, and blue beads, the shoulder strips lazy stitch beaded with 20/0 cut seed beads and contSee Sold Price
SoldPlateau Beaded DressEarly/Mid 1900s, Beautiful hand-cut buckskin and elk hide dress with classic flowing contour beaded yoke, cut-in fringe, yellow ochring, and suspensions front and back of brass beads, buttons, ChineseSee Sold Price
SoldVINTAGE BEADED WOOL DRESS WITH SASHVINTAGE BEADED WOOL DRESS WITH SASH, having deep V-neckline outlined with silver, black, brown, and red rose floral design, black silk inset, brown piping around armholes with long sleeves ending in hSee Sold Price
Mid Century Wool Dress & Jacket EnsembleThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Krizia II Long Wool Plus size Dress, ItalyThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Ellen Tracy Lt Pink Long Sleeve Wool Shift, 2The Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Georges Croegaert 1848-1923 Oil Painting on board portrait of woman in profileGlobal Auctions Company4.3(36)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Chanel, 2007 Printemps, Creme Silk Pleated Tuxedo Chest and Black Pleated Wool Cross-Strap DressMODVIN 4.2(4)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Lot 2 Green & White Wool Beaded BeretsThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Porcelain doll with pink wool dress and hat and built in music boxBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Saint Laurent Rive Gauche. Robe portefeuille en lainage rouge.Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceMay 17, 2024